CoD:MW2 Suggestions

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by SargeantSarcasm, Mar 17, 2009.

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  1. SargeantSarcasm

    SargeantSarcasm In Loving Memory
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    So, I wrote this about a week and a half ago specifically for the Infinity Ward forums. An IW Dev was tracking it for updates, but it got deleted by some idiot mod before I could add my 2nd and 3rd articles to it. So, I'm planning on emailing it directly to their community manager (seems like a cool guy) with the addendum I just spoke about.

    However, I need your help, I feel like I'm missing some stuff, I've a separate list in my head of ideas I'm going to talk about when I rewrite the entire thing, but I'd rather not state them as it may put you all off in the idea-giving process.

    Oh, it seems I've stated my purpose, I need your input on what I should add to this.

    There are three articles:

    1 (seen below) deals with changes to multiplayer and hints at some stuff for campaign.

    2 deals with changes to single player

    3 deals with what they did right and should leave unchanged and what they need to avoid incorporating into the next game

    So please, add any topics you'd like to see in the next game and I'll write about em (please state one of the categories, 1 2 3), when I email my final draft I'll post it here so you guys can see the fruits of our labour.

    Thank you.

    These are my thoughts, suggestions, ideas, in nor particular order of importance, rather just as they come to mind from my experience loving the original.

    Suggestion One: Knifing

    Now, for some reason, I find myself prone to knifing whenever (but usually not) possible for a reason that is rather unknown to me. I'll attribute it to a mere primal urge of dominance over my enemy as my ponderings would probably lead off-topic. I digress, well not really. This thought came to me as I switched from CoD4 to Battlefield: Bad Company for a short while (to appease the achievement monger in me) and I became instantly attracted to their knifing system. It works extremely similar to that which CoD4 employs, even feeling the same (albeit with slightly laggier timing), however, there is one key improvement, actual incentive.

    For those of you unfamiliar with the system, every time you knife someone (thus killing them in the most humiliating fashion in the context of an overpowered-weapons game) you collect a dog tag. It works as a simple medal, garnering nothing but self-pride, which to me (and clearly this is my opinion) is what the prestige system is. Furthermore, the dog tag even has the name of your victim plastered on it, so that -and I may be incorrect- you may go back into your history and see those you've vanquished.

    I realize its rather trivial aspect of the game, but I think it would keep people attracted to the oft-neglected weapon as a means of dispatching foes.

    Suggestion Two: Online Co-Op

    As the abilities of the internet spreads, so does the amount of players using online services such as Xbox Live and the Playstation Network, as it is much easier to talk and play via these systems rather than toiling through the arduous task that is setting up a LAN party (which will be addressed further down).

    What exactly does this imply?

    Well, more and more developers have opted to include online co-op to share the experience of "single player" (funny how the term is growing obsolete) with their dearest friends. I was elated when I played CoD4's campaign for the first time (loved the flashback missions, bought the game solely on the E3 footage) and wanted to share it with others. However, upon the discovery of the lack of co-op, I was depressed, and due to my selfish nature, I denied any requests to borrow my game since I was currently undertaking marathon sessions for the various aspects of the game (all achievements, veteran mode, unlocking my love...the Dragunov).

    I still do believe CoD4's campaign to be the very best, surpassing the storytelling I loved in Halo:CE.

    Why not make it more accessible?

    sidenote: I think this would definitely boost sales as I've heard from many people that they look for co-op in a game before nearly anything else.

    Suggestion Three: Customization

    One of the reasons I believe CoD4 has lasted so long is the mere fact that it really pushed character customization into the forefront of multiplayer gaming. We now see sequels such as Rainbow Six: Vegas 2 and Killzone 2 employing the system, innovating and pushing it to the extremes. While it may not work as well in those FPS counterparts as it does for CoD (supercharacters abound), I believe the current system could use an upgrade.

    This could incorporate various ideas:

    1) On-the-fly simplistic changes

    While this could prove difficult to implement, it would definitely cement CoD's dominance as the premier FPS. If I'm entering a CQC (close quarters combat) situation, do I really need that Acog scope, why not switch it out for a silencer? It could delay my movement (much like calling in support) to balance out the advantage it presents to users. It could even be a perk.

    2) More content

    As mentioned earlier in my post, customization seem to be the staple of the CoD franchise in modernity. Expand the system; add more perks (I can foresee issues regarding balancing and even adding new concepts), more weapons, more clothing, more skins. It would provide the incentive to keep playing the game far into the future.

    Suggestion Three-Point-Five: Ghillie Suits

    I mentioned Battlefield: Bad Company earlier in my post for the sake of expanding upon the knifing system, now for a brief anecdote concerning sniping.

    I ran straight across the field, confident in my stealth abilities, timing...key. I ducked into a bush for the first time, a tank rolled by, sweat dripping down my fingertips as I expect certain doom. Nothing. The behemoth rolls by.

    A bush, my savior?

    This couldn't happen in CoD4, the Ghillie Suits provide far too much contrast to the native environment to be effective on any map other than Creek and Overgrown. I realize that most of the maps are in urban environments, but even in the aforementioned settings, any veteran player could spot a sniper from one side of the map sans a scope.

    I believe, and while this isn't a large enough issue to merit much discussion, that a revamp of the coloring of the suits would prove effective. Snipers wouldn't prone to being found every few seconds on maps.

    I think the original concern was that, if snipers were too well hidden (coupled with UAV Jammer), they'd be virtually unstoppable if they timed their shots right. I don't know how to remedy this situation as I'm not a game developer (I do aim to be once I enter college next fall) so I lack the balancing experience necessary.

    If done well, as with my other suggestions, I think it will extend CoD:MW2's lifespan exponentially (okay maybe not that drastic).

    Suggestion Four: Extend Killstreak Rewards

    One of the main issues I've experienced during my play sessions was the prevalence of team-killing (also addressed later) in order to preserve a streak and gain the rewards associated with it (UAV at 3 etc). There's really no incentive other than personal pride to keep one from asking a teammate to commit euthanasia.

    I'm not suggesting that there be more rewards, as I think the current system is fine, rather, it resets once you hit 7 kills, and continues indefinitely. A new chance at a UAV at 10 kills, airstrike yet again at 12, etc.

    Suggestion Five: Incentives

    As I alluded above, incentives keep players engaged in the experience. This was proven by the effective placement of "achievements" in all Xbox 360 games. It worked so well, that Microsoft's chief competition included their own version known as the Playstation 3 Trophy.

    Little things could be added to increase player incentive. A few ideas:

    1) Rewards for Prestige-ing

    At this point, Prestige isn't really important to anyone besides completionists. I could be wrong, but as I said, this is the interpretation I've gathered from my time playing CoD4. In fact, the "honor" that accompanies such a drastic move, really isn't important. I've played with many Level 10 Prestige 55's, I've not heard a single word from anyone about their status, nor does it show their aptitude. It is a neglected status symbol.

    Treyarch attempted to remedy this, with the incorporation of added Custom Classes slots with each new prestige. While I thought it was noble, it wasn't very effective according to the many players I've discussed the matter with. Perhaps adding new perks, new playlists for veterans. Something.

    2) Miscellaneous Rewards

    Simple bonuses for anything really, extra Experience for getting two kills with one bullet, or completely a challenge for killing four opponents within 10 seconds

    Suggestion Six: Statistics

    Aside from the alliteration, I really think this would appease the true completionists and hardcore players.

    I'm aware that CoD4 has a simple system in place, documenting Headshots, Kills, Wins/Losses, etc, but it could be much more detailed. Comparing stats could really breed competition and motivation to constantly keep playing.

    Furthermore, it just adds a bit of nostalgia to long-time players. Remembering each of the few flash-grenade kills they may have accumulated or even just logging how many times they've shattered bones jumping from one area to another.

    I don't know how to further elucidate my point, but I believe it is a simple enough concept to properly grasp.

    Suggestion Seven: Playlists

    One of my gripes with CoD4 was the variety, or lack thereof, of playlists at launch. The developers at Infinity Ward have been kind enough to update the system when they can, but I think a plethora of various playstyles would really sink into the player's mind when they first boot the multiplayer games.

    1) Capture The Flag

    It would play AMAZING if incorporated into the game, as the game type really sticks to quick-paced strategy, which Hardcore players tend to do on their own.

    2) Tweaks to Current Playlists/Splinter Parties

    Perhaps a playlist where only pistols are involved (or similar weapon types), or one where only players of a certain level/prestige may play, in order to balance out the skill-level gap between new players and veterans.

    Suggestion Eight: Theatre Mode

    Yes, I got this directly from Halo 3, and I realize the implications of such a suggestion, but please, bear with me.

    Having such a mode, and it would require a rehaul of the CoD engine (methinks in my unknowledgeable opinion), would allow for easier montages, strategy, and even the oft-neglected CoD machinima (of which I'm eager to see as CoD4 present amazing visuals that were to hard to film due to static First Person Perspective).


    CoD4 is one of my favorite games and I absolutely love the product Infinity Ward delivered, but with sequels, fans expect improvement, and in the spirit of maximizing perfection, I've provided my thoughts.

    I realize that, as a fan, and not a game developer (hope to be, starting college next year), these are merely hopes, and most, if not all, may not be feasible in regards to the current technology.

    I've still many more in mind, specifically in regards to single-player and what's done so well it should not be changed, but we'll wait and see if I get reprimanded for this first : P

    thanks for reading my massive post, and I hope you enjoyed it, or that it at least sparks some ideas of your own.
  2. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    Would you rather us suggest new things and things to keep, or would it be alright if I commented on some things that need fixing, such as respawning and the party system?
  3. SargeantSarcasm

    SargeantSarcasm In Loving Memory
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    Whatever you feel. I'm only sending this once so I need as much as possible.

    BASED GOD Ancient

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    If they keep perks in, I would like to see a perk which is a fake UAV spot, that when initiated would give off a fake signal.

    Also, thermal version.
  5. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    Well, as many people mention, the spawns in Call of Duty are horrible. It's so easy for a team to start spawn killing, and many times players spawn directly in front of enemies. To fix the spawn killing problem, it would be good to implement Halo 3's supposed spawn system that takes into account where people die, rather than the proximity requirements the current CoD has.

    Second is the party system. Almost everytime I play, if I have atleast 4 people in a party, we will somehow end up in separate games. It would be good if Infinity Ward could fix that and make sure that a party can only join games that have enough slots to support the entire party.

    Third, it would be nice if Infinity Ward could implement dedicated servers. This would prevent any host advantages and make sure that games wouldn't end prematurely due to the host quitting.

    All belong in Category 1, I believe. That's all I could think of off the top of my head you hadn't already mentioned. I'll write some more if I think of anything.

    EDIT: HotPokkaminny made me thiink of something. I would love for them to create multiplayer maps where night vision, thermal vision, and other things like that are crucial to gameplay and are actually needed, rather than being a disgust when your finger hits the wrong D-Pad direction.
    #5 Shatakai, Mar 18, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2009
  6. SargeantSarcasm

    SargeantSarcasm In Loving Memory
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    The first is awesome, the second is eh.

    Ah yes spawns, forgot about that...think I omitted it for a reason that I dont recall.

    Parties could do with a revamp.

    dedicated servers take some money...

  7. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    It would take alot of money, but is great when used in a game. L4D is one game that comes to mind that has it, and I have yet to suffer any lag or witness anyone lagging.

    BASED GOD Ancient

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    This may sound a bit odd, but less blood and gore and some refinement of the engine.
  9. LOCK.xcf

    LOCK.xcf Ancient
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    Yeah, the engine could use some work. better explosions, partical effects, and most of all, add some depth. COD4 is just way to crisp. I want some good blurring effects like in Crysis, Killzone 2, and Gears of war 2.
  10. SargeantSarcasm

    SargeantSarcasm In Loving Memory
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    I don't think engine mechanics can be modified at all at this point.

    BASED GOD Ancient

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    to be honest I want it more like BF: BC

    Playlists that cater to play style, for example: CQB, Long range, no stopping power/juggernaut etc
  12. LOCK.xcf

    LOCK.xcf Ancient
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    BC was a good game, but that kind of map design wont cater to the COD4 gameplay. It is more fast paced, in your face, quick action. BC's maps are way too big.

    BASED GOD Ancient

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    I'm talking graphically.
  14. Black Theorem

    Black Theorem Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    9 split screen matchmaking is only a Halo thing? Hmmm...

    I dint think I'm gonna buy anymore games unless they have splitscreen multi. It's annoying having to split my time on COD4 and GoW2 with my brother just so we get equal play time.
    #14 Black Theorem, Mar 18, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2009
  15. Ak Gumby

    Ak Gumby Ancient
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    I agree with all of the suggestions, but have a comment on suggestion 4. I don't think that it should be increased to 10 kills = UAV, etc. But only increased to 5 kills = UAV, 7 kills = airstike, 10 kills = heli(or something else). In my perspective, people would camp so they can achieve their 10 kill streak/UAV, then most likely die once they get it.

    For incentives, I completely agree, having 10 classes doesn't really do much once at 10th prestige. To me, I think 7 classes is enough to begin with. Being rewarded with playlists is a great suggestion, play with people your level in that playlist.

    Good luck with this, I would love for this to go through.
  16. SargeantSarcasm

    SargeantSarcasm In Loving Memory
    Senior Member

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    lol you read it wrong, it means that they repeat

    so its

  17. Ak Gumby

    Ak Gumby Ancient
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    Oh, my mistake, well since you put it that way, nothing is wrong with any of the suggestions.

  18. Black Theorem

    Black Theorem Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Just to clarify: do you want COD: MW2 to have splitscreen multiplayer over XBL? i think so!
  19. SargeantSarcasm

    SargeantSarcasm In Loving Memory
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    I was pissed when i found out CoD4 didnt have it, I was so psyched for it.

    BASED GOD Ancient

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    Something similar to zombies.
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