Inverted Created by IxSPAWNxKILL Supported Gametypes: Slayer CTF (ctf version) SWAT Map Description This is my first forged map on Sandbox's crypt and is also my first MLG map. The map is a fairly large and symmetrical map. Weapons consist of:8 BRs, 2 Carbines, 4 Plasma grenades, 8 Frag grenades, a sniper, a rocket launcher, a Custom Power-up, Invisibility, and 2 maulers. There are 2 symmetrical bases, a sniper tower in one corner, and a rocket/invisibility tunnel at the opposite corner. Common Call-Outs: Blue base Red base Blue Alley Red alley Blue pipe Red pipe Under Red(pipe) Under blue(pipe) Rocket tunnel Invis tunnel Invis Rocket platform Sniper Platform Sniper Tower Center/Power-up. These Pictures were taken for my MLG version. (Custom Power-up is Oversheild.) Rocket Platform/Invisibility Sniper Tower Under Rocket Platform Blue Base Red Tube Center/ Power-up Spawn Blue Alley Overview That's about it. Please comment and tell me if you have any suggestions/problems that I should change. Download Inverted V1 Here Download Inverted CTF Here This map still needs improvement and im not the best of forgers and i don't have very much patience to make a perfect map. If you would like to help me improve my map please contact me by either messaging me on XBL(GT:IxSPAWNxKILL) or PM me.
Your choice of geometry is really interesting... I like it. I think however that the custom powerup should probably be changed to an Overshield or Camo depending on how the map plays. Custom powerups are not used often and can ruin the map if played with the wrong gametype (with wierd custom powerup traits).
Don't actually believe all of the pictures. These pictures were taken for my MLG version of the map. On the Normal Slayer version, it is an Oversheild and not a Custom Power-up. Sorry about that.
this map looks excellent, with lots of area and enough cover as well as well positioned weapons, but yes, i would replace the custom powerup with an overshield or active camo. but try not to double post. 4.5/5
Hey what's going on man I was just browsing through the forums and I noticed this map has been posted in two different categories. (MLG and Competitve Maps.) I don't know if this was an accident or meant to be done, but either way I think it's against the rules so I'd remove one of them. On to the map - I really like the design of the map. Instead of just another variant of the Crypt, you actually made it look like a map and the design is very unique. I will download later and see what the game play is like. Game play aside, you get a 5/5 from me. We'll see what happens after a couple games of MLG.