Foundry SpawnTrap

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by iRaynne, Mar 17, 2009.

  1. iRaynne

    iRaynne Ancient
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    Hey everyone, its me. Again. :)
    I've had this map made forever. It's not exactly your standard competitive map, but its competitive nonetheless, if that makes any sense. I noticed recently that so many people never take full advantage of the back hallway of Foundry, so what I did is eliminated everything else and just used the hallway. Sure, its not your standard insane interlocking and geomerged super-map, but its pretty entertaining. One hallway, a lot of BRs, and a lot of crazy grenade bounces. You'll see what I mean once you play.

    This is typically a 2-6 player Team Slayer map, best done with BRs. As the name entitles, spawn camping does occur because of its small map, but shotguns spawn regularly right at each team's spawn for some anti-spawning. The gameplay is pretty unique, and its not like a lot of other maps. This map is all about your BR skill. I would call it a BR arena (everyone knows I love those), but its single hallway doesn't really illustrate that. The map also playes great with 2-way CTF.

    Here's the item list.
    Shotgun x2
    Sniper x1
    BR x8
    Overshield x1
    Plasma Grenades x4
    Radar Jammer x1
    Trip Mine x1


    One of the symmetrical spawning rooms

    Side view of a hallway & radar jammer

    Central overshield and sniper rifle. I'd suggest getting that person down as soon as possible :)

    Another view of spawnroom, with the top left shotgun spawn

    Action (sort of) shot!

    Oh yeah, if someone's camping a shield door with a shotgun, put a trip mine right out the door. Trust me, it works :D

    Thanks for the view!

    Halo 3 File Details

  2. OrangE BloB

    OrangE BloB Ancient
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    I would have to say that is doesn't look very "planned" if you ask me, but then again you've had it for ages. It's a good idea but it seems so easy to camp and alternative routes should be able to be taken. Fr instance, the blocked off doorways should have paths leading to the other doorways, and the room should have at least one other way to get in so that camping is made difficult, other than that it could be quite promising, but bland, and i don't understand how a radar jammer will give you much advantage, it doesn't really work well with only two places where it might confuse someone.

    Keep on forging

    It seems a little harsh to me, i would say this is an average map. Not everything has to be the same, like all the maps that block off the back section of foundry, that's what they all do these days, there's no originality there. But people don't complain, they compliment how the gameplay might be and how it could be improved, that's what i would suggest for this map.
    #2 OrangE BloB, Mar 17, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2009
  3. SVV33T SAUC3

    SVV33T SAUC3 Ancient
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    Looks okay. I've played these maps before and they're a lot of fun. I just wanted to point something out. You can crouch jump out the top of the window panels. It's kinda hard to do. Also, if you put barriers on their sides on the walls in the hallway, it would be a kind of tug o war map, which is just as fun, if not, more fun. Good job.
  4. infected xD

    infected xD Ancient
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    You do know that you can crouch jump through window panels, right? Flip em upsidedown, But really. 0/5
  5. iRaynne

    iRaynne Ancient
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    Comment after you play a 2v2 on this please. And no, you can't get out of the map, I stuck the top half of the panels far enough into the ceiling to not be able to.
    Once again, this is not a godlike forge map, i just kinda wanted to get it out there for people to try out. This map is about the gameplay 100%, not the map itself. And I have no doubt a 5 year old can do it, but there isn't a map like this on Forgehub, so I just put it up. For those who helped, thanks for the feedback.
    #5 iRaynne, Mar 17, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2009
  6. crazyzebu

    crazyzebu Ancient
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    Due to the fact that you didn't actually create anything much at all this map seems terrible. Like Aceofspades said, it probably took you less than 10 minutes to make and you demonstrated your lack of skill with the forge. Why would I download this if I could make the same thing in a few minutes. All it is is a straight hallway with a sniper in the middle, so it doesn't look fun at all... 0/5 =(

    I agree with majorshock, even though he spammed.

    Hey, mods deleted my spam post. WTF
    #6 crazyzebu, Mar 17, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2009
  7. iRaynne

    iRaynne Ancient
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    Aight, you know what, I'm gonna get started on a map I started a while ago. And then I'll show you guys that I can forge, and that this map isn't about the map itself, but the gametype instead. Expect the map to be on late tonight or sometime this week.
  8. philthyphillup

    philthyphillup Ancient
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    First off, I'd like to see your guy's ultimate well
    planned out maps. Don't talk the talk if you can walk
    the walk. Pretty much everything the people I quoted
    said was just stupid ranting. Before you give a map
    a rating or say things specifically about it, try it.

    There isn't a whole lot to the map. You should probably
    make a V2 with more than just one route, at least some
    cover, and fix any camping that can happen. Ive seen
    maps like this before, and they can be pretty fun. But
    Ive never seen a perfect one. It would be awesome if you
    could Incorporate those things. Well good job! Ill give it
    a DL.
  9. ForgeGod117

    ForgeGod117 Ancient
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    Guys, come on lift him up. You could say you hate the map very easily but leaving without giving any advice or encouragement is just ridiculous. Around forgehub these days you have to really do some special things with your map. Firstly try merging. It can do some amazing things like blocking off the spawn rooms and the rest of foundry very smoothly. It seems rather noobish when you can see the entire foundry from your spawn room. This map is also way to linear for a sniper and overshield. Strafing to avoid gunfire is nearly impossible seeing that your only option is forward. Try adding a larger tunnel system by letting the players go out of the four side doors where you have doubled up the hallway. If you don't get what I mean you have door blocking off a walkway to the outside. Delete these doors and block off these walkways to allow players more options.

    Why a radar jammer? A trip mine? if someone can get a mine underneath the overshield it will award them a cheap unavoidable kill. The radar jammer shouldn't matter to much seeing as you can see nearly everybody on the map bu just looking down the hall. I would add a power drainer to block off the passage ways for short periods of time and to efficiently counter the overshield.

  10. AItius

    AItius Ancient
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    Well, this has been done a lot of times, and no, it's not the best, but you guys are acting like he made a post that said, "tryz out my mapits reely good and took me and mi frends abuncha ours to make" (just an example, not real) I agree that you should make a version two, with more cover, and another route. This type of map has been done so much that you must think outside the box (or hallway, in this case) in order to catch people's eyes. Also, I would never name a map "Spawn Trap". That tends to make people not click on it.
  11. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    If you're only going to start now and post it later tonight, I will guarantee you I will not DL it. You really need to plan out and spend time on your maps if you want to make them any good.
  12. OrangE BloB

    OrangE BloB Ancient
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    I think you misunderstood what he said, he started the map a while ago. He is then going to start forging on it again and get it finished by tonight. But yes, that means he will be rushing it, even if he rushes ever so slightly.
  13. STWOW

    STWOW Ancient
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    You don't need too prove anything about your map making skills, nor does it matter. The best forger in the world could have a garbage map and same with the worst forger. It doesn't matter about how good you are at making maps this one just isn't good
  14. Powerslave

    Powerslave Ancient
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    that's why i deleted my earlier comment cause i dont think when i post things.
    i was too harsh.
  15. El3CTRONiC

    El3CTRONiC Ancient
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    so uhh this map is VERY escapable... plz plz plz plz increase your posting standards because forgehub has been polluted with a lot of .errrr.... "rushed" maps lately and it would be nice to see something worthy of a feature. btw u get out by just crouch jumping through the window panels....

    sorry no download

    btw how does 2 way ctf work!? u kill someone and there right back in ur face ....
  16. Jay Rockn Weezy

    Jay Rockn Weezy Ancient
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    Ok since im not mean im going to have to say, i made a map like this to when i first started off, pretty fun, then i learned more stuff. So let me tell you what to get rid of and what to put. First get rid of overshield and sniper. For this reason is because of such a small map, and it's just the hall, is when you get overshield, they couldn't take you, and after you get a sniper just stay back and you instantly get snipe spree. As infected Xd said before "You do know that you can crouch jump through window panels, right" So delete the window panels and replace them with bridges. I guess you can keep the trip mine, but get rid of the shotgun. You can camp or spawn kill with that thing. And for the radar jammer, it's such a small map that the opposing team can see you across the hall. And plasma grenades put one on each base and spawn every 90 or 120. I think a barrier will be good on each side but only one (if you want to). I would put it a 2v2.This was my first review ever. So tell me how good i did plz.
  17. crazyzebu

    crazyzebu Ancient
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    Your going to get infracted for that post. Oh ****, I'm going to get infracted for this post!
  18. OrangE BloB

    OrangE BloB Ancient
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    There are certain rules to posting comments... let's call them criteria. And you my friend have filled the requirements with flying colours!

    Oh, and Welcome to Forgehub!

    #18 OrangE BloB, Mar 17, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2009
  19. iRaynne

    iRaynne Ancient
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    it says that i started and planned this before...
  20. Jay Rockn Weezy

    Jay Rockn Weezy Ancient
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    Why thank you. By the way is there a team on this site that does reviews on maps. If so I will love to join

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