Inverted Created by IxSPAWNxKILL Supported Gametypes: MLG Team Slayer MLG CTF(CTF Version) Map Description This is my first forged map located on Sandbox's crypt and is also my first MLG map. This may not be a generally traditional MLG map but it does qualify for one. The map is a fairly large and symmetrical map. Weapons consist of:8 BRs, 2 Carbines, 4 Plasma grenades, 8 Frag grenades, a sniper, a rocket launcher, a Custom Power-up, Invisibility, and 2 maulers. There are 2 symmetrical bases, a sniper tower in one corner, and a rocket/invisibility tunnel at the opposite corner. Common Call-Outs: Blue base Red base Blue Alley Red alley Blue pipe Red pipe Under Red(pipe) Under blue(pipe) Rocket tunnel Invis tunnel Invis Rocket platform Sniper Platform Sniper Tower Center/Power-up. Rocket Platform/Invisibility Sniper Tower Under Rocket Platform Blue Base Red Tube Center/ Power-up Spawn Blue Alley Overview Sorry if some pictures are to dark to see. That's about it. Please comment and tell me if you have any suggestions/problems that I should change. Download MLG Inverted v1 Here Download Inverted CTF Here This map still needs improvement and im not the best of forgers and i don't have very much patience to make a perfect map. If you would like to help me improve my map please contact me by either messaging me on XBL(GT:IxSPAWNxKILL) or PM me.
Your pics are not working. uploading them directly from does not work and you must embed the screenshots. Please refer to this thread on how to embed your screenshots: You also might want to look into formatting your post, here is a thread that shows you a good template for your thread: Have the name of the map. then a paragraph about the story (if it has one), then another paragraph for a description, then another paragraph of the weapons on this map. Oh, and Welcome to Forgehub!
Thank you for that. It's good you're active, and so quickly. smiles for you. i can see that you have potential to be an active, good, abiding and socially acceptable member of Forgehub. it's a very good map by the looks of it, and could possibly have similar gameplay to Tundra. Might actually make it into matchmaking, although some adjustments might have to be made, but it's hard to tell what. Great job, you got a DL from me, and a 5/5
Wow. This is the best mlg map I've seen on sandbox so far. I really love it. I'm just wondering . . . WHY DOES EVERYONE HAVE THEIR PiCS IN FORGE!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! It really annoys me. Like really, really annoys me. The layout looks good, but it looks like it encourages people to stay to the ground. Good job though.
On another site i was posting pictures in the progress of making the map so when i retook pictures i forgot to change to a custom game before i started the game to get pictures.
Please try not to double post. Here's a tip, when you go to quote someone and you already have a posted comment, and no one else has commented yet after you have commented (meaning you were the last person to comment). Grab that quote (copy/cut) and then select edit on your latest post, then paste your quote into the end of the comment and that helps keep the thread clean of double posting. Hope that helped.
Off-Topic: People do that so you can see where the respawn points are. Like most people I would like to know that. On-Topic: This map is really good! I played a few 4v4 matches on this and it owned and I owned! Everything is smooth! Great job on this. 5/5