Alright. I know this is obvious, but I'd like to post this here anyway. Since geomerging has been found on Foundry, people have gotten used to doing it with doors or shield blockers, I know I did. It took me a couple days before I actually realized there was 2 methods for geomerging. I knew about the old method, but had forgotten it after switching to the door method. This thread is to show people that you CAN geomerge on Sandbox. Use This Spoiler It basically says to float an object at the heigth you want the geomerged object to stick out, then turn it on no, restart the round, and place your object-to-be-geomerged in place under it. When the floating object spawns, grab the object under it, which will sink into the map, then save and quit. Don't get lazy people. This link is straight off the Forging 101 link, but no one ever goes there unless they just joined, so I figured more people would see it here. If this is breaking a rule, delete the thread, please. edit: to keep your object under control, make a brace around it so it doesn't shake too much.
The question is though, can you merge items into the sand? I've tried the above method, but each time, the object that I'm merging always moves the pushing object out of the way. Even if I have braces.
any of you guys wanna try out my technique? I don't have sandbox, so i can't test this out.
You can actually merge into the sand just by pushing the box into the sand and save-quitting. Not as accurate as the other thingy where you use other boxes and whatnot to make sure it is where you want it... But it is possible to just shove it in. the sand.
yeah does anybody have the link to the thread that describes it? I remember reading it, and i remember it saying like dont touch the right thumbstick as you are doing it. but id like to see the thread again.
I'd like to read that thread too. I'm a real beginner to forging, and I'm trying to read everything I can. My first map is going to be a suckfest.
well another place that you can look at that shows the old way is
I tried the floating technique, and my object keeps disappearing into the ground. I have walls around it, as well, to hold it.