Sandbox Highrise

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by spazmonkey92, Mar 16, 2009.

  1. spazmonkey92

    spazmonkey92 Ancient
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    The floating sancticty once left barron by the brutes has proved a vast and well equipped perverbial playground for the troops of sector 5.
    Codename "HIGHRISE" was introduced as a way of training covert troops for reconnasance until the day all troops were Oredered to the ANDROMEDA galaxy to fend off the last human base.

    Highrise is a Capture the flag based map, it has 2 evenly spaced bases, even though pictures may not show it at first.

    the map was made by Spazmonkey92, Berkgina and was helped by MadManEmo.

    The map has a rocket launcher, active camo, oversheilds and snipers as the main power weapons, aswell as the classics, BR, AR, SMG.

    Here are some pictures to help the eye?

    Red base overview.

    Blue base overview.

    Red base Flag point.

    Blue base flag point.

    Sword tunnel (alternate route between bases.)

    Centre peice, with sniper and camo.

    Rocket spawn. (with an interesting secret soon revealed.)

    Banshee point. (may be harder to get to than you think)

    Red base. (overshield spawn in tunnel)

    Right there.

    Blue base flanking point.

    Blue base front (side A)

    Blue base back (side A)

    Blue base escape (side B)


    On the solo run.

    That was the pics, Leave CONTRUCTIVE critisism.

    but be happy to post.

    Thanks and heres the
    MAP----------------> HIGHRISE
    #1 spazmonkey92, Mar 16, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2009
  2. Berkgina

    Berkgina Ancient
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    yes you finally put this up took you long enought but i guess you only had the weekends... but anyways anyone who has any questions about this map or would like to test it with sumbody just ask me(berkgina) or spazmonkey92 and we will help you out
  3. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    The banshee will dominate. No doubt about it. There is no where near enough ground cover for people on foot to be able to defend themselves. And there does not look like enough room for mongooses to be effective. I say take out the vehicles and clean a few forging things up, make a little things neater and stuff. It's definitely a good start.
  4. spazmonkey92

    spazmonkey92 Ancient
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    the only way to get to the banshee is by a hidden teleporter, wich nobody would really find 1st time around,

    the geese fit through the tunnel well and that makes a good boost between bases, the tubes are also used as cover.

  5. C0RRUPTl0N

    C0RRUPTl0N Ancient
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    Like it.

    Looks really cool, I like the fact that everyone can float maps easier and with syle now. Looks like the interlocking is really good as well. Keep up the good work.
  6. Wailingjam

    Wailingjam Ancient
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    Sweet map, I like the use of the skybox. The map design looks great especially the narrow wooden bridge. The interlocking looks good but seems to me that it could be better (for instance the tunnel in pics 9 and 10 could have been fused in the double blocks so you didn't have to use a ramp) But the overall of this map is great good job.
  7. Berkgina

    Berkgina Ancient
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    thank you for your actual feedback and taking the time to have a look at it. we will most likly make these changes but we wone be able to do a huge amount to it because we hit our item limit, it is rather lame because we still have like 400 for forging bungie didnt set the item limit very well. but anyways yea thx for your feedback
  8. DeadlyAssassin1

    DeadlyAssassin1 Ancient
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    That has nothing to do with it. Whoever found out about the banshee and got it first would dominate is what he's trying to say. I would have to agree.

    At least take the banshee off, perhaps the geese, but they do work on Orbital, so I'll reserve judgment on those.
  9. Phoenix619

    Phoenix619 Ancient
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    Download link?
  10. spazmonkey92

    spazmonkey92 Ancient
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    download link is right at the bottom, next to the yellow.

  11. Berkgina

    Berkgina Ancient
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    well i no that non of you have downloaded dont say you have tried it lol and also it is our fault very sry we thought it worked but our download link sent you to a picture... id also like to add how do you know that the banshee will dominate because if you had downloaded this you would have noticed that there are 2 lazors on the map which can easily take down the banshee why dont you try dling our map befor you complain
  12. Berkgina

    Berkgina Ancient
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    me and spazmonkey92 will be cleaning up this map over the next few weeks we would like some suggestions so your feedback would be helpfull. and if we need to we can also add a missle pod in the center to take down that banshee. also from a previous comment the reason there isnt alot of cover is because its a flag map and we wanted people to be able to kill the flag guy so it wasnt easy its only about a 20 second run with the flag mayhbe 25
  13. squirrelxb

    squirrelxb Ancient
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    Overall the map Geometry looks great and probably plays great as well. However I think that 3 snipers on one map is too much. You should either make the sniper spawn at each base a BR or make the central sniper some other power weapon.

    Also above you said there were two lazers on the map. Maybe there should be one lazer replacing the central sniper.
    #13 squirrelxb, Mar 17, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2009
  14. Berkgina

    Berkgina Ancient
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    im sry but theres only 2 snipers on the map and we did that to keep it balenced like the pit. but also we thought we should have had 2 lazors because whoever gets the banshee first then each base has one to take it out. or with your suggestion we could put one in the centre of the map do you think that that would be acceptable
  15. tehUBERn00blet

    tehUBERn00blet Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks like a fine map, well planned lines of sight... But I'd like to have some more paths in the middle.

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