Sandbox Discernable

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Its an Act, Mar 16, 2009.

  1. Its an Act

    Its an Act Ancient
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    Basically, I got Sandbox a couple weeks ago and last week started making this map. I think it turned out OK, not the greatest map but hey, I'm learning right?

    There are two identical bases, one red and one blue, each base has two floors and tw slits with a sniper rifle next to it. there is one two way teleporter in each base which takes you to a revamped crypt - Cover and weapons. In the crypt there are two two way teleporters on either side above a cave with either a rocket launcher or Fuel rod cannon inside. They take you to banshees on the extreme ends of the sky bubble. These banshees are ultimately pointless. In the middle of the crypt is another teleporter which takes you into a tube with a grav lift which pushes you into a teleporter which exits just above the Main area - Crypt tunnel, Man cannons push you down the tunnel and about half way you will get an active camouflage. You will then land ontop of the tubes above the original teleporter.
    There may be some bugs with objective items so if you could test that I would be very grateful.

    Anyway onto some screen shots.

    Upstairs in the base. I'm only showing red because they are both identical.
    Up here is a plasma pistol (On the stairs), a spiker, a plasma rifle, an assault rifle, a bubble shield, dual magnums and a battle rifle.

    Down here are 4 frag grenades, 2 plasma grenades, 2 spike grenades, an incendiary grenade, an SMG, a Carbine, a sniper and a mauler.

    Overhead view of the Crypt main battle area.

    The red (Left) area for the crypt, You can sort of see a battle rifle (Of which there are actually two) a shotgun but behind here is an assault rifle. Behind the pillars protecting the teleporter (Unseen) is a Sentinel beam and a power drain

    Second view of same area (Right side)

    The Camo teleporter

    The Camo area (Down the tube is the camo)

    Overhead view of the bases. Did I forget to mention they were in the skybubble?

    One of the banshees. Identical on the otherside

    One of the teleporters going to a banshee. below in that cave is a rocket launcher or on the other side, a Fuel rod cannon.

    Rocket launcher in the cave.

    Fuel rod in the cave.

    On top of the scaffolding there is either a grav hammer or sword, For the blues its grav hammer.

    And the reds get a sword

    Anyway, that's pretty much it. I hope you enjoy this map.
    P.S. This is my first post so go a bit easy.

    Here's your download link.
  2. Rex Thunder

    Rex Thunder Ancient
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    What types of games are you aiming at for this? I've thought about making a multi layered map- but it looks so bare on the bottom. I'll test it out with you when I get online later if you want. I could use a couple testers for my map as well. (Wrong Route)
  3. Its an Act

    Its an Act Ancient
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    CTF, Assault, that kind of objective based game.
  4. Black Dawn 01

    Black Dawn 01 Ancient
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    I like that more people are building in the Crypt, but it seems that the map was designed for Gears of War. Cover is good on a map, but not in the absence of any real structure. The top bases are really well constructed, but they kinda feel crowded with weapons and equipment. The Banshees are really pointless, since 99% of the action is in the Crypt. The only real use is for them is shooting through the base windows, which is kinda pointless since the only people really up there are there for the Sniper. Gameplay wise, the Crypt is mostly a mess of power weapons. Overall, the idea has a lot of merit, but it needs work. Balance the weapons, add some structure to the Crypt, and maybe think of opening up the top bases with something like a bridge so the Banshees get more play. One last tip: Don't take screens in Foundry. Nobody wants to see spawn points and grid lines in pictures.

    Also, welcome to ForgeHub and congrats on a great first post!
  5. Captain Night

    Captain Night Ancient
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    I might have missed them but seeing as you took these shots in forge are there any spawns?
  6. squirrelxb

    squirrelxb Ancient
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    I love how you used the Crypt and the sky bubble, good job on that. The thing that bothers me about it (and most likely the other experienced Forgers here) is that it is way too open, especially on the Crypt floor (the sky bubble is not that much of an issue, but you should probably add more playable space up there as well, because without it the area is pretty much just for Banshee wars). Make some large structures on the sides of the crypt where you do not have each team's base, maybe with one having a Rocket or some such other power weapon to attract players to the area, and the other one having a piece of equipment. Just make sure not to crowd your weapon and equipment spawns (see your first two screenshots) because it takes away from the playability of the map. I'd suggest leaving the snipers but deleting the maulers and spikers on each side, as well as deleting the two spike grenades (they are replacements for plasma grenades when not used on the map) and flame grenade at each base (they are not used often and really don't add to the map, they just clutter things).
    #6 squirrelxb, Mar 17, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2009
  7. XxnudeterminedX

    XxnudeterminedX Ancient
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    looks like gow2 in that 2nd to last lev dosnt it??
  8. Captain Forge

    Captain Forge Ancient
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    I think that too much action is in the crypt, and there are too many power weapons. But that's just me. Good map overal. Must download sometime;)
  9. iRaynne

    iRaynne Ancient
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    The cover in the crypt is definelty sufficient, it just lacks in aestheticness. The little blocks scattered around the map give it a messy feel; I'd suggest getting some larger blocks and interlock them accordingly with other immovable objects to make a more aesthetic and balanced cover system. The blocks you have don't quite reach the head, making the hider still vulnerable. The camo area seems pretty interesting though. Anyway, keep these things in mind for your next map and you should be fine :D. A v2 for this might work out pretty nicely.
  10. Its an Act

    Its an Act Ancient
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    I'll take what you said into consideration, add some cover and a bit more sky bubbleness and balance it out. V2 in a week or two I hope.
    Oh, and I only took the photos in forge because it's the only way I can get out of the level but I'll try and change something to do it in a custom game.
    Thanks for you feedback.
    #10 Its an Act, Mar 24, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2009
  11. Arc7ic

    Arc7ic Ancient
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    you overused the cover in the crypt, i give this a 2/5

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