Last Building v2 Yes, The crap map is back, But its better then it well ever become! Players: 12-16 Map Game-type OK, So as some of you older visitors of this site have seen before, I posted a map called Last Building which was a map made for infection. At the time it was a neat good looking map, but now maps are meeting higher standards then people were expecting 6 months to a year ago. Last Building lacked many things including game-play, neatness, originality, and fairness. With me knowing this and needing more maps to play in customs, I chose to remake Last Building for a fun played v2 experience. I wanted to get Last Building v2 something that well make people have fun longer then v1. So I focused more on game-play vs the map it self to complete this lust for game-play. I ended up using the v1 map as the remake because starting new was just not an option for me at the time. It was somewhat hard with the nubby made layout and set up I had for it already. Their was so much crap and unneeded objects on the map that it seemed like i was cleaning trash off the high way with out being hit. One mistake and it was over. I soon got it done with very little problems, so the result of the map came out very well. Nuff of that discription..... How bout them pics? If you are wondering, Grab the turret and rip it off as a nice gun take take around. Yes the last man hole is back, and it dubbed out! Game-type: Its around the same thing as my other game-type HC Infection only a little tweaked for the map. -FoUnDaTioNz Compare the two maps? Heres the link. Note: Updates well be made when needed. Thanks to:RoyalReaper for helping me clean out the epic mess.
I actually think this is pretty good. Id say to block off that extra area of foundry, but It probably plays wells anyways,
4th pic, with the green guy jumpin. Looks pretty cool, im a big fan of buidlings with secret little areas. :] Nice map
well, i tried it,... and it was very hard to get inside the building if you are a human and hard to get out if you spawn on the inside as a zombie.the map looks nice and is fun once the gameplay gets to the inside of the building, but most rounds end with people camping in a corner of foundry on the outside. perhaps, make another door kin of close to the human spawn and make the zombies a little bit weaker, so the humans can fight them off before they get into lunging range.
i played the map a noticed a few problems... >zombies are a little too strong,it is too fair,like slayer. >human spawn...eithor make the humans spawn inside the building, or have a door near to their spawn. because many times, there were rounds being fought on the outside of the building and people camping in corners around foundry. >why are humans red? >make more entrances overall it looks great
it looks like this map would let players just camp in the corners... this wouldn't be fun. the building itself looks pretty cool. looks like there is a lot of little "secret" passages or ways to get about
to you my friend and others reading, humans SHOOT the coil at the start and the DUMPSTER slides open to allow in the building. Zombies have 5 ways in the building. 1. the door. 2. two break in pallets on the roof 3. hiddin hole coverd with bairels 4. hole on the roof coved by pallet Keep this in mind!
This map looks really well made, it reminds me of a cops&robbers map GOod interlocking, and it looks fun to, overall 4.9/5
ok thank you ... that helped! before, everyone would try to jump on the roof and try to break the pallets before the zombies got you!...thanks though, perhaps you should have like some merged powerups to attract attention.
lol nice remake TBS, i remember when i helped clear out the map with you. gonna d,l and compare to the other one.