Abomination ...Stay Away from the Scarab!!! Fear ...The Scarab Medicine ...Get a Taste of Your own Medicine Yeee-Haw! ...Weeee! Blue Mist
Abomination is perfect,what could I say here.Spectacular lighting,angle,framing,and the fact that it is a scarab,5/5!! Fear:this one also has a beast angle,lighting,but where is the framing in this.3/5.Also the shot is pretty average on how it looks at first glance.3/5... Medicine:Uhh.. yeah what the crap is that junk to the right in the screenshot.It looks crazy not in a good way.Until I know what it is(the green thing)then I won't comment clearly on this one.)2/5
Ah from that one Jimmy Neutron episode... It works for the effect, but may need to be explained. The first effect is kinda bright, but the best framed IMO. the others are ok, but the best is the Fear the Scarab pic. Nice idea, executed well. Overall, 3.5/5. I think the ideas were ok, just the way the pics were taken were a little poor. Sorry , you know i calls it as i sees it!