Hey ForgeHubbers! I'm looking for 3 teammates to play with on Team SWAT who are preferably around my skill level. I am currently a 29 but have my highest skill as 30. I have around 550 EXP and am trying to get to a 35 for commander. If anybody would like to help, reply here saying your skill in SWAT, your EXP, and your rank. Also send me a FR on Xbox Live along with a message saying SWAT Team or something like that. My GT is the same as my username. I'm online during weekday evenings and most of the time during the weekends. People signed up: 1. AceOfSpades0707 2. xxintheshadowsx 3. cakeChart 4. Markkus Thanks! EDIT* I got the team. Thanks everyone. I look forward to playing on your team.
I'm only a 10 in swat, but I have 487 xp a highest skill of 35. My gamertag is xxintheshadowsx. The two reasons why I am not higher in swat are; I get noob teamates, and I don't play it much. But I am pretty good with a BR. So just tell me if I can, please don't judge me by my 10 in swat
I have many accounts. My main I have a 50 in Swat with like 80 Exp. The account itself has 5200 something. Add the account xC r o o K e D. It is one of my 1 months. I would probably be willing to help out a little if you are still looking for a extra.