Which, technically, neither are zombies. Both games classify them as infected humans. And I agree. After playing RE5 for a while, it's a lot of fun. If you can, I would suggest buying both. They are two completely different experiences.
False. In Resident Evil 5 your not fighting zombies. L4D is a zombie game. Read the back of the case lol. "Can you survive the ZOMBIE Apocalypse" "...fighting HORDES of SWARMING ZOMBIES" "Single player, co-op and multiplayer modes are powered by the "AI Director" which changes the ZOMBIES, effects,..." "Features 100s of ZOMBIES..." Oh, and also, if you feel like wasting 10 dollars and hours of your life, get Peggle.
I doubt you know L4D better than I do. Both games are written off as zombie games and they talk about killing zombies. However, in RE5 we know its a disease or virus, not too sure. In L4D the "zombies" are actually referred to by the developers as "The Infected". This is why there are mutated enemies like the Tank, Smoker, Hunter, etc. If they were zombies, they're original bodies just come up as they are. An infection would cause mutations and that's why they have hundred foot tongues and super legs to jump far. Shatakai: 1 LOCKdownN: -8694 And shut up, Peggle is ****ing awesome!
Jesus christ I hate this argument, they are close enough to zombie for me to call them that and shoot them in the head. Fair enough? FINE. The only thing they both have in common is the fact that you kill infected humans. They are still two completely different games.
Resident Evil 5 isn't advertised as a zombie game. Left 4 dead is. Zombies can't shoot, drive trucks, or ride motorcycles can they? Quote Directly from Valve: Infected=Zombies ZOMBIES I'm done. Buy both games, they both own.
It doesn't even really matter if they are infected or zombie, but... And finally, from the lead designer of Left 4 Dead himself... They contradict themselves a little bit, selling it as a zombie game for more sales, but the designers always intended it to be a virus, not the living dead.
If i were you i'd get Re5. I got l4d and it gets kinda boring after a while. Id say its more of a rent game.
i thought r5 would be boss but its not that good so am sellin mine to my freind and i have rented l4d and i think its good and fun online
I'd say you made a good choice. RE5 just fails horribly at what it tries to do. Every time I play RE5, a friend comes along as well and then we start laughing at every scene. Acting is overdone and the whole idea has me suspending my disbelief every second. At least Valve knew when to get rid of story.
l4d is alot better bvecause of it muliplayer and its a good game but it does also get rpeitive and it feels like it gets boring more u play it but yeah its a better game then re5 yeah l4d Ftw
L4D is definitley the one I'd get. Its one of those video games that give you an adrenaline rush, which isn't really common. Except for duckhunt on NES. That got me off my seat
No. I said that RE5 fails horribly at telling a story which is what it tries to do. The co-op just hinders the whole game, wether on or offline. Left 4 Dead saw that a story would just slow the game down and that story makes the co-op experiance horrible. What I'm praising L4D for is not telling a story. A story should never be the focal point of any game. There is a reason why it's called gameplay.
While I do like L4D better, I think that if at all possible, you need to buy RE5 as well. I went down the same path as you. I played the demo and still hated it. I thought it was slow, tough, and that the controls sucked. After I bought it, I put it in my Xbox hoping, praying that it would suck so I could prove a friend wrong. But no matter how hard I tried to hate it, within about an hour of playing with a friend and getting used to the controls, I was hooked. There's alot of diversity in the gameplay and since I had never played a RE game (atleast, for more than 20 mins) I wasn't hung on the fact that it diverged from horror and became an action game. I applaud you for buying the better game imo, but RE5 is by no means bad. It is definitely up there with one of the top games I have ever played.