Ok im going in to the pro circtuit this year most likley after meadowlands so if u want lessons from a really good player its 1600 microsoft points or 2 one months but ill teach u all the jumps jukeing spots get better at ninjaing how to have better accuracy how to stay positive in all mlg i can help u with being a support player and rusher also know as a kamikaze or raper and a allround playerill teach u to quick scope people and even 4 shot 90 percent of the time so if u want to be taught be a soon to be pro for halo 3 add FT Yshlaw or pure flipside also if u want to be a trainer add me ll test u and how to be good at 1v1s 2v2s 3v3s 4v4s and set ups Trainers FT Yshlaw Pure Flipside Roster At Beginner stage At intermediate stage At expert stage Finsher
If you are honestly going to try to get people to take lessons from you, atleast use decent grammar and punctuation. With the way you just made that thread, you not only acted like an extremely arrogant 10 year old, but you also have nothing to back up that you are as good as you say you are. You do not have a 50 in the MLG playlist, and I have never seen your name used anywhere in a positive way. Saying stuff like "i can help u with being a support player and rusher also know as a kamikaze or raper" and "but i dont have to be good at forging im top 500 player in the world and top ten objective player in the world k so what do i do once i upload it to photobucket" does not make me, or anyone I would imagine want to take lessons from you. You are a little too fed up with yourself, and unless you lose that attitude you will never go anywhere in MLG, noone will ever want to take lessons from you, and frankly, noone will want to talk to you.
hey well i guess ur right is that what u wanted to hear but guess what ull never hear that from me another thing i dont care and i do have something that proves im good udprobaly be like what im good thats what ok if u want to see ad the tag Pure FlipSide FT yshlaw FT Spartan 1
Only part I understood in that is "I'm arrogant" (paraphrased of course). Please, dont be a **** online... noone likes an e-thug. Noone thinks you are badass because you are a 14 year old acting like a 5 year old, and noone really will think you are good with the way you type and the fact that you have absolutely no way to prove that you are. Instead of being an asshole who is completely full of himself, why not actually try to set up something for your lessons that will actually convince people to take lessons from you. Also, after attempting to translate his post to English, I still have no idea what he means. Well, I guess "you're right" is what you wanted to hear. But guess what, you will never hear that from me. Another thing, I dont care. I do have something that proves I am good. You would probably be like what I am good that is what (dont understand this part). If you want to see, add the tag Pure Flupside, FT Yshlaw, or FT Spartan 1. Anyone wanna attempt to figure out what that part I cant understand means... it is a mystery to me.
I think he means "I am a cocky 14 year old that lies over the interwebz to look cool. In reality i am fat and will never go anywhere MLG wise because i don't have the skills plus no one likes immature kids on their teams." Do you think that as well pulse?
I think I got that part, but it took a bit. No offense man but try to improve your grammar so we can understand you. "You would probably be like "What? You are good." This is what it is:" I think. I made a few changes, though. @Guys above me: Whoaaa, what's with the hostility?! I don't care how the OP is, you have to act polite when your posting.
I tried to just help him out with his first post, but he snapped back at me. Look at some of his other posts, they are pretty much just him prasing himself and yelling at others for criticizing his map.
haha its funny how u cant under stand a simple riddle it said i can prove im good then ud probaly say how is that then id say cause i am good is that easy enough for ur dumb self i hope u no im going to play all of u 1v1 even the stupid dotti kid that got scared last time so yeah i hope ur good other wise ur gonna get raped
Yo Flipside, I don't mean this to be offensive, but you might wanna get a 50 before teaching people for $20. You probably do have a 50, so you might wanna put that in your sig instead of the 45. There's a lot of trainer out there that have like four 50s that are willing to sell for cheaper than this. Just some friendly suggestions. If you need a help training, hit me up, my GT is iRaynne. I can actually makes some maps especially for training if you want (like flag juggling training maps, etc.) EDIT: I think threatening to rape is against forum rules. Might wanna change that around a bit.
yeah my bad lol but thats what will happen i sell all my 50s in mlg and i jus forge usally on my account but yeah ur getting an add ur cool dude
helo yeah for the 2 people that wanted to be a trainer or for anybody for that instance u need to give me ur gt other wise i wont be able to say ur a trainer or getting trained so yeah make shur u put ur gt up k
Aight, I'll be on at about 7:00 EST, we can talk stuff over then. Can't wait to get started bro. Just wonderin': What tournament are you going to?
im going to columbus ohio we will probaly make it in top 16 pro limit we will also be sponserd by gamecrazy so yeah ill be on in a few
"udprobaly be like what im good thats what ok" "i can prove im good then ud probaly say how is that then id say cause i am good" A few things... First off, those are not even close to being the same thing. Second, that is in no way, shape, or form a ridde. Third, if you want to play me in 1v1, I will be sure to 15-0 you. Four, you really have no right to call anyone else dumb.
Wow, nice, looks like your team got it together. Every 4v4 team I tired to get together with always failed after a couple weeks haha
Yeah, there is about 0 chance he will get top 16. Believe him if you want, but he is and will always be a nobody. I mean... his GT is a fake Walshy... come on.
yeah u have to find very deticated players so yeah i have to go add u and this stupid pluse killer kid so yeah ill show u my team next friday spartan 2 will get on finally he had to get his connection fixed