MLG jerks.

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Awkward Silence, Mar 14, 2009.

  1. Awkward Silence

    Awkward Silence Ancient
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    Okay. You know what bothers me? Those "MLG" guys who call you trash and teabag you when you die. Even worse are the screenshots those guys have on their File Shares. You know, the ones that say stuff like, "Put this in your File Share if you have a Five-Star BR!" Or ones like this that say "Recommend this to the people that you beat/carried/suck." And it's a picture of a trash can or something. My favorite one was this one that was called "Two Babes" and it turned out to be a picture of a Battle Rifle and a Sniper. SOOOO lame. I find these guys to be incredibly annoying. Especially when they start bitching and yelling at you. I never know what to say to them. I always wished that I had something to say back, but I never do. How do you guys deal with these losers?

    Edit (For OMGClutch69's sake): Not all people who play MLG do this. It's just the occasional guy who has all MLG-related screenshots in his File Share, and acts like a ****.

    I'm making this Edit HUGE, because weeks after I've said that not everyone in MLG does this, people are still posting about how I think everyone in MLG is a jerk, and I'm creating a stereotype. Please read the OP before you post, guys.
    #1 Awkward Silence, Mar 14, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 10, 2009
  2. Paulie Walnuttz

    Paulie Walnuttz Ancient
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    those people are no lives who cant get anything and live with there mom, if i got a pic saying im trash i would laugh at it because the person who sent it has nothing better to do and cant get any. If they ***** im just like shut up go get some ass then talk and there like hahah your funny and im like i know i am. honstely if someone gets so mad for loosing a ****ing game or sending pics to the loosing team saying there garbage, they are sick looser who cant get any... or maybe they do from there sister.
  3. OMGClutch69

    OMGClutch69 Ancient
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    I personally think you are stereotyping not all "MLG guys" do this. I have a 50 in mlg and have never sent anyone a picture of a trashcan, nor have i seen one, or any of these events you claim. and paul you have over 10,000 games played. so watch who you call "no lives"
  4. Paulie Walnuttz

    Paulie Walnuttz Ancient
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    im talking about people who get so mad and all like omg you suck for loosing a game those people are the no lives
  5. Mr Pokephile

    Mr Pokephile Forge Labs
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Okay, I have a few simple steps for you what I do when I have the problem with theese guys.

    1. Buy an Xbox Live camera
    2. Take your pants off.
    3. Take a picture of your ass.
    4. send it.

    That always shuts them up.
  6. Paulie Walnuttz

    Paulie Walnuttz Ancient
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    my old friend sent a pic of his balls to someone he beat back in rainbow six vegas.. idk what ever happened to him
  7. Mr Pokephile

    Mr Pokephile Forge Labs
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    TBH your games really don't matter. I have 12,000 and I have a life, me and Pauly forge a lot and that racks up at least 50% of the games. Also if you bought halo 3 on launch day and played it as your main game, reaching 6000 isn't hard at all, nor dose it take up a lot of time. Halo 3 has been my main game, Since I bought it I really didn't play any other games. I got hooked on the CODs for a bit but not long,

    You really shouldn't judge people on games played, I have 12,000 and I have a life..
  8. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    Let them be, it's the only thing they're good at. If they consider that an achievement, let them be.

    I once layed into a 50 who was mocking me, I mean really owned him. But he didn't say anything after and he just left the match. I sent him an Friend Request so I could keep an eye on his playing style, but he never accepted/deleted the FR and hasn't been online since.
    That means he either got a life or he hung himself. And this was 3 months ago. I really think that I have indirectly killed someone now. Not a nice feeling. Let them be, they're very emotionally unstable.
  9. Paulie Walnuttz

    Paulie Walnuttz Ancient
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    i bought halo on launch to,and all i really played was halo till like last month, and blood is right forge takes up half your custom games.. so dont say we have no life, we probably forge as much as you play matchmaking.
  10. OMGClutch69

    OMGClutch69 Ancient
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    okay he was saying they had no lives knowing the fact that they were better than him and sent him spam pictures. I would say my statement holds more water. but i get what you mean, its not hard at all to rack up that amount of games especially since 9000 are custom/forge so i do take back me calling him a no life but i just wanted to make that clear that just because they are better doesnt mean they play more.
  11. Paulie Walnuttz

    Paulie Walnuttz Ancient
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    i was talking about the ones who spam pics and are like omg you suck noob go home, and get so mad for loosing, i respect people who are good like yourself, but for the ones who always gloat or get mad for loosing a single game they have some issues.
  12. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
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    I am sick and tired of people making these threads because I KNOW for a FACT that your account is set to PRO or UNDERGROUND. You always get jerks on those. Set it to FAMILY. You meet nice people on that setting. Jeeze.
  13. OMGClutch69

    OMGClutch69 Ancient
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    does that really change who you play?
  14. w00t Its Crunchy

    Senior Member

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    God i hate those guys.
    they always end up fighting if they're on the same team, too.
    That's the main reason I mute everybody if I play in the mlg playlist.
  15. Transhuman Plus

    Transhuman Plus Ancient
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    What I don't get? Why do people think it's a good idea to put "Xx****xX", "MLG", "BR" or "iTz" in their gamertag? It just makes you look like a ****, especially if you use an actual player's name like "iTz the real karma".

    If they start giving **** to you just tell them to stop being MLG fangirls.
  16. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    Yes it does. Xbox live takes it into account when it has many options of who to match you with, but it is a minor thing.

    They go first for people around your skill level, then match for connection speed, and then take into account anything else like your gamer profile. Mine's set to recreation and I think it has helped, because I've rarely had problems with people like that or the "im gonna hack you" tools.
  17. Mr Pokephile

    Mr Pokephile Forge Labs
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I made a video for you with advice
  18. Rated Dirty

    Rated Dirty Ancient
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    Halo is competitve. MLG is the Professional part of it. If you don't like them mute them. You don't HAVE to look at their share, just ignore them. Not all MLG people are like that, almost every MLG pro is nice and doesn't do anything like that unless they are provoked.

    Team Rated Dirty

    MLG Columbus '09
  19. Fastforward

    Fastforward Ancient
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    Two things...

    One, I hope that you all realize that they aren't a good representation of the MLG community (most of the time they aren't really in MLG, they just like to think they are).

    Second, I had this happen to me once. It was a CTF Onslaught game. There were two guys in a party. They had all 5 flag caps but I had more kills and flag steels than them. After the game, they sent me a message saying "If you get this message, you just got caried." There was a picture with it of a backpack on The Pit. At first I was like, "**** you buddy, I had more kills and flag steals than either of you guys. You weren't carrying anybody." I then laughed and the creativity of the whole thing.

    I just ignore idiots like this. If they feel they need to try to belittle people to feel good about themselves, let them, just don't react to it. Ignore them.
  20. d4rkdemon

    d4rkdemon Ancient
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    last week i was on mlg (i won) an someone sent me a pic of gun writing saying you suck so i sent him a pic of a garbadge can lol

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