Just out of curiosity, what's everyone's favorite premium theme? or what is the theme that you use for your xbox dashboard? Currently I have the rather dull LOST theme, but have been looking for a new one.
u know what is really cool is that if u have a computer camra then hook it up to your x box then u can take pics of your self then u can set it as your theme.:recon::scout::ascetic::commando:
I'm using the Live Earth theme. It's free and although was an original theme, still chages when you go on different menus. It's basically thick blue and white lines bursting out. Premiums are ok, but are just too overly priced, however nice they may be.
I bought the Halo 3 NXE theme. It's good because all your friends stand in front of Mongooses and Banshees and Choppers and stuff.
I never buy themes anymore, only if they're free. 9/10 themes have stupid looking scenery on your friends channel, and while I rarely use that channel, it bugs the crap out of me. Currently I think I have the Night theme, or something like that; Came with NXE. I didn't even choose it, some friends came over and changed it for some reason. I'll buy a L4D theme if they release one, though.
I have the Halo 3 Splatter Spree theme. But occasionally I switch to the Gears of War 2 Hope Runs Deep theme. Ok, just a side note, but when I first read this, I read the word "LOST" as "ODST." And I was like, ODST theme! Where?! I guess I've got Halo on the brain. Oh well.
C'mon, it's just a theme for a menu, I don't need to be splashing out points which could be spent on games instead!
Personally I think the premium themes are a waste of money, but I am actually using a Gears of War one. I remember I downloaded a free gears of war 2 theme before the NXE and heard that by re-downloading it it would turn into a premium one and it actually worked.
Christmas Theme or GTFO! Nah.. just kidding! I still use the Christmas Theme just because it's the coolest I can find. But I'm curious as to when a GOOD Halo 3 theme will come out.