Hello this pictue below im not to sure i thought i looked as thou someone has drawn it on a piece of paper which is what i was going for hope you like it im not the best picture take a know tht but will like any useful tips if you have any. can be downloaded from here if you like http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=69486425
thanks i found it by accident like you do with most things i was trying to do tht vortexy watery effect thing but i got tht instead lol
I really like it. Maybe if you moved the Elite over to the left, and have the sniper barrel extend across the pic... How'd you do this, anyway?
Dude it is not hard to put some effects on avalanche or whatever and just go inside a grenade explosion.I also don't like the elite.But there aren't many shots of elites so...Average job here,I never see this anymore.3/5