Sandbox Last man standing

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by time twister500, Mar 13, 2009.


Can you see the face

Poll closed Mar 20, 2009.
  1. Yes

    12 vote(s)
  2. No

    3 vote(s)
  1. time twister500

    time twister500 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hello the map i have made here is a map which is good to lose the enemy but dnt get lost yourself. It is a bit like a maze. What you have to do the aim of the game is to be come the last man standing for six rounds the one who is last man wins the round (each round 5mins) and the most points wins you the whole game and to get a point you must kill the enemy. Each player has 3 lives so gives you a chance of fighting back before you lose. start with asault rifles and pistol. Here are some pics below;
    [​IMG] Shows an outside view of the map.
    shows an inside view of the map

    1. energy sword 45sec respawn
    2. Shotgun 45sec respawn
    3. rockets 60sec respawn
    4. Brute shot 45 sec respawn
    TE= teleporters as shown below
    If you look close enough can you see the face aha found this by accident i thought it was pretty good

    map (close quarters) can be downloaded here Halo 3 File Details

    game type Halo 3 File Details
  2. Kalriq

    Kalriq Ancient
    Senior Member

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    It looks like a good map, it could maybe have more done to it though, although it looks like you have used up all of the tubes, maybe you could ad another layer if you haven't, just to spice things up a bit, especially if spawn killing can become a problem.
  3. JoshRicks

    JoshRicks Ancient
    Senior Member

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    looks like fun, a dl from me, i'll play it as soon as i get XBL back ^_^ 4.5/5
  4. time twister500

    time twister500 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    yeah i thought about the spwan killing so i have spread some spawn points around the area but it suitable places and advice the game to be played with 2-10 people to get the best game.
  5. time twister500

    time twister500 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    thanks and hope you get XBL back soon
  6. noklu

    noklu Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Nice idea, and i like the layout. However rockets in this map, i think would prove ineffective and the energy sword would simply own. Put in more weapons to counter the energy sword or in crease spawn time. Move the sword to rocket spawn , take out rockets, place shotguns in current and brute shot spawn. Increase sword respawn time.
    Also i advise creating another level with slightly longer lines of sight, to counter the energy sword. I like your innovative design, and Happy forging!
  7. time twister500

    time twister500 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    thanks will these ideas will help with a remake if i was to make one as alot of people are making maps like this so will take in the advice.

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