Sandbox: Tips, Tricks and Things to Watch out for. +Structures

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Mastar, Mar 5, 2009.

  1. Jpec07

    Jpec07 Ancient
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    Something I've noticed in my forging on Sandbox thus far: Monotony. I just did a sweep through all seventy Sandbox maps posted to date (that have the tag, "Sandbox"), and found that it is something that is incredibly difficult to avoid. The fact of the matter is that Bungie, in making Sandbox's pieces, decided to give them all the color and texture of worn sandstone. This makes sense given the context of the map, but it lends itself to the problem I mentioned before. The point is this: every map on Sandbox, unless it has some drastic feature that draws it out and makes it unique from the others, will look exactly the same as all the others. There is no change in the color scheme, there is no change in the texture, there is no change in any of the pieces. What we have to work with is wood, sand, gold, and noisy, glowy death. The even, monotone lighting also seems to lend it so that most maps feel exactly the same, even if their gameplay is drastically different. It will take real ingenuity to make your map stand out on Sandbox, even more than on Foundry.

    So this is my warning and challenge to those who read this thread: make your maps stand out, and try desperately to make something completely different from anything that has been made before. It is possible, and if you can do it, you'll likely land the feature.
  2. Rayzer730

    Rayzer730 Ancient
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    I've noticed that objects easily pass through the sand/ground level of the second floor of the map. I was moving some of the shapes around, and sometimes they would twist into the ground, and eventually while I was still holding them they fell through the map. I'm not sure how many people have seen this yet, so hopefully someone can confirm that I didn't just do something stupid. lol
  3. Jpec07

    Jpec07 Ancient
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    Oh, and one more thing: Block, Double is wider (tattoo side to tattoo side) than it is tall, similar to how disproportionate the Double Box in Foundry was.
  4. Awkward Silence

    Awkward Silence Ancient
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    When using default Sandbox objects, the only way to reliably work with/manipulate them is in the first round of Forge. As far as I know, they won't glitch out during the first round. After that, they may appear, even though you set them not to start, or teleport back to their original locations. This could be inaccurate, I'll do a few more tests just to confirm, but I'm pretty sure this is true.
  5. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    Save and quit if they teleport on you. As long as the dot stays behind, they'll be there when you come back in.

    And yes indeed they do usually appear when you set them to not spawn at start, but they will despawn after about 20-30 seconds.
  6. Abibliophobia

    Abibliophobia Ancient
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    thanks for the helpful guide i didn't know that the Double blocks weren't not perfect square
  7. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    As I've mentioned before (to relatively no response, jerks), YOU DON'T HAVE TO USE THE DEFAULT OBJECTS!!!!! Pulsekiller found out that if you keep all of the default spawn points (including respawn areas), goals, one of each weapon (and I don't even think you have to keep those) and delete everything else, you'll hit the budget limit before you hit the OLN. I promise, it works. The default objects are buggy and slightly bigger than the ones that spawn from Forge, so don't use them!!!

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    indeed. it does work. cheers to pulse and squid. theres really no need to mess with the default items at all
  9. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    I'd make a new thread just for this concept dude. Took me like 4 times of repeating myself with the runtime max error to get anyone else to notice, and I'm pretty sure only you and the guy who noticed the error and made a thread with a way too complicated solution have ever responded to me about it.
  10. HLG FlashPoint

    HLG FlashPoint Ancient
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    I have discovered rasing the run-time maximum cost money on sandbox (not sure about the other maps) I was placing ramps and I accidently raised the run-time maximum to 30 and I realised I lost $300. Just warning you, dont raise the run-time maximum.
  11. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    It's like that for all maps and has something to do with the reason budget glictching works.
  12. Speed-e-cake

    Speed-e-cake Ancient
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    Placing all for available lights together causes their lighting to negate, but the objects can be seen, touched, etc. Try having the other lights out of sight but close to the others to have a floating orb effect.
  13. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    Nah, it just needs to be put in the main post. People are obviously reading this thread, so we might as well keep all the tips in one big pile of forgeshit here.

    (get on it, Mastar!)
  14. redearth

    redearth Ancient
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    Mongooses are the only vehicles that can fit under a quarter wall. Usefull for cat and mouse or tremors perhaps?
  15. Rise Against

    Rise Against Ancient
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    I can not figure out how to make walkways smooth in sandbox. Even if I interlock, my walkways still have a little bump when I transition to another wall or box. Does anyone know how to make it completely smooth?
  16. InferiorPigeon

    InferiorPigeon Ancient
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    Well, you really can't. There will always be some type of small bump. Typically the best way is to make them the same height. If it is an odd height, then place a wooden bridge on top of one object and float the other part of the walkway on the underside of the bridge. Sorry if that's confusing, it's a little hard to put into words.
    But don't worry if there is a small bump. There always will be so don't kill yourself on it.
  17. Matrix React

    Matrix React Ancient
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    If someone can help me, I was trying to merge objects into the sand, assuming you'd be able to do it the same was as merging into the walls of Foundry. Yet, I'm having troubles. I have a vision of having a lost structure found in the sand and would like debris sticking out of the sand. If anyone has any tips?
  18. redearth

    redearth Ancient
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    You can use the old method. Brace an object, then interlock an object into it so it's the same distance as you want geomerged. Then grab and save and quit the object.
  19. DisturbedShifty

    DisturbedShifty Ancient
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    "Interlocking objects from the default layout is frustrating. They tend to stick around even after you set the Respawn Time to "Place at Start: No". "

    So is there an easy way to fix this problem? So far the only way I have been able to get a object to dissappear is to delete some of the stacked items. Which sucks because there is the potential of deleting something I might need later.
  20. Matrix React

    Matrix React Ancient
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    I've noticed that you can get an item to disappear by spawning another object of the same type. Still frustrating though. The default double boxes are also bigger then any ones you spawn.

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