Foundry District

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by VANILLA GORILLA, Mar 5, 2009.


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    Map Title: District

    Easy to learn map, which uses 90% of Foundry, and features fast frantic action. This is a great map to warm up on your BR Skills before a ranked match.


    Map is Interlocked


    This is an action packed slayer map that supports most game types(except escort gametypes). Fans of KotH will love this. I like 3v3 slayer personally. 3v3 Odd ball is very cool as well.

    Four Bases dominate this symmetrical map. The attackers get the Right Base, defenders get the Left. Both are connected in the back by an annex that also connects to the Center Base. In the front, and centered with the Center Base is another base that is isolated from the rest. This is where the sniper rifle spawns and is where the action usually goes down first do to the teams starting location.

    Then there is the street. You will need to travel this area from time to time, but don't worry. Cover works both ways. The cover on the bases was also designed to distort view of the battlefield on the street level. Attackers will need to step out in the open to get a clear shot at you if you are CLOSE to their base but on street level.

    However if you are in the street and get in trouble, the center base is easily accessed from anywhere on the map. This base offers refuge, but be aware that it is a completely opened three story compound with multiple entry points. The Rocket launcher spawns in this base in an isolated room with one entry point. It is sealed by a shield door, but don't camp it. You may get away with it for a kill or two, but fusion coils that spawn on the ceiling fall on you every twenty seconds. The explosive mayhem is all contained in this room. You've been warned!

    Designer's Note:
    If you've noticed that it's a little open in a few areas on the Street, it's because I wanted to funnel traffic to and from the bases. There is enough cover to get you to where you need to be, not enough so you can camp down there(with the soul exception being in the very back on both the right and left side). You wouldn't camp right smack in the middle of the street on Turf, or on the raised platform in between the team start and the snipe towers on the Pit, for very long at least, so don't expect to be able to do that in the street on this map. I've tried it both ways(adding extra cover down there)and I feel that this approach makes the map more enjoyable. You will not spawn out in the open areas either. All Spawn points are located near cover and out of the line of sight from the other areas of the map.


    Rumble, Team Slayer, Odd Ball, King of the Hill, Territories, and Multi-Team Slayer.

    Power Weapons: Human Sniper(1), Energy Sword(1), Rocket Launcher((1)No extra Clip), and Shotgun((1)No extra Clip).

    Normal Weapons: Needler(2), Battle Rifle(4), Carbine(2), SMG(2), Brute Spiker(2), Plasma Pistol(2), Plasma Rifle(1), and Brute Shot((1)Small Clip).

    Power Ups and Equipment: Invisibility Orb(1), Power Drain((1)spawns on attackers side), Bubble Shield((1)spawns on Defenders Side)

    The Rockets Spawn in here...But
    Don't camp the Rocket Spawn too long or you'll get an EXPLOSIVE surprise.

    This is my first post here at Forge Hub. Hope you like my map. Please leave any feedback you would like here. Thank You

    #1 VANILLA GORILLA, Mar 5, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2009
  2. Gunnergrunt

    Gunnergrunt Ancient
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    the age of foundry is over, the time of the sandbox has come...

    only kidding, but looks like an interesting map. definately basic, and could use more middle cover but looks well made. i like the way the middle base looks, as well as the middle base with the geomerges. looks like a ton of jumping involved, so maybe a few more ramps here and there. Not bad map though! well done, sir
  3. NYYanks33

    NYYanks33 Ancient
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    IDK if Grunt is right.I saw this and I was like "What?"I think its time for a change.But good map.Like the layout and good,clean merges. 4/5

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    Thanks, but I like how the street isn't cluttered with cover. You can get to cover in the center base(or behind a wall from one of the other bases) usually before the forth BR Shot if you don't want to fight that battle.

    Also, the walls block a lot of the jumps that look like you can make. But Each base has at least three ways to get to it's upper levels, plus there is a long catwalk in the back connecting the three bases.

    The cover is crouch height, so crouch to get out of serious trouble. But a little bit of your head is purposely exposed so it's not cheap. The one exception to this is the cover provided by the steps and ramps. You can hide there to recharge as long as your not being pursued. If you like to camp the three main bases work fine, but you will struggle if you want to camp the snipe spawn.

    It should be noted that this is not a money glitched map.
    #4 VANILLA GORILLA, Mar 6, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2009
  5. Cookie Monster

    Cookie Monster Ancient
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    I like it, nice and neat.
    Not crowded, plenty of room.
    No places to really camp. (pet pieve of myn)
  6. noklu

    noklu Ancient
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    Seriously this looks like a great map mate, really professional. First thing brilliant interlocks and geomerges and i love the idea of the anti-camp rocket spawn, but wouldn't it be easier to have no shield door at all? Just like to know your reasons.

    On the ninth picture, the one of the rockets, i noticed a slight jutting out of the wall on the right corner. I know it tiny but perfection is what a magnificent map needs. But, otherwise just want gunner said, more ramps would be nice.

    If you have any money left over try putting in barrels and pallets in strategic places to make it look better.

    Great first post, and have a good time forging in the future.

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    I didn't want the explosion to affect players in the main room for starters. Also, it's kinda like my way of getting back at all the snowbound antics that drove me batty. But most of all, it's a homage to an old Unreal map that featured a compression chamber for a rocket spawn. Every 20 seconds the door would close and anyone caught inside would implode. The fusion coils don't spawn randomly. There is a method to them(20 sec spawn and players with full health will survive 50% of the time minus a shield). And a lot of my most memorable moments testing this map came in wondering if the guy in there was going to come out, and if I was going to get flanked while I waited for him to decide.

    I experimented with the idea of ramps, but found that I liked the grave lift better. There are two(one on the left and one on the right) in the center tower that will take you to the second floor of that base. You can see the right one in the Bottom picture. Also don't forget about the Annex.
    It connects the three bases in the back. I didn't want players to have split second access to these areas because they could access both the rocks and the sword. So by doing it this way you'll either get one or the other at the start of the match. If you'll also notice that the boxes that are on the left and right base, can be accessed via a crouch jump from the wall. You can jump to the third floor of the middle base from there. Also, the doors turned on their side on the second floor catwalks of the middle base can be used for a basic jump to the third floor. No crouch jump is necessary for that jump.

    I would have liked to add some more decorations, but I'm flat broke. Thanks for you feed back. I'll up load the extra picture tonight.

    As far as the wall, I will go back in and check it out.
    #7 VANILLA GORILLA, Mar 6, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2009
  8. Kyfion

    Kyfion Ancient
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    OMGGG i love the front of the building its orgasmiccccc rofl

    nah, good map none the less, although it seems u would get full credit for your work seeing as sandbox is taking over :(

    5/5 :D
  9. MultiLockOn

    MultiLockOn Ancient
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    wow, this map is really unique. its been a while since we've had one of these. I love what you did with the spare part of foundry, how you only blocked half of it off. I might steal your idea for that in a bit.
  10. MichMaster32

    MichMaster32 Ancient
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    i think the map is really nice. i think it has a lot nof potentail. the design is really nice but it looks to open. i like the back part in which it closes off the back halway. i would put a warthog back there. i like the structure in the middle too. very nice map. hope to see things from you in the future.
  11. Zanitor

    Zanitor Ancient
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    It seems to be a really great map, great interlocking, I like the symmetrical aspect, and you can't camp
    Nice map, keep up the work.
    Also like MichMaster said, it is a little to open, maybe add something, cover maybe would fix it.
  12. TheRayzerTag

    TheRayzerTag Ancient
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    The structures are neatly forged, pleasing on the eye, give just enough cover and have multiple acces points. One question though, does the 'explosive surprise' mean that fusion coils drop and kill you? Or only the 'grenade hole'?

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    Two Fusion Coils drop next to the two that are already down there. The Explosions will knock out your shield. But will also kill you 50% of the time, even with full health. It really depends on were you stand in there and how much health you have. It adds a little tension to the whole shield door tactics you find in maps other maps like snowbound. And it can really turn the tide of the game when the guy hoarding the power weapons gets smoked in there.

    20 second respawns on coils is plenty of time to get in, get the rocks(with only two shots mind you), and get out. But when two people go for the rockets, the one who gets there first needs to figure out how to keep them, and the clock is ticking.

    As far as cover is concerned. The street area is not as open as it may seem. Each of the four sides of the two crates can shield you from one or more of the four bases. I designed this map to keep people moving and to encourage team work. For instance. In king of the Hill or territories, none of the objectives are located on the second floor of any of the bases. They are all on street level. Oh but the one in the rocket spawn. HaHa... So obviously you couldn't hold these objectives without someone covering you from one of the bases. Don't forget there is a bubble shield on the map as well. And unless your playing with more than 4v4, it would be impossible to control all the bases at once(unless your adversaries are not any good of course). So you can always seek refuge in an unoccupied area of the map and find plenty of cover. The bases shapes distort a lot of sight lines So getting away from someone is a lot easier than you may think by just glancing at the pictures above.
  14. T4K Shadow

    T4K Shadow Ancient
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    this looks good, i like the look of the back wall, i like it how it isnt straight, gives the map new dimensions. But for the rest of the map it looks alittle ordinary, i dont mean you copied but most foundry maps look the same. Overall judging from the pictures ill give it a 4.5/5. Good job!
  15. lefty0904

    lefty0904 Ancient
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    Great map. The different levels really add to the gameplay. I like the sniper tower setup too.

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    I don't know about ordinary. I mean, I didn't put glowing orb decors or anything similar because to me my map would have seemed ordinary since almost all I've seen have them. Nothing against those either(especially if used to differentiate Red base, Blue base, etc.), but I wanted to use my budget for gameplay purposes. And Making a bigger, open map causes you to think about those kind of things.

    I do like to play on enclosed maps(mostly for warm ups with a friend before ranked double team), but I can't stand to make them. Every time I try, things look clustered and ugly to me. I like making maps that are nice and tidy. I usually play customs with at least 5 or 6 players, so small enclosed maps usually are not as fun to me.

    I guess what I'm trying to say why do you think this map looks so...ordinary?
  17. eye h8 yor face

    eye h8 yor face Ancient
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    Wow, I checked out this thinking it was a call of duty remake, but it's not. However this looks realy cool. I like how you used almost all of foundry. I checked out a few maps here and not many do. I've qued this for download and will rate it once I get a chance to play it. Does it support King of the Hill. It looks like that kind of gametype would really rock.

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    No not a remake. But yes KotH is cool on this map. The hills are not in the bases(except one), making them a team effort to hold. The by product of this however is that Rumble KotH can be tough. This map was designed for team play with traditional Slayer being enjoyable. But Rumble objective games do take a back seat due to the maps layout. Thanks for the complement.
  19. who da man81

    who da man81 Ancient
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    this is what forge hub needs to be like

    by the way love the map
  20. Havoc Addict

    Havoc Addict Ancient
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    This map is a lot of fun. I'm impressed with the way you've crafted it. After testing this map with the clan, I didn't want to play any of my own. Just kidding. Team games are a blast. Though your choice of not putting the hills on the bases are a bit disappointing(even though I told you you should), not that King of the Hill sucks. I feel like it could of offered more. The rocket spawn is genius. I got a few laughs watching people camp it with the shotgun, only to get blown up. I think you should remove the sword. It can be a little devastating in the middle base were it spawns. But the shotgun usually takes care of that. Over all I really dig this map. You figured out a way to make foundry not ugly and offer a fun map at the same time. Kudos, and if you need help testing your next map, just ask.
    #20 Havoc Addict, Mar 18, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2009

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