I have spent well over 7 hours making this map and its almost done, keep a look out on the forge hub for it soon! For now screen shots will have to do! The map is about 90% done I am just figuring out how to fix a few more things and then it will be out for everyone to play!
Maybe you should have waited to post this WHEN this map is actually finished so people can actually play it and rate it. That is the point of posting a map, is it not?
This looks really good so far. Might ruin it by joining your forging session and placing a killball on the only spawn point :/ Just forge carefully and this map'll be kick-ass!
Would love to, but can't just ran out of budget and I didn't use a money glitched map because I want this one to have a chance to be official.
Well for the most part its a pretty tight map, so you don't have to worry about being in the open for too long. I did add one big corner piece to one of the emptier areas to help, though you have to understand I've hit my Item limit and my budget limit aka I'm done.. I have barely finished with what I have so be greatful! Lol. It will be out as soon as I think of a name for it!
looks like a good start but maybe try upstairs where there is more room the lasers can be blocked but the surface isn't flat. Get a link i'll still give it a download
Only problem with the main surface and sky bubble is that it would take so much more resources, and even as it is now I'm fresh out. I think its about ready for release all I need to fix now is the objectives on it.