[SandBox] The Doog

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Race Maps' started by Doog Nit, Mar 10, 2009.

  1. Zanitor

    Zanitor Ancient
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    Your surely welcome bro. I just really liked it and the feel that I was in mario kart in a way.
  2. last_chaos_7

    last_chaos_7 Ancient
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    Wow people do give 5/5's wwwwaaaaayyyy to easy. DRST track is alot beter. This track doesn't flow well very well. Corners are very tight turns and you are constantly having to slow down. Also I dl'd it and it had ghosts which are horrible for racing. also the spiral is really hard to see it coming up so you will fall often there. The part I like though is the curvy road, although pointless it looks cool but doesn't affect gameplay in any way. 3/5
  3. Doog Nit

    Doog Nit Ancient
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    Add me on LIVE (GT = doognit) if ya wanna chill some time. Can never have too many friends........well I guess until you reach 100 :D

    People give ratings according to how they think the map should be rated. If they think it's awesome, then that's their opinion. No need to call them wrong as I won't to you. I would rather you not advertise someone else's map here by saying it's better than mine, but it's not a big deal.

    As for some problems you had with the map, if you read the original post, you'll find a game type called "100cc" made for the map. This will switch the ghosts to mongooses. I put at the end the ghosts suck for racing unless you're by yourself so you might wanna try with mongooses and see if your thoughts change. I don't understand the spiral part...I mean I guess maybe the first time you play, but unless you have short-term memory loss I don't see how you could continuously forget it's coming. I do agree with the sharp turns part and if you read the original post again you'll see I don't like simple tracks that you just keep holding forward on and if you fall off you gotta be the worst driver ever. I enjoy a little difficulty when it comes to racing and this incorporates it very well for me. Although I might've liked it a bit more difficult, I decided to make this one for the community rather than myself.

    Anyway, nonetheless thanks for the feedback I'm glad I could get some criticism. Always appreciated. I'm also glad you could find something you liked in the track. It seemed as though you hated it until that part lol.
  4. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
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    Yes, I am well aware of Element. I just did not really see the big deal of that map. I mean, sure it's ok, but it didn't make me say wow. Especially considering that colors made it, I was a little disappointed.
  5. chipacabras

    chipacabras Ancient
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    Hey, I remember playing this course with you after some matchmaking game. I'm not very good at it though. I really like the pipe, and it adds an interesting element to the course.
  6. Abibliophobia

    Abibliophobia Ancient
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    nice I have been waiting for a good sandbox race map
  7. Masta Blastr

    Masta Blastr Ancient
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    This track has lots of cool ideas. I like the corkscrew at the end and the parts that slopes to the right then left.

    You need to have some spawn points at the start though so if you fall you can get a new mongoose and start again.
  8. mastersync23

    mastersync23 Ancient
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    Two words. ****ing Awesome. How do you manage to make all these brilliant maps? Grrr...Anyway, your map is awesome. It looks so fun to race on. Great job. 9/10.
  9. Zanitor

    Zanitor Ancient
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    I surely will, I have my Xbox gone right now, but when I get it back tomorrow or so we will play on your map, I will try to get some people, or something :D I can really test this map with a lot of people.
  10. Doog Nit

    Doog Nit Ancient
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    Oh alright then yea that's one of the only maps on sandbox I've seen yet which is enjoyable if not awesome.

    Yea I remember you - you were with uhh....harmonic bliss right? I'm not sure if that's his name I haven't known him for long enough yet. Anyway yea good playin with ya.

    Your wish is my command!......
    But no ****. lol

    First off thanks for the critiquing. (Is that a word...?) Although it might be better in the community's eyes, I don't think I want to add the spawns (respawns) at the mongoose starts. This is because A. People could cheat without even trying. B. Mongooses would be in the way. Now I know I could change things up to make it work for your ideas and I might if I make a v2, but for now I'm gonna stick with this design/game play. Yes I'm a lazy bum. :D Don't worry though if I do make a v2 these things will more than likely be fixed.

    Little more than 2 words. :p Oh and as I say to everyone else who asks questions like that which I can not answer "Because I'm Doog Nit." Stick around we'll be back with more Doog Nit right after this.

    Sounds like a plan. See you then.
  11. Rubber Duck

    Rubber Duck Ancient
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    I can honestly say that this is the best race map i have ever played. Grade A stuff, keep it up!
  12. littlemoomoo

    littlemoomoo Ancient
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    Do you wana know how doognit makes these maps, its "Because hees doooooogniiiiiiit" (inside joke)
  13. Doog Nit

    Doog Nit Ancient
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    Thanks man it's the same for me fortunately. I'm hoping to top it next time though. Something much more playable and fun. As for specifics......well that's classified I'm afraid. :)

    Ehehehehheheheheeheh Indeed. Indeed. - who is this btw?
  14. Masta Blastr

    Masta Blastr Ancient
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    You could put the mongooses on a platform after the jump so that you jump over them. That way they're after the objective and out of the way. Sometimes you do fall off and it gets really annoying when you have to restart the game so people can properly try it.
  15. FryTheSly

    FryTheSly Ancient
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    wow this is amazing.. nuff said
    you have truly made halo into mario cart. congrats
  16. Katanga

    Katanga Ancient
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    Played it. Loved it.
    Played it with friends. They Loved it.

    Seriously, this map is the sex. I prefer it with Mongooses though.
    One problem. There's no second chance due to that Cleansing thing, which got very annoying after everyone died.
  17. Chron

    Chron Ancient
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    Wow you've really set the bar for Race maps on Sandbox. I downloaded this map a few days ago and boy was I surprised. It was better than I was expecting it to be. I didn't manage to find any sloppyness anywhere on the map. This is now my top racemap in Halo 3. I won't be surprised if this gets featured because it certainly deserves it.

    oh right 5/5
  18. kingstick07

    kingstick07 Ancient
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    there we go, thank you Doognit for thanking me, haha
    best map you have made yet
  19. AI_Twitch

    AI_Twitch Ancient
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    This is past the conceptualization of all the foundry limited forgers before us. This is absolutely incredible.
  20. MovieGame

    MovieGame Ancient
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    This is almost exactly like that rainbow map from mario kart! I loved that map and i love this one. 5/5

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