This isn't my map, it is MetabolicJosh's map. He asked me to put it on ForgeHub for him. He made a completely blank canvas of Sandbox, that has $1500 budget, with NO stacking whatsoever. He has bypassed the budget somehow. I don't know why. Anyway, here it is: DOWNLOAD BLANK CANVAS! Happy Forging!
I hope your friends know its more beneficial to keep the default items on the map because even though you delete them, you don't get the objects back into the object limit, so your technically losing items.
The reason we have "stacked" canvases is for a good reason. I don't really feel like explaing this again. Check out some of the stickies available in other sections of the forum.
^^^^ Double post. It's not the budget, it's the item limit they're worried about. Don't feel like explaining it but this map is very useless.
Look dude this is a very good map for mini games,casual games,and race maps. But dude try to make the map sound more interesting and if I were making it I would include a complete forge list and more!!..!!..!!
ok say you are allowed to place 400 objects. say there are 200 objects on the map those 200 are part of the 400 you now have room to place 200 more objects. if you delete those 200 objects on the map, you don't get them back resulting in you still being only able to place 200 objects now your out of the 200 default objects as well.
I use to think this too. Unfortunately, it is wrong. If you delete the default items you don't ever get them back. The map has an OLN (Object Limit Number) With a stacked canvas the OLN is like 600 pieces. With this canvas, the OLN is only like 200. Now you see?? You should PM and MOD and ask them to delete this thread. It's just flooding the forum.
Sorry, I didnt mean to double post then. I dont know how I did that. Okay. Maybe he was wrong. Oh well.
It's no big deal man.. I lot of poeple still don't know about the OLN limit. Thanks for trying to help though.
Wait. That means my very own Oes Noes! Oh well. This is basically what I have. And mine isn't a glitched one. So this probably isn't going to work. Sorry. 3/10.
id rather just stick to a blank canvas. You dont get too many more objects with default, but the main thing is i dont want to use the objects bungie has layed out. Their not useful. Also using the default objects and extras causes the map to flicker, which to me is a killer blow to awesome maps.
Sorry but I don't agree with you at all. I think you need to do more research on how the map actually works. There are plenty of useful, default pieces. If you are happy with a much smaller and simple map, then you should continue to use what you are happy with.
I have done my research and have tested, but i dont see myself using the defaults unless i was making a ruinous map with obelisks, wedge corners and corners. I mean their interesting an all but they only stick to the sandtrap ruined theme. I tend to want to make maps with a little more imagination than pyramids, ruins, temples and tombs. Its up to you, but i would definately advise using a blank canvas if you know what objects you will need.