katana... worth it?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by zone sama, Mar 10, 2009.

  1. zone sama

    zone sama Ancient
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    do you think the katana is worth doing things that are just silly in game? mongoose mowdown?!
  2. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    Uh ya because all you have to do is hope for a game on high ground or isolation. Personally I would take isolation and all you have to do is take the mongoose as soon as the game starts and drive it through the little tunnel where the shotgun spawns. Thats how I got it.

    But ya I think its worth it? Why you can't get it?
  3. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    I don't have all the achievements you're supposed to have to get it, but I've got it anyway cause of the 1000 gamerscore glitch. Its pretty cool, but I wouldn't go out of my way achievement hunting in ranked for it.
  4. zone sama

    zone sama Ancient
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    no, i got it it was just so annoying to get! it's nice for people to sometimes say " wow , that guy has owned this game" though.
  5. Toxic Spade

    Toxic Spade Ancient
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    I would, and have. It is pretty fun to do some of the achievements.
  6. Taco Bell

    Taco Bell Ancient
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    I definitely think it's worth it. It is a problem though when your hiding behind rocks...
  7. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    To be perfectly honest, I feel this thread serves no real purpose, and from your response, and interest on the subject, I could tell you spent little effort in doing so.

    A simple assumption that entered my mind was lazy. It seems the only thing preventing you from earning the Katana is laziness. Now I'm aware you have it, so it brings me back to me original argument, the true prerogative of this thread. It's contradiction in sense to make a thread relating to an item you have, then debating it's not worth it. Obviously the appreciation factor of said item is not grave any longer, but the purpose of achievements is to illuminate on things in the game, plus challenge players on compelting an endeavor, that differs from the common task. You say you strived to earn it, then finally got it, but said the task of doing so was strenous. Wans't that the initial point? Really, I don't see quite collaborative chatting going on in the future in this thread.
  8. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    What I hate tho most is that people still need the katana armor but when bungie released the new achievements people dont have to get the mongoose mowdown achievment, the overkill achievement, and they even skip beating the game on legendary. I dont think its too fair because people work hard to get them and other people get them very easily. And yes kenny I do agree with what you say on this thread. Its a waste..
  9. zone sama

    zone sama Ancient
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    ahem. prerogative is not a word, you may have been looking for derogative . and i had no idea people skip out on legendary, that IS laziness
  10. Fastforward

    Fastforward Ancient
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    Actually, prerogative is a word (prerogative - Definition from the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary).

    I'd say it isn't worth it. I had gotten it before the new achievements were released and I haven't ever used it. Part is because i normally play as an Elite but when I do play as a spartan (usually in MLG), there are other chest pieces I like more than Hayabusa.

    Pre new achievements it was somewhat of a "cheater" indicator. Having it early in the games life cycle usually ment that you had use the Language filter "glitch" to obtain it. As the game matured it was more of a "hardcore" indicator but because of the early abuse of the Language filter, there was really no way to tell thus lessening the "hardcore" indicator.

    Now, post new achievements, because of the easiness in obtaining them, the Katana isn't anything special anymore.

    Now, if I didn't have it and wasn't an achievement junkie (which is the only reason I had it before, wasn't after the Katana, just the achievements), I wouldn't go out of my way to get it
  11. RaVNzCRoFT

    RaVNzCRoFT Ancient
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    I hope you're kidding.

    Meh, achievements. Go after them if you're someone who would enjoy the challenge of getting them for a reward. Don't go after them if it's a burden with a reward.
  12. stickmanmeyhem

    stickmanmeyhem Ancient
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    It's worth it. Period.
  13. Relys

    Relys Ancient
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    Isolation + Shotgun spawn = winz0rs?
  14. zone sama

    zone sama Ancient
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    i think the shotgun on isolation aint that much help against the sniper, but whatever floats your boat.
  15. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    Ok, Katana usually means that you beat the game and have all the achievements. Until the second Title Update, Anyone who would wear it basically bragged that they are better than everyone else and that their eenis is bigger than everyone elses. But since the title update, and the Katana glitch, I don't really care. I mean if you want to, wear it.
  16. The Spartan III

    The Spartan III Ancient

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    what glitch is this? how do you do it?
  17. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    Get 1000 Gamerscore and you may get it. It dosen't have to be the original achievements but it is supposed to be, but adding more acievements from the TU screwed it up.
  18. zone sama

    zone sama Ancient
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    really, if you want the katana so much that you feel the need to glitch for it, you are what everybody was talking about on the last page.
  19. Goober

    Goober Ancient
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    Personally I don't have the katana yet. I'd like to have it, but I don't. Really the only things in my way are the FFA acheivements, and I just started working on those recently. It really isn't a big deal to me, but it'd be nice to have.

    @ Playahata: You must pretty full of it if you felt like you needed to post such a beautiful piece of spam. What you wrote didn't add anything to the topic whatsoever, except trying to tear down the person who started this thread.

    Personally I think the achievements required to get the katana piece help you build specific skills, even though you may not ever use them after you get the achievement. I don't know that I'll ever get the mongoose mowdown, just because whenever I play Lone Wolves I never get Snowbound or Isolation. I also probably won't get the Two for One or whatever that one is that requires a double kill with a spartan laser, because I've never been skilled in that department(check my GT on b.net, I have like a grand total of three kills with a splazer!!!!). But now that the TU kinda screws up the concept behind getting it, many people will probably never get the achievements or won't purposely try for it.
  20. Supa Midget

    Supa Midget Ancient
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    Some of the annoyingly tricky achievements used to make it a piece of really unmoist and bricky cake to get.New achievements make it a good bit easiers though.I would just go about halo normally and if you get it,great.Don't go out of your way though.

    And playahata,the "smart" words you threw in their didn't really do much to hide the fact that essentially all your post was.
    "If you don't have a Katana you are lazy,your opinion is invalid and your thread is stupid."
    Maybe he wanted to discuss whether something like the katana(The "Ultimate" unlockable armour permutation in halo)Was worth the effort to get something that in reality is overhyped and held only in high regard by the "n00bs" who have yet to achieve it.
    I personaly think that outside of difficulty achievements ie Beat the game on X.All achievements should be easy enough to get through the course of the game and playing it.
    Bungie massively limited how you can get even easy ones like steppin' razor by making them FFA only,in an attempt to stop people co-operating to get them easily.Which is absurd because in reality no one looks at a gamerscore and goes "Omg can i haz your babies!?" In fact I would almost have the opposite reaction.
    My opinion,the goal of an achievement system.In trying to add to the effect of the game on the player is in essence.
    You do something that in your mind is totally awesome.Lets say running someone down with a blissfully un-splattering vehicle like the mongoose.I have pulled this off by accident maybe three times in MM one of which was on LW where I was flung by a grenade into someone...inside the base on high ground....lol
    This happens.
    You think "Omglol that was freaking ace"
    Then all of a sudden the game itself pops up and goes "Dude that was class,here has some free recognition and E-peen for pulling off that feat of win"
    You cheer silently to yourself as if some virtual audience is aplauding you.
    Life goes on and the gaming experience is enhanced.
    As far as armour permutations go,I would have though a straight up.Higher ranks get more perms.Making your 50 get you the overhyped piece of virual folded steel that any semi-intelligent samurai is not going to put on his back.
    I think this would have
    A.Not made achievements ruin LW for a good deal of time "Can anyone help me with X achievement....Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeez"
    B.Made halo rankings have some kind of semi-practical reason for existing beyond sifting skill levels
    C.Encouraged people to get teams and parties going in MM to rank up and have fun

    Oh look I found intelligent conversation here.Although to be perfectly honest this is quite late to be talking about something in a game thats a year old.

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