Who forgot to turn off the light? Hey God please turn off the light . Thx Donwload : http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=65064502 P.s : the my firs post in the forge hub forum . P.S2: Please rate my photo thx
well... surprisingly, you post is up to standars. lol pretty cool, if you don't mind me asking, how did you get that affect? and i know its on black out. 4/5, pretty interesting post.
I don't think it's on Blackout, looks more like the light on Cold Storage. Either way, I like it. 4/5
Think cool attempt to discover when you try to map the photo but I did all of you are wrong, not did any mod (I am against mod's) Thank you for evaluations and for others to assess
Haha.Nice.I love your story or descibtion,motto,whatever. But yeah I love the picture on how you got the light to focus on the suspect.Hey,yeah,this could also be called"Where were you on July 4"Lol.Nice pic by teh way.
It's a little plain, but I like it. Is it on Assembly? It sort of looks like the light from where the Grav Hammer spawns.
I thought the caption was pretty funny, good job on that, and your screenshot. From what I've gathered, it's the light from a man cannon shining over the spartan; correct? There are no problems with this screenshot that I can see. I'll look out for any other work you post in this forum. Oh, and I don't do ratings out of five or ten.
So you are saying that my photo this horrible? And you almost got to the photos but I did have something more
It IS blackout. I am guessing he used someone else above him somehow. however it doesn't have much of a wow factor for me 2.9/5