How Come No-one Ever Forges on Cold Storage?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by EpicFishFingers, Mar 10, 2009.

  1. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    Title says it all. Explain please, I don't see why. The map has immovable objects and effects...
  2. Yeti

    Yeti Ancient
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    Because it's Forge Palette epically fails, and the space you have to work with is very limited.

    I'm sure a couple of decent Conquest maps could come out of it though.
  3. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
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    It's not easy.

    That's the answer I would put but it's spam but it explains it completely. Less experienced forgers do not forge on it because it takes more skill and patience to make a decent map. More experience forgers shy away from it I think because of the limited forging palette. There's like... 20 walls altogether and no boxes or anything of the sort. The geometry is hard to work with and the map doesn't provide many good opportunities. redearth posted a thread a while ago stating the advantages of forging on Cold Storage and a good discussion went on for a little while - linky.

  4. Hazza

    Hazza Ancient
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    The map doesn't have the greatest Forge palette of all and to be honest, even though this doesn't affect gameplay what-so-ever, in my opinion the objects don't look great.

    It's just that Cold Storage has a mixture of small and large rooms that when forged on, turn out icky. Given the right skill of placement, good things could be made, but the objects really limit what can be done on the map.

    Great things can be done, it just needs people to do it.
    EDIT: NIce sum up and linkage Ace ;P
  5. Flame Sama

    Flame Sama Ancient
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    I made a race-style map for my Smear The ***** gametype. Otherwise Cold Storage is really limited.
  6. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
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    They're the same walls as on Avalanche...

    I agree with you tho... people have proved the ability to make good maps on Cold Storage

    Well thanks =D
  7. Guardion07

    Guardion07 Ancient
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    Some really good maps have been made on it such as "30 days of night" Is enjoyable, but has a very limited potential. All of the reasons above or correct why forgers don't use it often. If you really want to forge there, you might want to know what your forging. If you don't you will begin to realize that it won't work, so plan ahead if you forge there.
  8. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    The only thing you can really do on cold storage is play competitive game on it, play infection, and maybe a nice conquest map. I might make a conquest map on it to see how it turns out. But ya its not a map like sandbox and foundry, I am pretty sure you knew that but people like having less map geometry so they can make the map more of their own
  9. Creeping Death

    Creeping Death What's a Halo?
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    I forged there. Twice :0)

    One is in my sig, the other is in the Book of Conquest if you want to check them out.

    The map is very limited as far as forge, the geometry is very constricted and doesn't hold a ton of potential, but you can close areas off and change the flow of the map.
  10. BunN eeE

    BunN eeE Ancient
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    Well, for a start, why won't you Forge something on Cold Storage, EpicFishFingers?

    Think about this question in your head. And most likely the reason you don't want to Forge on Cold Storage is the reason no one wants to Forge on Cold Storage.
  11. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    I'm sure I could make the usual good-but-very-badly-posted-map. Perhaps some sort of Infection map...

    Besides the forging palette, I see no reason. I think you all dislike Cold Storage!

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