i seem to shoot over peoples heads X| so i would rather fight against a spartan but i like playing as an elite everyonce in awhile and swat gives me a chance bcuz most people dont chest shot *note when u jump as an elite your head sticks out like crazy
Elites are harder to shoot in the back of the head, so I always switch over when Im about to play snipers or swat. I perfer spartens though.
If you are considering the character models for that line of thought your doing it wrong The differance is miniscule really,but elites have a slight advantage from behind and because of that gay neck thing
I use a Spartan. They have advantages also. An elite can't through equipment from the passengers seat on a Hornet. Isn't this thread already made ?
Elites have a large head in front but harder shoot from behind. Spartans well are kind of average in this I would say. If you are a head-strong person, be a spartan. If you run away a lot, be an elite. My opinion.
For SWAT if Snipers, Elites are harder to snipe from certain angles. Though playing as them gives no advantages, playing as Elites give other Spartan players disadvantages.
Everytime SWAT comes up in Matchmaking, I switch to an elite. I prefer the look of the spartan over an elite anyday, but elites are altogether better when it comes to SWAT. Nuff said...
bungie made it so that both spartans and elites have equal gameplay, each having equal radii around the body parts making for equal shootability.... equally. but in a question of which is better? spartans get the armour perms (katana, recon) so they have to win.
Not to double post or anything, but your wrong about the whole "Both spartans and elites have equal gameplay" thing. That is not exactly true, seeing as Halo 3 Mythbusters has even found out that there is a spot in an elite's head where bullets and grenades go through. This is an unfair advantage. Another thing is that you have to shoot an elite in a different place in order to kill it in SWAT. Causing them to seem "Stronger." Elites heads also jult out from there body, causing them to die much easier when faced against an opponent while in a bubble shield in SWAT. When they might think they are protected inside the bubble shield, their head could be poking out.