[SandBox] The Doog

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Race Maps' started by Doog Nit, Mar 10, 2009.

  1. Doog Nit

    Doog Nit Ancient
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    The Do_oG
    by DoogNit...no way...

    Inspired by Rainbow Road from Mario Kart: Double Dash!!, this racetrack has to be one of the best mongoose tracks to play with a bunch of friends.

    Download Game Type



    If you have ever played Mario Kart Double Dash, then you should know what to expect from this map. I tried this once before on Blackout and it was o.k. but this version beats that one by double in every aspect. So, to explain the track thoroughly, first lemme explain what
    I like to call "cleansing". It happens 10seconds after the round starts. You spawn in front of a mongoose so you have exactly 10 seconds to get out of the explosion's radius (Way more than enough time). After 10 seconds, you'll probably be at the S turn or something and while you are there, the cleansing process will begin. After 30 seconds, you should be at, or close to, the zigzags. At this time platforms will spawn underneath the falling coils to make sure they don't explode for the rest of the round. Mongooses never respawn so now there is nothing but smooth a track waiting for you at the start/finish. Now that that's been explained, the rest shall be done as so. The spawns are random so you never know if you're gonna spawn in front, back, middle or anywhere in between. This makes it so no specific person has a predetermined advantage. Plus it'll only take a few seconds to gain 1st even if you start in the back. The first jump is only feet away and launches you a good distance onto the first straightaway. This jump can get a bit sketchy if you have a lot of people going off at once. No one should fall off since the bridges suffice as guide rails. If it happens then it happens, but it is very rare. When you land, imminently you will be making an "S" turn. (Turn left then right then left again.) An optional booster is right after the S turn and sends you toward a small turn which leads to another big jump. This jump works about 99% of the time. After you land that jump, there is a series of zigzag turns and after those, you reach the pipe. Now although this pipe might look epic and all, it's the worst feature of the map. I say this because it only works about 70% of the time. Yes it's good, but it's not up to the rest of the map's standards. Unfortunately, after spending about 2 hours tweaking and fixing the pipe, I found that not much could be done. Luckily it's not that bad if you land wrong, I just don't like that it doesn't work more. Anyway, after that, you drive straight on the curvy pathway until you reach the final jump. This jump isn't as big as the others and doesn't use any lifts/cannons. When you land, you go down the 2 story spiral and there you are back at the beginning. That's all for the track.

    Game Play

    Now, as for the game play, (100cc) you start with a shotty and are invulnerable. You have 2 laps and 2 lives. If you happen to fall off the edge and you're playing the right gametype, then you will respawn on a grass patch which will allow you to spectate the rest of the race. If you do not wish to spectate, kill yourself once again and you will simply be out of lives until the end of the round/race. You cannot get to the track by jumping from any of the grass patches. Also, if playing 100cc, you cannot effect any player's driving. This is because you wield a shotgun and it obviously has a terrible firing range. You can attempt to cheat the map all you want, but there is no use. Oh and please don't tell me it's too hard. I know it's not the easiest track on this site, but that's the point. I hate when a track/map/anything has no competition and any random person could do it with ease. So I put difficulty in it. Plus it's not even that hard. You wanna see hard? Forge a huge floating racetrack. Ahah. See what I did there?

    The Ghost can't be seen...

    I was originally going to share a game 150cc with the map which would include ghosts instead of mongooses. I decided not to for two reasons. 1. You were able to cheat too easily with them. 2. While driving behind a player, Halo's auto lock makes it so your cross hairs follow the person in front of you making driving extremely harder. If you want to do ghosts instead of mongooses, simply play the map in slayer but keep the above in mind.

    Special Thanks

    MilkMan - Forgot your exact GT
    iTz JoKeR Jr
    Chicken Wings
    Forge Hub
    Shpraygen Daygin Doopin
    President Obama
    Frmr Pres. Calvin Coolage
    Barbecue Sauce
    Mufasa (Lion King)
    Mike Jones
    The Crips
    and uhh...more chicken wings.

    Forging 101

    YES ] __Floating Objects
    ___ ] __Instant Respawn
    YES ] __Immovable Objects
    YES ] __Timed Map Events
    YES ] __Effective Spawn Placement
    YES ] __Gravity Lift Techniques
    ___ ] __Used Symmetry Option
    YES ] __Interlocking Objects
    YES ] __Unlimited Budget Glitch

    Yes I know I haven't been very active in Forge Hub and I have a very good reason for that...but instead of telling you that, I'll just throw you some juicy pics to marvel at.
    Distraction - activate!

    Distrac Pictures
    Overview ↓

    Start ↓

    Before Car Cleansing ↓

    After Car Cleansing ↓

    First Landing and First Straightaway ↓

    S Turn Part 1 & 2 ↓

    S Turn Part 3 ↓

    2nd Straightaway and U turn ↓

    Second Landing ↓

    Zig-Zags ↓

    The Pipe ↓

    Inside The Pipe ↓

    The Curvy Road ↓

    Spiral (Final Turn) ↓

    Finish Line ↓

    Well that 's all for this map. I hope you enjoy it. I have made a few other maps which I will be sharing some time tomorrow. Until then, this has been Doog Nit. Good Night and Enjoy.

    Download The Do_oG
    Download 100 cc
    #1 Doog Nit, Mar 10, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2009
  2. cras777

    cras777 Ancient
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    *Smashes keyboard infrustation of internet not loading fast enough so i can get this map*

    I've seen plenty of awesome maps on Forgehub. This, my good forum poster, is the best yet.

    10/10. And it looks plain awesome.
  3. Kyfion

    Kyfion Ancient
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    wow? holy ****, im in the same situation as the guy above me!! i havent been on live in ages and so my dl queue is full GOD DAMNIT!! I WANNA DL!!!!


    seriously though its a plain awesome track with original ideas.....i love the spiral and tube kehehehe, 5/5 and dl'ed wen i can

    keep it up :D
  4. HLG FlashPoint

    HLG FlashPoint Ancient
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    The First good race map on sandbox! It looks awesome and it looks like fun, I will test when i get home
  5. Zanitor

    Zanitor Ancient
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    Well I always fell of rainbow road I am sure I Will here also...haha
    This has to be the best race map by far I have seen by now!
  6. Arbacca

    Arbacca Ancient
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    Nice, the first banked turns on a race map in sandbox, too! I also like the floating objects, just like in the real track.
    5/5, Looks a lot better than the rainbow road you made on blackout.
    If I had to find something wrong, it'd be the lack of sides... but this is Rainbow Road, and I don't think I've ever not fallen off it...
  7. The Spartan III

    The Spartan III Ancient

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    this is the best racing map on sandbox yet, and maybe the only one worth DLing. 5/5
  8. Winterburner

    Winterburner Ancient
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    When I saw this, I was like O.O whoa! Awesome! The interlocking is great and the whole map looks very cool. Some original parts there and there, and, I think, the map is very great gameplay-wise also. I'll DL.
  9. Glitch100

    Glitch100 Ancient
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    Amazing, that interlocking must've taken you a while; and for such a detailed map quite early on; im a taken back.
    Is great 9.9/10 (as its not rainbow coloured ;) )
    Will download and give further rating later :D
    Good stuff dude
  10. TrioEnzyme

    TrioEnzyme Ancient
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    This map is the definition of awesome, just the curvy road makes me want to download!

    I can just about guarantee that you will get premium from this map. If you don't then it would be a total injustice to you and the forging community.

    But I have one question, do you land the correct way up when you exit the tube?
  11. TheRayzerTag

    TheRayzerTag Ancient
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    Wow! Just wow! I have no clue how you made this track so soon (and so smooth) after the launch of Sandbox. It really reminds me of good old Rainbow Road on the gamecube. One little teeny weeny suggestion: you can interlock arches to make perfect cirkles to jump through, but you probably used all the budget allready.
  12. tocen

    tocen Ancient
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    WOW this map looks like a very epic track, cant wait till i get the sandbox maps so i can play this first ^_^
  13. stickmanmeyhem

    stickmanmeyhem Ancient
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    Nice, man! A lot better than the Blackout remake!when I saw the room in the skybox, I kinda thought you'd try and remake it!
    We should forge together again, I've got a competitive map goin on sandbox that I need some help with. I'd be honored to forge with you for like the first time in like 6 months.
  14. Death Height

    Death Height Ancient
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    this map looks amazing! cant wait to download it and play it when the map pack comes out!
    youvegot a dl from me! 5/5
    you didgreat with this. you shouldtry making another one!
  15. Mero90

    Mero90 Ancient
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    Looks absolutely amazing!

    Great merging, looks great, look forward to playing it!

    Love the destruction of the mongooses, but how does that effect death of racers?
  16. Doog Nit

    Doog Nit Ancient
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    Wow man thanks a lot! I wasn't sure if the community would like this one, but it seems my doubts were ridiculous after a comment like that!

    I have an idea. Delete any map that is better than this one on your hard drive. Then DL this one. Now it's your best map yet! :D Oh and will do. (To the keep it up part) ahah - thanks for the good words man.

    Hmmm I don't know if it's the first. In my opinion, that Infared Cruise map was pretty tight. Weirdly looks a lot like mine too. Again, that's just my opinion though. Thanks for the acknowledgement though! Seems as though I might be wrong since many people on here are saying the same thing.

    Yea it's definitely not something you could do in 5 seconds, but the difficulty isn't to the point of frusteration like my old one. Hopefully it works out for you.

    Yea way better than the 1st one. I forgot to put you in the special thanks part for testing it out. I'll do that now.

    Though I thank you for putting my map that high in your rankings, I have to admit this isn't the only map worth downloading. There are some pretty good ones out there you just gotta search around a bit.

    Well it's not too original since it's based off Rainbow Road from Mario Kart, but it's definitely not an exact replica. Hey if you got that reaction when watching on the computer screen, imagine what it'll feel like when you race on it! :D I'm guessing somewhere between LOLZORZROFLHAX or simply fainting......I hope it's the first one :p

    Indeed. The interlocking was a pain in the ass BIG time, but it was all worth it. It always is. LOL you marked me off for not having colored boxes :p I smell a v2? ahahaa yea right. Your further rating better be a 9.98/10 or I quit forge. :p

    As for the premium statement I don't know. I remember the last racetrack that got featured was Quasar (correct me if I'm wrong) and that was epic as hell for Foundry. This map is cool and all but I don't know if it meets the FH standards to "Epic" since it's in Sandbox and it's a bit easierthan making a full track on Foundry. I guess we'll see.

    As for your question, the tube is the part I like least of the map because of that exact reason. Sometimes you land upright and sometimes you flip/land facing backwards, etc. Fortunately it's nothing too serious it just makes me mad that's all. Hopefully it's not bad for you guys.

    Well with the amount of excitement I had when the map first came out, I forged non-stop on this map and got it finished in the span of 3 days. And yes not only did I run into the budget limit, but the item limit as well. Arches are out of the question. Great idea though I'll have to keep that ind mind if I ever make something like this again.

    Careful man I think the mods around here are banning/warning kids for posting exactly what you just posted. Thanks a lot for the feedback, but ya might wanna delete that so you don't get warned or something.

    Yea way better than the black out one right? Ahah I remember how terribly difficult that one was. Anyway, I've tried to "Co-Forge" with many people and so far the only one it's worked out with is ladiesman since we know exactly how each other forges and can work on each other's ideas. I didn't nor do know you well enough to be able to make a map with you, but I do wish you the best of luck with any map you intend to make/complete in the future.

    Again, thanks a bunch, but I think you might get warned/banned for this. Hurry and delete before the mods come lookin'! Oh and I might make another one, but if I do, it'll probably be farther down the line of my forging spree.

    Ahh the last comment for this huge multi quote. To answer your question, the destruction of the mongooses or as I like to call it, "cleansing", happens 10seconds after the round starts. You spawn in front of a mongoose so you have exactly 10 seconds to get out of the explosion's radius (Way more than enough time). After 10 seconds, you'll probably be at the S turn or something and while you are there, the cleansing process will begin. After 30 seconds, you should be at, or close to, the zigzags. At this time platforms will spawn underneath the falling coils to make sure they don't make any more explosions for the rest of the round. Mongooses never respawn so now there is nothing but smooth a track waiting for you at the start/finish.

    I hope that answers your question and thanks for the download/positive feedback. Let me know how it plays for you some time.
  17. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    Doognit posting his usual amazing race tracks. This truly is brilliant. Already downloaded and just played. The only problem I've found is that when you die, you respawn on upside-down tin cups. Fine, but when I was playing it with just me and my splitscreener, when either of us jumped off, the round ended. Is this just an occurence for 2-player races?
  18. Mongoose

    Mongoose Ancient
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    Yeah, I agree, this is the best Sandbox tra- wait, what?

    I love how everyone posts on your track. It seems I have gone unnoticed by the majority of the community for following the rules (cough) and posting only my track name in the title (cough). Sadface.

    Back on topic, (lol) nice track. One of the best yet, but definitely not the best. Halotracks has made some pretty sick ones. 4.5/5
  19. Doog Nit

    Doog Nit Ancient
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    Yes it was meant to be a spectating system, but unfortunately if you are the last one left on the track and everyone spectating kills themselves, then the round ends. That's why I put more than 1 round. Actually about 5 or so. I recommend playing with at least 3 people so you can tell them to just spectate when they die.

    Yea lol with a name like "The DooG" you know it's gotta be worth your click. It's just so simply epic sounding :p Wait I thought your track had more comments than mine anyway.....hmm well anyway yea I guess I should check HaloTracks out I forgot about them. I'll go do that some time today.

    Also what's wrong with that quote? Are you saying my map isn't good enough to get featured or you're not understanding a part of it...?
  20. Taco Bell

    Taco Bell Ancient
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    Finally, a creative racetrack that looks different then all the other ones. I always loved rainbow road BTW. I am definitely downloading this.

    P.S. Best racetrack ever and great interlocking

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