x2 At least he left in a lot for the director's cut lol the cartoon looks like something adrian would have put together (for his company), it was good xD No it was made in flash by someone
I just watched the movie last Sunday. It was rather nice, but a lot of people found it extremely deep and hard to understand. I understood it though. And yes, that Blue Guy was VERY disturbing.
I completel agree. I loved the soundtrack to it. The opening credits to Watchmen is one of my favourite things in any movie ever. I loved it. That had me in tears, of laughter. I'd be more than willing to watch an hour's worth of that. I disagree. At first you can't not notice Dr. Manhatten's **** but after a while it's natural and doesn't disrupt the film.
I just saw the movie for the second time last night. The movie really grew on me. I enjoyed the parts that I didn't care for the first time around, so it might be worth seeing a second time. I still didn't car for the sex scene though... I'm still wondering what they were thinking.
They were thinking that, at least for Alan Moore, that the story wasn't to be just a superhero story, and it isn't. Instead of the basic, kiss for romance, they wanted to show what real superheroes would be like. And in truth they are all (except Jon) just regular people, and so they would have sex. Movie-wise, I think they did go a tad-bit over the top on the sex scene in Archie, but otherwise the sex scenes werent that bad, and they worked I think...
I just thought the music they played during that scene was laughable. It completely killed any romantic build up that there was. They could have picked a much better time period piece for that scene. Every other music choice seemed to fit well, especially the Bob Dylan song at the very beginning. That introduction was amazing as far as I'm concerned.
You aren't the only one to think so... I was like, WTF at that song... some of the other musical choices throughout the movie weren't exactly great either, though none were as memorably bad as that. And yea, I was drooling over the beginning alone, let alone going Nerdgasmic every time someone spoke after lol... Despite music, I still think it was great.
yeah, i'm completely ignoring any criticisms of this movie and just going with this: this is one of my all time favorite movies and it couldn't have been much better. i ****ing 100% love it. I went into the theater skeptical, due to my anticipating it since like, last october and loyalty to the graphic novel. I'm for sure seeing it again, then buying it on dvd, and ****ing the dvd over and over again. i love watchmen and i have gained so much respect for everybody behind the movie. I'm fanboying like a motherfucker.
Seeing Watchmen on the big screen was a surreal experience. I felt giddy every time the movie matched up with the comic, and I loved how consistently that happened. It did confirm my suspicions though, that you can't put Watchmen to film without painting yourself into a corner. The medium can't do justice to the source material, make the movie and you're going to be forced to do away with some of what makes Watchmen great, all you can do is decide which aspects of it you'll strip away, and to what degree. The movie respected the comic, and I'm grateful, but as a representation of Watchmen it's incredibly lacking.
as i was told by sarge, and it really helped me view the movie as a lot better was this: the movie isn't made to represent the comic, or translate it AS the movie version of it. It's made to go hand and hand with the comic. Think of the two together as a whole, not one or the other.
I saw Watchmen twice over the weekend, and I must say it's an excellent film. They captured the feel of the comic very well, and overall I was very satisfied. Zack Snyder has yet to let me down with one of his films.
Snyder has a way to make his films entertaining regardless of how good they are. With Watchmen, he succeeded to make an entertaining and good film. I bring the Dawn of the Dead remake to your attention, terrible, but entertaining as ****. lol.
WATCHMEN WAS SO ****ING AWESOME!!!! I was sad when Rorschach died... But then again, it was a generally depressing movie... Depressing as in ****ING AWESOME.
DUde.... USE Spoilers. There are people who haven't seen it, and don't want you ruining it... spoilers please.
I've been having an email conversation with a good friend of mine about the movie all week. This was his latest ramble about the flick, and it's just too hilarious not to share(IMO anyway): How the **** am I supposed to respond to THAT?!
SPOILERS As far as I am concerned it sucked that they had to include a bunch of crap comic book plot ideas for the film. The egyption stuff for example was just so stupid and unnecessary. Why did Ozymandias build a palace? What was that horned tiger for? Why did Ozymandias fight nite owl and rorschach? Why did he pretend to try and kill manhattan? All he needed up there was a lab and once the remaining watchmen came to stop his world domination all he had to do was explain that it was a perfectly fine mass murder (which is stupid in itself). Plus there was a nagging annoyance about manhattan. He couldn't look into the future when the takions were blocking him... but he could before that. Surely before the events of the film he should've been able to look into the future and see that for a period of time he would not be able to see the future, that he would assume this is because the atomic war will happen but then realise it was ozymandias all along. The only thing that manhattan got passionate about was the fact that he thought he had given his loved ones cancer. The same flaw applies. He shouldve seen they would get cancer, see that he would wrongly blame himself and then see that it was in fact ozymandia that gave them cancer. Why didnt he kick ozymandias ass for giving his loved ones cancer and why didnt he stop him in the first place anyway. And i agree that the soundtrack was bad. In particular the 99 red balloons song didnt fit at all. I enjoyed it but I really dont rate comic book stories. I hate stupid plots. Sucked less than the dark knight though.
In response to the general stuff Spoiler The palace provided Ozy a way to work in secrecy, and also represented his massive ego. The tiger is explained in the comic, Ozy is researching genetic engineering , but they don't explain that in the movie so the tiger's presence makes no sense. He fights Nightowl and Rorschach because they attack him first. He didn't pretend to kill Manhattan, it was a legitimate attempt. The goal of his plan wasn't world domination, it was to stop all war, specifically life eradicating nuclear war, he was killing millions to save billions. The Egyptian stuff is kind of complicated, you start dealing with references to poetry and junk. The short answer is that Oxy fancies himself beyond the comparison of anyone who exists today, so he models himself after the great leaders of the past. In response to the Dr. Manhattan problems Spoiler The tachyons weren't something that popped up at a certain point, they were always there existing in the future. And they didn't cancel out his power altogether, he could still see into the future, but his vision was cut off at the point where the tachyons appeared. Manhattan was only able to recognize that Ozy caused the cancer of those around him once he uncovered enough of Ozy's plan to piece everything together, which was right around the time he first entered Ozy's secret snow fortress. And at that point Manhattan no longer cared that those people were given cancer, he was past that. Manhattan's motivations are complicated, he's basically an slightly less than omnipotent being working his way through his infancy. His changing perception of himself, his powers and people explain his apparent lack of consistency. lol at that email, Squidhands