By: C0ldflame23 and Darklordsn Uphill Glory V2 is an infection map in which humans spawn at the bottom and the base is at the top. The humans must run up to the base, but they are being chased by the zombies. This is the version 2 of my previous map, but this time I put a lot of time and effort into making the map using lots of interlocking and merging. Please feel free to leave feedback Map: Halo 3 File Details Gametype: Halo 3 File Details Pictures: For more pictures please watch the youtube video:
I think i remember the first one it was very open, and, to be honest, not too good. This one is good, it still has the top armory, but has a lot more cover. The idea is brilliant and the map design alright. Forging is good as well. However in the base, how many ways are there to attack it? Because the open area just in front of it would not be good for zombies, unless the zombies have a liittle shields-enough for two BR headshots. If there are multiple ways up then dont bother in changing settings. Keep zombie speed an gravity down with speed slightly faster than humans.
ok there is only 1 way up but after 3 mins grav lifts spawn allowing the zombies to come from behind the base
ok thats good mate, no need to play around with the settings much Like i said zombies have to be faster than humans or it won't work. cheers