Jack Pot

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by El3CTRONiC, Mar 9, 2009.

  1. El3CTRONiC

    El3CTRONiC Ancient
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    I was in forge one day and started throwing spike grenades at my friends when i thought, hey this is fun.

    Jack Pot

    -------------------------------------THE DESCRIPTION----

    Jack Pot is a game where the goal is to get stuck.
    one random player starts in a bunker filled with spike grenades and is supposed to try to stick the players outside.

    you dont want to assassinate though because you will be giving that person five of the 25 points they need to win the round. When the person in the bunker gets a stick he gets a point for kicks... depending on the amount of players theres a chance he could win.

    theres five rounds in a game and when you die you get 5 points. except theres a catch. you cant go off killing yourself beacuse you wont earn any points.

    --------------------THE SCORING--------------------------
    the only way to score is to stick someone or die.
    if you die you get 5 points,
    if you stick someone you get 1 point, but remember they'll get five.
    no points for suicides

    ---------THE VARIANT--------------------------------------

    2x OverShield
    magnum start
    200% shield recharge rate

    -----------------------THE MAP-----------------------------

    this is a view of the bunker mentioned in the description

    a view from inside...

    the "stickee's" point of view

    ---------------------------------THE ACTION SHOTS-------



    ----------------------------THE PRISON SHANK------------


    --------------------------------------THE DOWNLOADS----


    #1 El3CTRONiC, Mar 9, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2009
  2. Blep1337

    Blep1337 Ancient
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    whats the point for the "sticker" if hes just giving the other people points?
    #2 Blep1337, Mar 9, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2009
  3. l33tmeerkatslol

    l33tmeerkatslol Ancient
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    We don't even know what game type it is, unless I missed it. I see it is slayer, now that I checked the b.net link. A little bit more info would be nice, I kinda got confused.
    Like, is it teams?
    Whats the point of sticking someone if you only get one point, and they get 5.
    I don't get it.

    I like the Sticking part of it, and you have good interlocking btw.
  4. cakeChart

    cakeChart Ancient
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    These games would seem to go quickly. Couldn't some just win by suiciding 5 times? Take out the 5 pointers for dying, that's pretty dumb. Make it a VIP game, and make the point to stick the guy in the bunker. 1 point per stick. First to 10.
  5. El3CTRONiC

    El3CTRONiC Ancient
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    you dont get points for suicide, ****.
  6. Squiiddish

    Squiiddish Ancient
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    Alright, I haven't posted on this site in weeks but crap, I must correct this idiocracy.

    Have none of you ever played Jackpot? 500? Whatever you wanna call it?

    The point of the game is to be a remake of the real-life version of this game, where someone throws a ball which is worth X amount of points and everyone tries to catch it (you catch it you get X amount of points). First one to 500 won, and became the new thrower. This is the Halo version.
    The thrower throws a spike grenade, which everyone tries to catch to earn points. Although I do think the score limit for winning should be upped, and personally I'd go 3 points a death as opposed to 5, but "catching" the ball and dying is how you score points. Whoever catches it the most times wins and becomes the new thrower.
    The thrower isn't really there to win, he's there to mess with people. Like throwing ridiculously hard-to-catch spikes. Or tossing them straight down into the ground and watching everyone mosh to it.

    Just like real Jackpot! Yaaaaaaaay!
    (get it now?)

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