Sandbox Betwissive

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Moose I, Mar 9, 2009.


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  1. Oh my god you're a forge genius!

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  2. Pretty amazing.

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  3. Wow nice job!

  4. Pretty Cool.

  5. It's ok.. I guess.

  6. Meh.

  7. No thanks try again later.

  8. What is this garbage?

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  9. EWWWW!

  10. OMG stop forging you loser.

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  1. Moose I

    Moose I Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hey guys, it's Moose here with the newest addition to the Sandbox collection. May I introduce you to:


    This is a sandbox map that is designed for Team Slayer 2v2, 3v3, or 4v4. It is also set up for 1v1's, but it plays best on team slayer games. Anyway, the map is comprised of two snipe towers, 4 tunnels (2 on each side), 3 main sections where there is struggle for power weapons, and 3 long fields of fire.
    This map was not designed in mind with the Pit, however, it plays almost exactly the same.

    ---Weapon List---
    BR x 8 (20 Second Respawn 2 Extra Clips)
    Laser x 1 (150 Second Respawn)
    Rockets x 1 (120 Second Respawn 1 Extra Clip)
    Sword x 1 (60 Second Respawn)
    Gravity Hammer x 1 (60 Second Respawn)
    Needler x 2 (60 Second Respawn 1 Extra Clip)
    Sniper x 2 (120 Second Respawn 1 Extra Clip)
    Mauler x 2 (60 Second Respawn 1 Extra Clip)

    So, that covers the weapons. Now to the pics!

    Overview of Betwissive

    Blue Sniper Tower


    Red Sniper Tower




    Blue Tunnels


    Red Tunnels

    Laser Spawn

    Rockets (In between Blue and Red Tunnels)

    Well that's all for the pics. Hopefully they speak for themselves. Here's the download link.

    File Share Make sure you pick slot 1!!

    Hope you guys enjoy it!
  2. STWOW

    STWOW Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Don't link to your fileshare. K now to the map, The weapon list is bad. Way too much. A hammer AND a sword? AND 2 needlers? and other stuff. I like the map layout though. Maybe connect the the sniper tower walk ways other places too instead of 1 open walk. Also thicken the bridges to them too and maybe under the sniper tower instead of a path just make kind of a umm open area to walk on. It will increase the flow of your map and it's balance. Also why are there 2 turrets right next to each other? Other than that it is original and I like it. 3/5 right now because your weapons was the next closest thing to making a godawful stockpile : / and try my suggestions and see how they are.
  3. Commander Jako

    Commander Jako Ancient
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    Hey dude nice job on the map, the look is pretty cool, it could use some interlocking with some of it though... The sniper towers looks like my own slice of heaven though. =-) Couple of things, those long walkways, maybe you could throw in some cover, and maybe go a bit easy on the heavy weapons, (a.k.a. the turrets, rockets, and lasers.) But looks neat! Keep forging!
  4. Moose I

    Moose I Ancient
    Senior Member

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    It's not too much, it's almost the same exact weapon list as Pit and that map is one of the best. So how can you say it's a stockpile?
  5. STWOW

    STWOW Ancient
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    I said it's almost as bad, also you cannot compare this to pit because it has a laser AND all of pits weapons. Pit is a good map and is balanced. Your map is more open and has large overlooking towers. Putting both turrets right next eachother is not pit either.
  6. El3CTRONiC

    El3CTRONiC Ancient
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    theres not enough ways to the other part of the map from each base i think it would be hard to play and theres also to many power wepaons... if one team started to spawn on the side with laser, rockets, maulers, and machine guns, ...with the sword and gravity hammer somewhere on this ...the pther team would be raped.
  7. Wood Wonk

    Wood Wonk Ancient
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    yes, but you cant compare completely different maps. that like justifying a hornet/wraith/chopper/multiple hogs and geese/ghost on guardian cause avalanche has them...
    about your map, it seems the sniper tower would completely dominate. there is no cover getting from the one side of the map to the towers.
  8. Zanitor

    Zanitor Ancient
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    Wow it looks good over all, nice looking map, but what worries me is the Weapons, I would at least set the respawn times much higher, because that's just way over powerful imo. Otherwise very nice map.
  9. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    This map looks good!

    I would suggest adding some cover.
    The long walkways, they are much too open- try adding some areas to take cover- the person that walks down the walkway, is a dead man....
  10. Moose I

    Moose I Ancient
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    The map is based on long range br fights. The sniper is the most powerful weapon and can be taken down just like the snipe towers on the Pit.
    They are the same exact tower.
    A tall tower with one wall as cover and a spiraling walkway of ramps up to it.
  11. Wood Wonk

    Wood Wonk Ancient
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    but there is just one small bridge leading to the sniper towers one person could easily watch that bridge and the ramp up to other tower, if there are spawn pointa below it.
    you see, the pit is an enclosed map with almost all lines of sight across map blocked. in your map, the tower can see the entire map.
    im not saying you have a terrible map, im just saying that you shouldnt put snipers in a tower that can see the whole. i would say either replace the snipes with BRs and/or put a sniper on the other side of the map, or in the middle.
    and a map based of long range BR fights shouldnt be consisted of narrow catwalks, since a good BR fight requires the players to strafe.
  12. STWOW

    STWOW Ancient
    Senior Member

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    1. It's not Pit so stop saying it is just like Pit
    2. Stop arguing and defending your map just take our constructive criticism and maybe make a v2 jeez
  13. R0FLninja

    R0FLninja Ancient
    Senior Member

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    thre are a lot of heavu weapons, i would suggest taking out the gravity hammer and the rockets, and maybe the needler. but overall the map design and layout is good, but sorry no dl :(

  14. squirrelxb

    squirrelxb Ancient
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    Looks pretty interesting, however right off the bat I can say that I think the central bridge area connecting the overshield spawn to the sniper towers being the only route between the two is a bit confining, and players might be easily taken out by snipers.

    I'll DL though and play through it with some friends and give you my thoughts :)
  15. LIGHTSOUT225

    Senior Member

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    like said above, do not link to your fileshare. click on the file in your fileshare and use that link.
  16. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
    Senior Member

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    Are you not looking at the same map I am?

    Tha main flaw in this map is design. It has many narrow bridges and such that really do not call for an all-seeing sniper tower. With that narrowness people will take advantage of the tower and just completely destroy any other competition. Limit the lines of sight of the snipe tower as they did in The Pit.

    The weapon placement does look rather questionable also, seeing as their is limited cover. And I don't see a problem with having that many power weapons on a map, you just have to make them all functional and work well with the size of such a map.
  17. Moose I

    Moose I Ancient
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    Hmmm.... I am going to make a v2 with more cover, more paths to get to different places, and a better weapon set with better spawn times. I will also make new spawns and place the snipers in the tunnels and put BR's on the towers.
    If I do that do you guys think it would be a good v2?
  18. Pel

    Pel Ancient
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    I like it. It seems pretty original, and fun. The only problems are the power weapons(too many of them/spwan too fast). 3.8/5
  19. Silva Sniper

    Silva Sniper Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yeah,what he said.Don't link the map to your file share,its in the rules.
    Anyways this looks a lot like a remake of something from Halo2.
    Nicely done any hoot.
    I love the smooth feel on this map.It is really a true master piece.

    Jusr one more thing.Read The Rules In The SubSection Above.
    That is all for nao.

  20. LIGHTSOUT225

    Senior Member

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    locked because you fail to comply to map posting rules. when you are ready to follow them, you can post your map again.
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