Well it looked really bad with screen shots, but once I started it up and played on it I liked it, my advice is take better screen shots, these are fine, but back to map, I really liked it, it had fun game play, I done a quick 2v2, it was fun, hard at first, but it got easier and I could remember more about it, I liked it.
Same here, just as the other two said, terrible screenshots, but a unique gameplay. Sorta like a few other maps I have. Keep forigng, focus more on interlocking, and when you do make grsv lifts and mancannons, hide them.
All my other maps i usally do hide them, but i ran out of materials to do so. Other wise yeah, i would of loved to hide them, neater means more ratings. ^_^
ok, the map looks pretty well forged.. but explain the map a little more... is it symmetrical? completely?... and just about how big is this?
Sorry, but i never could figure out symmetrical or asymmetrical meant on a map. I know thats noobish, but as much as i forge im confused on that. And the map is actually a good size, the weps are distuingished pretty well to.
well all it means is that certain thing spawn in certain gametypes, since team slayer, multi flag, neutral assaault, and GRIFTBALL are symmetrical( even advantages/ disadvantages)... but like infection, one flag/bomb, oddball,?juggernaut?(one team does one thing, the other team does something else... like attacker/ defenders).... BUT i was actually asking if the whole map was symmetrical( as i see the 2 bases as being)?... like the same on each side..