Sandbox Element

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by LIGHTSOUT225, Mar 4, 2009.

  1. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
    Senior Member

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    CTF was great on this during testing we played 2v2 CTF, **** was awesome.
    Great job, i'd like to collaborate as well sometime.
  2. Reidypeedy

    Reidypeedy Ancient
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    wow i must admit this is very good, yea it is hard to judge this maps at this point in time cuz they just game out and everyone is getting used to the objects and merging and what not, but this layout is great and looks really nice and i cant tell if there is merging cuz the objects im not fimiliar with yet but i have the maps
  3. Atrain

    Atrain Ancient
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    hmm... I smell a feature. anyways, I like the smooth good looking interlocking and the unique designs. X-tra props for the pagota. 5/5 I think you should post this at ATLAS on bungie given that it isn't budget glitched and that it would make for some epic team slayer on MM.
    #23 Atrain, Mar 4, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2009
  4. Wood Wonk

    Wood Wonk Ancient
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    Yes, it is posted. Finally a good competetive floating map on the sandbox skybubble. There have been many that havnt been "up to my standards as competetive". Not that these shoudnt be pposted, since forgehub is about giving advise and constructive criticism and making better forgers. Ive just really wanted to play a nice competetive game on a good floating map from sandbox. and now i can.

    Enough of my ramblings about things besides this map. It has a great layout, im really looking forward to CTF on it. Tactical jumps are always good. I like the red and blue lights together to make white, i wanted a neutral color for the middle of the map i have in progress. Anyways, looks like it'll have amazing gameplay. I'll edit with more later once ive played on it. thanks.
  5. Cosmic Rick

    Cosmic Rick Ancient
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    Hey, I've played on this. And if I recall, I've owned the creators every time. This map really suits my playing style... even better than most of the maps I make. The jumps are excellent, the layout is incredible (especially considering you pieced it together like 2 drunk kids with a lego set), and the weapons/spawns and everything else really seem to flow together.

    Good skybox map. My favorite so far.
  6. Creeping Death

    Creeping Death What's a Halo?
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    Thanks everyone. We really started this map by just messing around in the skybubble, only it ended up looking pretty sweet after a while. From there we cleaned it up and got it to play well. There is interlocking on this map, but only where necessary. A lot of items on Sandbox don't demand it. We also built the main build for this in about 3 hours. After that we probably spent double that cleaning it up (the damn wall/floor glitch is a bummer) and setting up spawns and gametypes. Either way, we are happy with it and the way it turned out for an initial and pretty random first attempt :0)

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    dont give away our secretzz. no but yeh, the initial build wasn't too tedious. Started out random, then we started to communicate on how we wanted the map to flow and how we wanted to two sides to connect and adjusted from there. The elbow was the last real addition to the map, and added a lot of zest (i feel like a douche saying zest) and a lot more variety to both teams.

    Thanks for all the great comments and DLs
  8. porkstein

    porkstein Ancient
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    Sweet. This looks hugely fun. Well designed, cleanly forged...

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    Im not sure we've had full 4v4 testing on this yet.. only 1v1-3v3. But as soon as we do, ATLAS is probably in the cards, given it can handle the full 8 players (which may be a bit cramped). We'll see... thanks for the comments.
  10. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
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    this deserves to be bumped and not be sitting back on page 4.
  11. Agamer

    Agamer Ancient
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    Where do I begin? Alright, first off I do have to say you guys really have outdone yourself. Even though you say this was thrown together, in my opinion so far this is definitely going to be a keeper that I can for see good games coming out of it for a long time. One Flag by far suits your map perfectly, there are multiple ways to defend your flag when playing defense and multiple ways to get the flag when on offense. I do have to agree on what Cosmic said, the layout is definitely managed well, taking in the fact that if you know what you're doing on Element you can save yourself a lot of time. Jumping on this map is definitely something new timers to Element are going to have to learn. It took me several games to get the hang of it. But trust me, if you know how to successfully crouch jump on Element you can to where you want to get faster and it makes your game experience one notch better than your enemies. The weapons were nicely picked and placed. They weren't too cluttered nor were they barely placed. All of the weapons and equipment on Element seem to balance each other out. Especially for the fact that Element is an asymmetrical map the weapons and equipment were fairly placed for each respective team. I like how you two took good advantage out of specific objects such as the teleporters and the bubble shield being varied when playing symmetric and assymetric gametypes. And I see why the teleporters are only on assymetric gametypes due to it being uneven if they were on symmetric gametypes. There are very few spawn problems and the only thing that can be changed is the Bubble Shield. I say this since if it is used in the right hands and placed in the correct place on the map, you can break out and get up on top. Therefore, giving an unbalanced game and it would be unfair to the other team. I am sure it would be possible to replace it with a long respawning regenerator.
    Overall, I see many enjoyable games being played on Element. Good job guys.
  12. WREX

    WREX Ancient
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    I did play this map, and it was fun, but very confusing. For instance when you are out fighting a guy and then you die and respawn, it is hard to find the place where you died so that you may seek revenge upon those who just killed you. Otherwise this map is pretty sweet. 3.999999/5
  13. STWOW

    STWOW Ancient
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    I like it. How did you make the whitish light? Also (even though I'm not a fan of asymetrical maps I like the balance of this. I play tested and it's great BUT. 1 tiny tiny thing. You might want to connect the bridge from the attackers part to the light tower because even though only a stupid person would fall, I did and it will increase the general flow :) 4.999999999/5
  14. SpoiledPAUL

    SpoiledPAUL Ancient
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    Wow! This is amazing. This is probably the first "good" slayer map that I've seen throughout my days. This is truly bungie favorites material. I am completely blown away.

    Work: 10/10
    Design: 9/10
    Creativity: 10/10

    Overall: 9.8/10
  15. LIGHTSOUT225

    Senior Member

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    appreciate the good words, agamer. were you referring to the deployable cover, by chance? bubble shields dont help you break maps, to my knowledge. the depl. cover can potentially help you get on top, but with the frantic flow of the map, and the position of the piece itself, its both highly unlikely and impractical. Also, thats the beauty of skyox maps.. theres no real breaking a map, per se (at least not mos times). And since the map shines most with CTF and Territories, which require lots of movement, camping atop the map somewhere isn't going to get your team anywhere. Good lookin out, though.

    the layout may be slightly confusing for like the first half of the game, but its pretty natural for the rest.. and certainly very easy to navigate the second and subsequent times around. Glad you liked it.

    The white-pinkish light is a result from the combination of the reb and blue lights. Thelight tower and its bridges are not connected because it offers a tad more danger and effort to obtain the rocket launcher. I like the jumps. If you fell, its probably not something you'll likely do again with a 20 second respawn timer

    Appreciate the high praise, paul. We can only hope for something as illustrious as BFaves, but im not getting my hopes up.
  16. halo3fan

    halo3fan Ancient
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    look really well made the symatry is a little of for a comptetive map but all in all a good map a least for a new sandbox level there are too many to go through.
  17. Awkward Silence

    Awkward Silence Ancient
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    Hello there, I finally got to play a few games on this and I have to say I really, really enjoyed it. The structure of the map itself was really fresh and creative, and the flow was phenomenal. I think this is one of the few forged maps that I really enjoyed a serious game on because the map really seemed to make sense. In the past, on Foundry, a lot of maps felt really divided vertically, and that always detracted from my gameplay experience. On Element, however, the different floors are really well connected to the lower levels of the map, and that makes a huge difference gameplay-wise. The push and pull of combat felt really logical and natural, so I think I'll be keeping this map on my hard drive for awhile. Oh, and I didn't even mention the spawns and weapons. They were great. That's all I have to say about those. :)

    With all that said, there were a few problems that I had. Nothing huge, but maybe something to consider if you ever want to make a v2. I noticed that there were certain places on Element that seemed to come to a dead end. The path where the Reciever Node is next to the OS is a good example of this. That path didn't seem to really go anywhere. It wasn't all that useful, and there wasn't a lot of motivation to go over there, because once you did, the only choice was to retrace your steps back to the point you already were at. I suggest deleting the little wall behind the OS, and connecting that platform to the one I was just talking about. I think that would be a better choice. Just a thought.

    On the other side of the map, particularly around the little structure made out of Y-Intersection tubes, there are a lot of jumps. In my personal opinion, I never like having to jump to reach something. My gameplay "philosophy" is that the only jumps that should be in a map are "bonus" jumps. For example, the one on Narrows that allows you to go from the Mancannon to Top-Mid. Those are the only jumps that I like to see. Jumps should never be the main path to a platform/structure. Then again, that's just my style. If you want to keep those because you like that kind of player movement, that's fine. It's your map, go right ahead. Other than that, I didn't have any problems.

    That's my review. I really, really enjoyed Element, and I thought it played perfectly sans a few minor style tweaks. Yup.

    Keep up the great work!
  18. deepmonkey paw

    deepmonkey paw Ancient
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    Whats up man? Been a while since I been on here. Saw your name as the creator and had to check it out, and just as I suspected, you did not disappoint. This looks awesome! Definately gonna get my DL. Tho I dont know when I will get to play it considering I havent been on Halo 3 in forever and probably would have alot of trouble getting a custom game going. Im trying to get back into forgehub with the release of Sandbox and this map looks looks like a great place to start. Good work dude.. Look forward to playing it.

    *thumbs up!*
  19. LIGHTSOUT225

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    Creep and I really appreciate the time you took to give some actual quality feedback on the map. Good stuff, man. I'm glad you really like it, and Im glad you have such praise for it! Means alot. I think the jumps will probably stay, though. That area is quite the power spot if you think about it. Its the only spot ont he map that has good views of both bases, and decent cover from each. Also, you can consider those jumps a risk/reward for the Rocket Launcher/deployable cover. Many people haven't quite grasped the power of the dep. cover here yet I dont believe. Its quite the tool. Not only for its obvious, intended purpose, but I've seen many KILLS been created via the dep. cover. I believe I've been killed by it 3 times so far (twice by Cosmic, and once by Orange). Throwing it at the right time when a player is mid-jump is a great way to send someone screaming to the death barrier. Its quite the piece of equipment to hold on this map. I also feel that those jumps give the map its character, and add to the sense of urgency that surrounds the entire map.

    As for the receiver node area, well it may not be used as much as other areas, but its still traversed fairly frequently. Try making the jump from overshield through the windows by the receiver node. Its quite the tactic when storming the base. The reverse jump can be made as well, though a bit tougher. Its one of the best tactical jumps on the map, and really streamlines player movement like Agamer referenced above. That area also makes a pretty decent snipe spot.

    Again, thanks a ton for the feedback. We love to hear what people really have to think about the map, and we're really glad you got the chance to game some on it before offering feedback. Good stuff
  20. thumtac

    thumtac Ancient
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    This map is incredible. Best map on sandbox I have played

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