Map Preview Thread (Sandbox) Map Teaser Thread Well as the title says this thread will be for people to post teaser pics and info on their upcoming Sandbox maps. I have seen people posting teasers in the Sandbox discussion thread and thought I would make a thread for people to show off their upcoming maps. Well anyway I will start this off by showing you some of my ideas. I don't actually have the Mythic maps but I have been planning my maps in Sketchup so here are some preiviews of what I will be making in a few days when I get the maps. The first map I will be making will be an infection map, using the canvas where the laser towers are blocked off. The gloomy filter will be on (I know not very original). The humans will spawn in the center and make their way on foot into the dunes where there will be several unique bases merged into the dunes (hopefully as neatly as Cosmic's Utah Mambo). The zombies will be released 1 minute into the game and hunt down the hidden survivors. Here are a couple pictures of possible base ideas, there not too great at the moment I have only just designed them tonight. All bases will be quite small and hold limited ammo to make the game as intense a possible. The second map I will be making is the one I am most excited about. It seems alot of people since sandbox's release have been making remakes, so I thought I would try my hand at one. However this is no halo remake this is my favourite map from my favourite FPS of all time. My plan is to make the most accurate remake possible of the timesplitters classic Mexican Mission. I tried to do this once before on Foundry howver the scale had to be reduced and the objects did not suit theme. However now with sandbox I think I can successfully remake this map to a high standard. Here are some sketchup screenshots, (its nowhere near finished) hopefully if you remember playing this map these pictures should bring back memories. First heres a screen of the actual map (I couldn't find a bigger pic but there is a video link below) Here is a video of the original map if you have never heard of it: YouTube - Mexican Mission - After and Before Well hope you've enjoyed these previews. Feedback would be appreciated. Please add to this thread with your own map previews.
There was a thread like this before, but it was for all maps. It wasn't very successful. IMO, you are less likely to get noticed or feedback in a thread with many teasers.
The small bases look really impressive. And I like the look of your second map. Its hard to tell how it would play. I cant wait till these come out! Good job!
Well thanks, hopefully you won't be waiting too long I should have the maps by the weekend at the longest then I can get to work on them.
Here is a few pics of my map in progress. Hopefully I can get the geometry done by the end of this weekend. I'd like to think of it as a successor to Lockout, although I can only hope it's that successful. It has a similar 3 level layout with lots of movement throughout the map. If all goes according to plan (not having budget and item limit issues), this will be my best playing map to date.