Sahara Dream

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by Conkerkid11, Mar 8, 2009.

  1. Conkerkid11

    Conkerkid11 Ancient
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    Sahara Dream will most likely be the first Tremor n' Mouse map you have ever experienced on Sandbox. But why should you play this map over the ones on Foundry, Valhalla, and even Avalanche? Because this one is bigger, it provides you with a different feel for Tremor n' Mouse maps, and it's an all out fun map! The map itself provides enough room for 16 player, but of course only if you can handle riding on the back of another mongoose. The location of the map is special in its own way, because each tower of doom is blocked off with a Tube Y-Intersection. Providing the players with the entire middle tier of Sandbox to play with. The map consists of multiple man cannons of which are interlocked with ramps to provide the mice and the tremor with an easy get away. There are also multiple structures placed around the map so that you can confuse the tremor and get away easier, such as the recently added "Three awesome pillars of cool" of which are geomerged randomly into the ground, being the first thing that the tremor will most likely see. Also, don't worry about the tremor base being in the air. Your probably thinking that once you shoot off of it, your going to flip over and have to waste your time trying to get back in the chopper. But that's not the case here! This base is convieniently placed high above the highest hill on Sandbox, providing you with a smooth landing when you hit the bottom. Providing you use the speed boost of course!​

    The creation of this map started on february 27th, when one of my friends; Zak Attack7501 said "Make me a tremors map before I get Halo Wars: LE." So I did just that, and at first nobody really cared for the development of the map, all my friends cared about was how I got the maps so early, and that I didn't deserve them. The first thing I created in this map was the mice spawn, and from there I designed the tremor spawn, the middle structures, and finaly the outside structures. Some of my friends even got frustrated with me after how many times I tested it, trying to get everything perfect when they would say "Testing? Again!? Fine, I'll come... but isn't it good enough already? Why don't you just post it already!?" For that, I thank everybody who tested the map with me, even though the majority of the people who signed up didn't show, I'm still glad I'm finaly getting this out there to the public eye!

    Hey look everybody! Conkerkid11 is trying to make a story revolving around Tremor n' Mouse! Let's point and laugh! I was going to make this very large, detailed, awesome story. But then again, I don't have a clue what tremors itself is about, and perhaps I shouldn't just make up a bunch of mumbo jumbo about something I don't know about. Oh well, here it goes. ​

    You are a mouse, and you belong to a small society of mice whose lives consist of eating cheese, and sleeping. Well one day while rummaging around the desert of which this society of mice lives in, you spot the largest piece of cheese you have ever seen. You wait until none of the other mice see you, and you make a mad dash towards the cheese. But the closer you get to it, the more detailed it gets, and you stop to think; does normal cheese have string tied around it? Oh well, who cares!? It's free cheese anyways. You take a nibble at the cheese, suddenly, out of nowhere a tremor; the most feared creature known to mice, jumps out from behind a large rock and charges at you. Not thinking at the time, you lead it to a small group of seven mice, of which happen to be related to you. Who will be the last mouse standing?​


    VERSION 1.1
    • Added an additional two choppers​
    • Added on to the Tremor base to allow two more choppers to fit​
    • Updated the gametype to 4 zombies instead of just 2​
    • Took the unused tunnel structure and turned it into 3 geomerged boxes for really neat cover​
    • Added in a ramp with a ring around it for an aesthetic getaway​
    • Updated the thread's pictures to include the new structures, and updates​
    • Added an additional shield door on the opposite side of the map as the first one​
    • Fixed the boxes in the middle that were always z-fighting​
    • Updated the kill balls to not spawn at start, and instead to respawn 30 seconds into the game, warning the mice that the tremors are free​

    I recommend playing this map with 10-16 players.

    In this there are four choppers, and eight mongooses. But there can still be more then eight mice, you might just have to share a mongoose, and ride on the back of somebody elses. It plays out like any other Tremor n' Mouse map. The tremor is let free after thirty seconds, giving the mice enough time to explore the map. Make sure that you are playing with the right gametype, and everything will play out perfectly.​


    Break these rules and forever be banned from the game
    • Tremors MAY NOT shoot at the mice​
    • A Mouse MAY NOT steal a Tremor's vehicle​
    • A Mouse MAY NOT leave their vehicle and walk unless there are no Mongooses remaining​












    Thanks for testing the map with me, I had a fun time! Although not many pointers or opinions came out of your mouth. I still felt you deserved partial credit for the way this map came out.
    I have the same to say for you as I said for JakeyFreeHa. You didn't say much. But I still feel you were helpful.
    Some Roman
    Thanks for testing with me, I believe you deserve partial credit. I don't really remember who gave me those little tips in the map, but I'm listing everybody who tested, so here you are!
    Thank you so much for testing every game! You showed me were to add stuff, you also beat me at my own game, and for that, you deserved credit for this map to!
    chief wiggum 00
    Thanks dude! You are my hero! Although I kinda invited a bunch of random people, you came! Also, weren't you the one you told me to stick in some floating kill balls for lighting effect? Oh well, I put in some kill balls and it is much brighter in the dark areas now. Thanks!
    Zak Attack7501
    You forced me to make this map, and withought you. I would still be trying to make that other crappy infection map that I might still make.
    Uhh.. sorry, I really don't remember you and what you did. Lol...
    Dunno you either, thanks for testing though!
    a 1 druhn
    Really? This many people tested and didn't say a word? I assume my map is perfect then, right? I highly doubt that.
    I remember your name, but I doubt you said anything either. Thanks for testing!
    NDA Fifty 50
    Thanks for testing...
    xFear The Herox
    Oh my god! Somebody I remember that actually forced me to change something on my map! You sir, found a place on my map where you could not possibly die, and for that, I owe you my gratitude. This map is now 100% cheat proof! Thanks for testing to!
    I dunno, Zanitor invited a bunch of people. Thanks for testing, although you didn't have a mic!
    Holy crap dude, did you save me or what!? You found people to test with, and you also kinda broke out of the map! Although I cannot fix it, I stuck you in two pictures! Thanks for testing, and being the first one to get on top of the base!​

    And thanks to anybody else that I forgot to list above!

    If you read all the way to this final paragraph, I am proud of you. Unfortunately you do not get a cookie, because I gave them all to Linubidix after he helped me provide this map with more pictures by telling me how to turn two pictures into one! ​
    #1 Conkerkid11, Mar 8, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2009
  2. exploreTheGore

    exploreTheGore Ancient
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    This looks good. I hope it turns into a big hit. I am surely going to download this map. I was actually an asker on my old account so don't think I am a little noob who is trying to up their post count. I only post on the elite maps and this is surely one of them.
  3. Leoparddude

    Leoparddude Ancient
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    That sounds like somethin' a noob would say, and nobody said anything about you gettin your post count up so why even add the extra text?

    Ok so anyways, I love the map (just by the post). But wouldn't the Mice not have enough time to get around before the gaurdian lasers kill them, because you cant even go around the map as a monitor w/o dieng. I would go get on and see but I can't atm.
  4. DoTTii

    DoTTii Ancient
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    I think the map has the guardian towers blocked off so the lasers wont be a factor.

    OT: The map looks good and this looks like we have another nice tremor map which are hard to come by. The row of obelisks remind me of Burial Mounds. I hope i my mic comes soon so i finally feel like doing something other than forging
  5. Manoukian1414

    Manoukian1414 Ancient
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    How do u block off the towers?
  6. DoTTii

    DoTTii Ancient
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    Overloading the map and putting an immovable object in front of the lasers. Heres some links if any of you are wondering

    This one has all default objects on it

    This one is a clean canvas
  7. l33tmeerkatslol

    l33tmeerkatslol Ancient
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    This looks really nice. I'll give it a DL. Congrats on the first Tremors n' Mouse map. I love the idea of blocking off the Guardians to make more room. I hope more people think of doing this.

    The one thing I hope someone makes is one on the sky bubble. With narrow paths, and people falling to their death!
  8. Silva Sniper

    Silva Sniper Ancient
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    Really nice job to keep the big wormed dream alive.

    The spawns are really well placed.The rules are correctly stated.

    And why is there a backs story to this?There was alreadya movie,but I see where you are coming from.
    Good job overall.
  9. TheKeebobBobagawa

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    Currently playing the map, been stuck in this box as a zombie for 4 minutes now, dunno what the hells going on. Dude, you need to fix your map.

    EDIT: Ya I was a lazy douschebag, sorry, this maps good, download it, now, with the gametype.
    #9 TheKeebobBobagawa, Mar 9, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2009
  10. Conkerkid11

    Conkerkid11 Ancient
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    The zombies spawn falling down the tunnel leading to the crypt. A teleporter is located at the bottom, and is unblocked 30 seconds into the game. Make sure you are playing with the correct gametype to, some gametypes have Weapons On Map set to None, causing the unblocking of the teleporter to never occur.

    You see, the tremor base consists of 2 choppers, 1 reciever node, 2 movable objects covering the reciever node, and a man cannon interlocked below the reciever node that spawns after 30 seconds. Normally the object would need to be touched by something else in order for the man cannon to work, so I have placed 1 plasma grenade floating high above the movable objects, that spawns after 30 seconds. The plasma grenade drops down, and hits the movable objects, causing the man cannon to shoot them off into space. Do not worry, this has been tested to work 100% of the time.

    Either that is the problem, or the problem is that you are not moving at all, and are just standing on the teleporter node. In order for the teleporter node to send you anywhere, you need to jump around.

    The only reason I think you have the wrong gametype, is that you might have assumed this works for any Tremor n' Mouse gametype and just didn't bother spending the time downloading mine. So you used one you already had on your hard drive. But you see, young lad, the normal Tremor n' Mouse gametype has Weapons On Map set to None, so of course my map would not play out right withought my gametype.

    Do not let this player fool you into thinking this map is rubbish, and that I just threw this together to get it out there. It works perfectly fine, ask anybody who has played it before.

    I hope this helped you out, and that you can continue on with playing my map!
  11. Morphine

    Morphine Ancient
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    Definitely an improvement over death valley, my only concern is this map is too large for only 2 choppers to cover. Why not add support for up to four?
  12. oDannyKellyo

    oDannyKellyo Ancient
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    looks pretty sweet 4/5 O
  13. Zanitor

    Zanitor Ancient
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    Haha I love this map, and this is hilarous:
    Thanks for including me, but seriously bringing him up there >_> haha i kid, This was fun and a great map. You done a really great job on this, I can''t wait to play it again.
  14. penguin asassin

    penguin asassin Ancient
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    Not trying to be a retard who criticizes maps for no reason, but i personally dont like the spawn for the tremors. I like the ability to do something besides stand still. Also I'm low on hard drive space, so i really dont want to download a game-type that has one different setting then a game-type i all ready have. It's like downloading a slayer gametype, witch the only difference is you jump 110%.
    Oops sorry about the ramp, the spawns are fine, don't get me wrong. I just wish you, you put us in a place where we can see the mice, but can't leave. Then a kill ball spawns, kills you, then you respawn by the chopper. If you didn't already could you make it so a warning happens when the tremors spawn. Maybe kill balls appear in mid air?
    Sorry about the rant, great map even with the spawns
  15. Conkerkid11

    Conkerkid11 Ancient
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    I would, but I only have like $10 budget left. This is why I asked that if anybody would like me to add something, that they first tell me what I should remove.

    A lot of people told me to add in 2 choppers, and I sure have thought about this. But in order to do this, I would need to delete a lot of stuff.

    I have recently thought of a way to only have to come up with about $30, by keeping the tremor base I have, and just making 2 more choppers spawn after 45 seconds right where the first 2 were.

    I don't know though... tell me what you think. But for now, I would like it if people would tell me how I should make the change, instead of just assuming I have infinite money on the map.

    This map attempts to stick as close to the idea of tremors as much as possible. You know what a tremor does? It emerges from the ground. Can a tremor see through the ground? No. If you have played any other tremor map, you would realize that you cannot just observe the mice as you wait for your coming death.

    The reason there is a gametype is because it has two changes that you would have to change on the original Tremor n' Mouse gametype anyways, and you would still have to save it to your hard drive. I don't see anything wrong with providing the players with the correct gametype, that is required to play the map.

    I would rather not change the spawn to some kill ball thing just because you want to be able to watch the mice. Really? What's the point in that?

    Last thing that I might add to this post, isn't it warning enough that the timer has hit 4:30? I am not going to change the way Tremor n' Mouse plays out just because you want me to.

    Really you guys. I want things that would make an impact on the map to be added, not stupid stuff that wouldn't make the slightest difference!

    Tell me what to remove from the map to make way for 2 more tremors and I'll do it! Tell me to add one more tremor base or to just add 2 more tremors to not spawn at start! Please, things that are sensible!

    EDIT: It appears that I have updated the map to include 2 kill balls spawning when the tremors are set free. I hope your happy!
    #15 Conkerkid11, Mar 9, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2009
  16. Zak Attack7501

    Zak Attack7501 Ancient
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    I like the idea of adding a second set of choppers that spawn later.But what should you delete? I would say that you should delete possibly some of the ramps that are all close together. When I get on later, I could show you. Sorry if I didn't put enough time or effort into this post, I'm typing on my iPhone in my bed. Thanks for making me this map. Looks great and the Tremors community will be sure to gratefully accept it. See ya later Conkerkid!
  17. Jamdo64

    Jamdo64 Ancient
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    Well done

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