Just some editing practice... I had nothing better to do since my xbox broke. I found a couple of clips that would be perfect for editing. Just some practice. This is not a montage to show how good i am! I have a lot better clips, i just picked the clips that would look the best for editing! This video was purely made for editing and to edit other peoples montages! Please vote in the poll how good I am at EDITING, not how good I am at Halo! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IOEXefW-s7I
It's nice that you're letting people send you their montages so you can edit them, but I think you overdid the editing. Be more subtle; don't bother with the negative shots. Although I really liked the rainbow snipe-shot near the start (How did you do that?)
On Sony Vegas 7 or 8, I... 1. Went to Pan/Crop 2. Checked Mask 3. Masked the well bullet stuff for every frame 4. Add feather to both 5. Put it to 5.0 feather or 7.0 feather 6. Exit out of Pan/Crop 7. Copy the clip 8. Paste the clip over the clip you just copied 7. On the clip at the bottom go to Pan/Crop again 8. Un-check Mask 9. Exit out of Pan/Crop 10. Go to Video FX 11. Drag Infared to the top layer 12. Its done!
Alot of the effects were cool, but just make sure not to edit colors and composition on every single clip. You should use them to accentuate the better clips and give the audience that "Woah" factor just every once in a while to keep them on their toes.
Thanks for the advice! Also, does anybody like the song? Should i use these types of songs in any future montages? Or should I have rock instead of Techno?
Really good, only major downside is the slow pace. (ie the down time between points of focus) BTW if you want to try your hand at editing for a machinima, hit me up.
Dude, I thought that was lovely editing! My favorite was the red sticky grenade and if i was good enough at halo to gather some clips, i'd be honored to have you as an editor.
Yeah, the music was something else I wanted to comment on. The first song was great, building up the intensity with the announcer and then syncing alot of the shots to the music was done very well. The second song wasn't as good, imo, but yeah, techno or rock are pretty safe bets when it comes to montages. Just make sure the music matches the pace of the clips, which I think you did pretty well.
You smack a smile on my face! When you kill someone with the music, its called Rotoscoping... I have no clue why it's called Rotoscoping... but yeah, it's called Rotoscoping... Just a quick tip of the day!