REM: Blood Gulch v2

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by redeyesmaster, Mar 8, 2009.

  1. redeyesmaster

    redeyesmaster Ancient
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    This map is for those of you thank dont care for Valhalla, but love halo 1's blood gulch. i got the idea, from a grate minded person that made "Cold Gulch" (ill put a link up in a bit) This map is icredably acurate, (but my spelling isn't) any way i would like to present my newist map Blood Gulch v2 (no i didn't post v1 it had WAY to many problems with it there fixed now)

    Here are a few tips i would like to tell you before i post this map though. things you need to know for the game play...

    1) The fusion coil is supose to be the bush (not important though)

    2) A grate vantage point would for you to be neer the entrence of the cave in the middle of the level then snipe from the tallest rock. (neer the defalt over sheilds)

    3) There is one way out of the map, you'll need banshie skills. do a back flip need the top of the wall, at the sheild doors, then jump out at the right pouint and you will be flung accross on to a box then your out. (no there is no reason to get out just incase you want to add this to a jump map some how, no way back in eather so stay on the box)

    4) Lastly i think you should know for a real halo 1 game type you should inproove the damage amount to 110% for more of a raw feel for the map. but that is just a suggestion. hope you enjoy the map here are the pictues.

    The wall was made by "blahh" it was from his map Half AV Speed.





    Blood Gulch v2

    PS: my friend "THE DrewDog 10K" did infact have this on his file share before me but i did make this map so please dont comment if you think i stoll this it is a waist of both of our time.
    #1 redeyesmaster, Mar 8, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2009
  2. Kryticate

    Kryticate Ancient
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    Nice job, but the bases are asymmetrical, unlike the original. Plus, they are wayyy to far apart.
  3. xProFikZ

    xProFikZ Ancient
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    im not a big coagulation fan myself but i have to admit this would be quite a hit if people actually played some games on it. i think you should block off the cave maybe just because nobody ever went in the cave in halo, halo2 and i think that the cave will draw to much attention. but i really like it, good job. 3.75 out of 5 (4.25 out of 5 if you take out the cave ;] )
  4. xProFikZ

    xProFikZ Ancient
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    I also disagree. if you look at the halo, halo 2, blood culches you will see that the bases are much MORE farther apart than in this. but i say he keeps it the way it is. except take out the cave. :D.
  5. redeyesmaster

    redeyesmaster Ancient
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    I cant take out the cave it is the well known part of the level. it doesn't draw to much attention even if there is a fight in there just wait untill it ends there come in and snipe them as they leave. any way it is not to far away or to close i used a special mesurement system that took for ever to do but is in fact as close as it can and will get. (# or players between the bases front to back plus i only used two players for both trials so it is perfect trust me!)

    ps dont double post you could get introuble
  6. BatteryIncluded

    BatteryIncluded Ancient
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    hey, you finally posted it! Did you end up fixing the part I told you about? If you didn't know what I was talking about, the energy blocker at the back in the default base, you can just crouch-jump out of it. But I like how it came out! Great map though, very aesthetically pleasing, and it feels like Bloodgulch!
  7. xProFikZ

    xProFikZ Ancient
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    Alright dude i was complimenting you work an then you just kinda ignored it. w/e.
  8. The Number 0000

    The Number 0000 Ancient
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    I was never really a big fan of coagulation or blood gulch. But this looks to be a very accurate remake. The bases look almost perfect. As said above, I also don't really like the cave, it seems unneeded. But you are right, as it was an original part of both predeccesors. I might download later, but right now I have my Q full. I'll try and come back later. Great Remake. Keep Forging.
  9. redeyesmaster

    redeyesmaster Ancient
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    yeah i did fix it and im sorry if i came of rude i didnt mean to sound like that. you still need to fix that double post though.
  10. Silva Sniper

    Silva Sniper Ancient
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    Very good remake.I used to make remakes all the time.
    But the concept is not sinking in.I love the idea but this has been done before.I still like it.But try to put it on Standoff.

    -MLG V.-
  11. redeyesmaster

    redeyesmaster Ancient
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    stand off? how could i do that?
  12. Kitten X

    Kitten X Ancient
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    I believe that you should have mentioned that you used my Half Av wall to create this map. In the posting of my Half Av map I said that I required consent and/or acknowledgement of me creating the wall, if anybody used my wall in their map. I received no acknowledgement and you didn't ask for my consent.
    #12 Kitten X, Apr 17, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2009
  13. o1000LioNs

    o1000LioNs Ancient
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  14. CookieMan

    CookieMan Ancient
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    You clearly haven't played the original Blood Gulch then. No offense, but the bases were farther apart.

    Overall, I think this is a fair remake. The bases look good, but I don't think that Avalanche was the perfect choice for a remake. This map gets a 4/5
  15. thrame

    thrame Ancient
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    dude are you serious ya they are a bit asymetrical but to far apart your kidding me
    ok i thnk you have almost a go recreation of the map just a little bit more work when v3 is done i'll DL good luck best recreation i've seen so far
  16. 12 inch winner

    12 inch winner Ancient
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    dude im sorry but im gonna have to call you out on this one! the map bloodgulch was symmetrical with asymmetrical properties just like this map plus the spacing is golden if you ask me this is one of the best bloodgulch remakes to date. but anyway this i a really cool map the bases look well forged and the geomerging is especially nice the wall blocking the other half of the map is neat to but the only thing im wondering is that is there any way in the back base? because i cant see from the pics but if so that seem s to be the only thing wrong but i cant say for sure until i download it and give it a once over.

  17. redeyesmaster

    redeyesmaster Ancient
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    yes there is a back way into the bases i should take another picture for that though.

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