Mythic Scam So... I got Halo Wars CE with the mythic map mack codes. I put it in got all the skulls and a few acheivments and then i found out. Wheres the rest. I honestly cant remember being told you only get a few of them. I was talking to my friend that dosent have the map pack(yet) and he said to me "whats Longshore and Heretic Like" and i thought WHERE ARE THEY?mg:. So then i thought to myself Halo: ODST. Does anyone know when its coming out because im realy getting annoyed and if the rest of them dont come out with ODST then i think i may just have to... Kill You?!?
Bungie releseaded Halo Wars with the Mythic map pack to boost the sales because of the economic crisis. Although the rest of the map like Heretic will be coming out this Fall I belive with the rest of the maps.
THANK you for telling me now i can relax without going all over the internet Oh and thanks for telling me when ODST is coming out lol
Its no scam smartass. You get the rest of the maps with, Halo 3: ODST which will be coming out in Fall 2009.
I didn't even have any idea there were more than just those maps in the mythic map pack. Shows you how much attention I pay, heh. Also, if you're posting a poll like probably should set it to single choice. I just voted for every option because...I don't know, I'm bored or something.
Echoing what's been said before the thread gets moved/closed, Mythic Map Pack has Orbital, Assembly, and Sandbox. The others--Longshore, Citadel, and Heretic--are going to be released with Halo:ODST in the fall. For some reason I've got October pinned as the month of release in my mind, even though there has been no official date set. So don't get your panties in a bunch. While it sucks that the maps have already been made and we can't get them, the fault isn't that of Bungie, but that of Microsoft, who is basically like, "screw you, crazy Halo fans. We want to make you wait so we can make you pay three times as much for the same stuff." I honestly think that if Bungie had their way, they'd release all of the maps naough, but the pricks at Microsoft are holding them back. This is stuff that's been in the regular updates on for a while...
dopey by name, dopey by nature. It is common knowledge that the other maps will available in ODST when it ships. Mythic never intended to be more than the 3 maps it is ... So ... :lock: