Downloaded this last night. Couldn't get a game in though cause hardly anyone I know have the Mythic Maps. Anyway.... Even though it is a simple design I am very sure the gameplay would be near-perfect. The dunes out past the barriers provide advantages and disadvantages for the mice. Some may slow you down while others won't. The structures in the main area of Sandbox give mice the option to go down into there aswell but i think would be better if it was a last resort. I can't give a review because i haven't played it yet but i will when i can. I also can't wait for the V2. PM MEH MAYBEH?
nope, it only blinks when you're right next to the tiny beacons that line the default sandbox rectangle. Once you're a few feet past they don't anymore, and when you're driving fast you barely notice it. I'll probably have a v2 done by tomorrow night, if not tonight. Teaser: crazy spins/flips on funbox are fun.
this looks pretty fun. im suprised. but which vehicles are zombies and which are mouses? i will download cuz i remember awhile ago i played cat and mouse on halo2 and it was an orgasim of fun
Desert Rats is definitely a map that is recommended for bigger parties. Like stated by yourself Lightsout, the recommended party size is between 12 to 16 players, and you definitely need that amount to get the full potential through this surprisingly fun Mini Game. I have played this with lower amounts of people than needed and the game play just doesn't meet up to what it is intended for. After playing that insanely fun game with all you guys on Saturday I knew this was going to be the next big Tremor/Cats type game. Like we were discussing about Tremor Blast on Sandbox is definitely going to take some major thought into it for the size of Sandbox. So at the moment this is Tremor Blast's new predecessor. If it wasn't were for Alex RFW's canvas than this incredibly large game wouldn't be possible. For those who haven't played Desert Rats the land mass that you can drive on with the mongeese is colossal. And surprisingly the Wraith's and Choppers compliment each other quite well. In conclusion, Desert Rats is the next best enjoyable game to played if you currently have the Mythic Map Pack.
I wanna hump this map. I am a huge fan of all Tremors and C&M maps, and this is no exception. Exploring the vast area of Death Valley is fun in it's own right, but the intensity really ramps up as soon as you have 4 Choppers and 2 Wraiths chasing you! I haven't played this finalized version, but messing around inside of it while you were building it and also helping with the test of the early version was proof enough to me that there is some serious fun to be had here in a 16 player party. Good stuff bud.
the mongeese are the rats (humans), and the choppers (tremors) and wraiths (cats) are the zombies. Version 2 now up!!! Screenshots updated in the original post. Epic fun boxes, the graveyard, the spine, the bridge, and more added!
Great job Lights! I had fun the other night playing this in your party. It is really awesome with a big party. I can't get over the fact that the towers are blocked off. I have the tower canvas now and I plan on making some maps with this idea. I like the map and game variant! Very fun. I have it on my HD now and I plan on playing it when I host some big parties.
Best take on the game yet. I'm so glad someone figured out a way to block off those towers, because that outer area is just awesomely massive (the bridge is brilliant). I had great fun playing this last night, it works really well with a ton of people. I've got nothing but praise for this map, excellent job.
Thanks squid/dream. Appreciate the praise, sirs. Can't wait to see what you can do with that area dream. I may still improve upon the bridge even further once I get a bit of time. Thanks for all the awesome games lately to everyone who has participated. Tons of fun.
yeah this map looks like a lot of fun!! at first i was like WTF is this sh!t then i reaslised what you have to do and it looks like sssssssssssooooooooooooo much fun i am totally going to downlaod this! overall good construction and placing of scenery and vehicles. 5/5!!
Although I am quite confused by this post, because you have been spamming all around this site every since you got here, I won't let that take away from the experience I had on this map. LIGHTSOUT225 you did a wonderful job of making a tremors map, and adding both cats and tremors to it! I do see what you mean about how many players you have to play it to get the full experience, but I only had 4 people online at the time. 16 players would be awesome on the map, just because it is a rush when you are a mouse and have 4 tremors n' 2 cats on your tail! Although the map could use a bit of touching up, I enjoyed playing on it! The touching up however, has to do with some of the structures you have most recently added. Such as the bridge made out of wood that passes over that small dip. Well, uhh.. don't know how to say this, but it's not to well made. I was trying to lose a tremor that was right on my tail, and decided to cross the bridge. Bad move on my behalf. I alligned myself with the bridge using the reciever nodes, and right about halfway across the bridge, I was bumped off of it, and the tremor killed me. This bump in the bridge is right in the middle, and it makes it almost impossible to get across. I reccommend that you fix this by maybe interlocking each wood bridge across. Oh, and on of the ends of the bridge is kinda awkwardly placed. Because it is right next to a hill, so when coming at it, you have to make a very sharp turn, causing you to lose speed. Maybe move the bridge a little farther away from the hill? Other then that, I would have to say this map is great! You have $300 budget left though! Do something with it! Bring back the old times from Valhalla and place some gravity lifts around the map! 4/5 for awesome gameplay, and a semi-awesome map
I've been waiting to play this map for such a long time now. Before they even anounced the release date of the MMP, I've downloaded the gametype, waiting for the map. It'll be so much fun. But... The cats. Do they do damage? I hope so. But if they do, do the choppers do damage? Do you have a way to fix this problem (if there is one)?
both do damage.. there wouldn't be any point to the game if they didnt. The cats/tremors goal is to kill the mice. Just remember that the cats may shoot, but the tremors (choppers) cannot fire their guns. Only corral the mice and splatter them.