See ya, it's been, well... not that great actually. But there were the good times, Tgif's, getting forced to play conquest and tremors over and over again. Being forced down below in the popularity ranks, getting stepped on to raise the staff higher. Working hard to a good job, but not having a colored name so my map's never got noticed. That sounds really whiny and like I'm complaining. I'm not trying to, I'm just trying to look at my time here at forge hub and really see what I experienced. Over a year at this site, and that is what I got from it. Well, even if I didn't have a great time here, I still hope you guys will have fun. I met a lot of great people, and I think that you guys are great. And to all of you, even those I rarely talked to, I hope the best for all of you. Please don't think I'm complaining about the site, those things I mentioned aren't necessarily bad, I really did mean them in a good way. I'll leave you with some of my finest work: I don't expect this thread to get any posts, maybe it will, I don't know. But everyone should know that I am leaving for good. To make sure of this, I am now requesting a perma-ban. In no way am I leaving because of some anger problems, or not being popular. It is time I move on to other things, I always knew it would be sometime, it turns out to be today. Good-Bye Forgehub. /wiggums
Enjoyment from the site should be from the interaction with those "great people" you met... not from getting a colored name and being famous on a halo fansite. No disrespect, but i thought you were better than this.
No normal member isn't petty. I think I speak for all of us when I say I we would gladly have sex with dogs, castrate myself, and drink Draino, if I could get a staff position. ;D You really shouldn't burn bridges with a site. There were much more elegant ways you could have left; perhaps, by not have been implying 'i want teh staffz'. Really, though, people. Don't be petty. Petty people are petty. Edit: The cycle of a (FH)ucktard. 1. Join site 2. Spam plenty 3. Get infracted 4. Turn into a somewhat likeable guy. 5. Get angry for unintentionally hilarious reasons 6. Post "I'm leaving becuz the staff r corruptz" threads. 7. Request ban. 8. After people tell you to just leave the site and not come back unless you want to, wildly spam/flame in the Off Topic board. 9. Try to act like Titmar/Reynbow (ergo, fail) 10. ??? 11. PROFIT This message has been brought to you by Nemihara. I am Nemihara, and I approve this message.
No offense, but the point of a forum is to help the community as a whole, not to get a colored name. When people realize that, it makes the whole thing a better place.
well, if your actions reflect this thread, by wiggums, remember the good 'ol days? Zombie attacks Forgehub repzorz talking Bye good friend, you will be stored in my harddrive as "Wiggums - The greatest zombie-attack buddie on ForgeHub" <3 Good luck in the future
You'll be back. You know you'll be back. When I go, I'll just **** off, I won't request a permaban and have a sob thread about all the stuff I didn't get from this site. Sorry, but putting it bluntly if you aren't permabanned, you'll be back in off-topic before you've read this post.
Hey hey come on now. Titmar is a higher class of asshole than reynbow. Titmar had an intelligent belligerence to him that made his posts interesting and hilarious to the rest of us assholes that take great pride in what we do. Reynbow was just a douche with an emo-esque desire to have everyone feel sorry for him, when for the most part most of us just prefer to sit back and laugh. Also, I would do none of those things for staff. Things like that would require me to actually want it. If it happens, it happens. Will I actively pursue it and suck up to the current staff for it? ****ing hell no.
What? Noooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You have been such a veteran here. If you do leave, you are a legend in my eyes. But I do agree, I think you ARE coming back. I surely do hope you will. Good luck in life. God Bless.
I second that Wait... that didn't work Anywayz, yeah I really thought u were better than this... you've made like a thread every 2 days then all the sudden bang you're out? whatever, bai
Oh, god. I hate these kind of threads. These formal goodbyes. You make yourself sound like your departure is like death of a hero. Get over yourself. If you're bothered by how the site operates, just leave. You don't need to martyr yourself. Jeez.
Wiggums.... being close to you on this site, I really didn't see this coming... but even more, I've lost soooo much respect for you by saying you are leaving and are angry on not having staff...
I'm now going to send you spam messages on xbox live. MWahahaaaa. jkjk. I've been here for a while and most people don't know me, I don't have a colored name even though I'm asian and I still don't really care. You don't need to leave this site forever you know, just be like a ghost like me and nobody will know who you are, YAYAYAYAY!!!!!