Half Life Series Discussion [Possible Spoilers]

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Playerhata27, Mar 8, 2009.

  1. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    About 3 months ago I embarked on a journey I had little knowledge about, besides GMOD and comedy videos. Little did I know that I was suiting up for my all-time favorite story, which lead to be Half Life 2/Half Life 2-Episode One-/Half Life 2-Episode Two-.

    If you have no knowledge of this game, I will link you to a wiki summary of it, accompanied with my personal Bias one. Note: I state it is Bias, for I have only played the Half Life 2 series, not Half Life (Original game). I have previous, and educated knowledge of the games story, and will hopefully be able to mend together a representable summary. First, the wiki links.

    Half Life
    Half Life Two

    My summary:
    Well the game revolves around you, Gordan Freeman, and willingly, or unwillingly, humanity. The games exposition is a normal work day of our main character stated before, Gordan. He's attending his job, which happens to be at a classified corporation titled 'Black Mesa'. On the job, your co-workers (Scientists) have theorized teleportation for quite some time now. Finally, they have rigged their 'Portal' device up and running, just in need for a simple 'on' button. Subsequently, Gordan is selected to turn the Portal on. While in his custom made Haz-Mat suit (I say custom made, for it seems humanity was lazy enough to only make one single suit, outlying Gordan as the holder, you'll obviously notice this seeing no one else you encounter in the game is in possession of one, even while stationed at this 'Hazardous' corporation). So, the Portal is switched on, and ironically enough, it works, but it works to well. It opens a portal to another dimension, an alien one. Upon doing so, and a matter of upcoming events, Gordan is then transported to the alien planet where he encounters all the variations of said aliens. That is all the guided information I have on Half Life, but now Gordan ends up in Half Life 2.

    Well, Half Life 2 takes place mostly in 'City 17' one of the last outlying remnants of civilized humanity, or rather, dictated humanity. The city is controlled by the Combine, which is lead by Dr.Breen, and confidentially led by the co-existing alien forces. Now, the Combine is more of a Robot, than an actual human. From my knowledge, the alien force needs a host, subsequently a human, which then it subliminally brainwashes, into doing what it wants, which isn't good. No freedom is allowed, and everyone is under close watch. You can obviously understand why rebel forces try to oppress the combine. So, Gordan makes his way into City 17 and meets Alex, the daughter of the scientists who put Gordan, and the world, in this mess originally. They then meet up with her father, which is a while in, and consequently spill their plan to everyone, even the Combine. A missile to purposely rid all alien forces from Earth, and restore free will + normal civilization.

    I apologize for the lack of Vocabulary, and depth on my personal summary, for I'm very drowsy. I feel there is more to add, but right now I can't grasp what. I've also been inspired to write a review, but on such a complex game will take hours. Though, I almost feel it necessary, and hopefully I'll be able to do so in the next couple of days. I will leave it at this for now, and hopefully others enjoy discussing this intricate game.
  2. Huntar

    Huntar Ancient
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    alright, well i didnt read it all. Or one word.
    But Half-Life IMO is the best FPS game around.
    Its amazing!
    And the new one coming out,
    nothing short of speechless.
    Im glad you made this thread! o/
  3. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    Lol, it's ok. You don't have to read my biased summary.

    As for the new on coming out, do you know if they are continuing the episodic correlation, or naming it the next one in the series?
  4. Undead Fanatic

    Undead Fanatic Ancient
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    I personally played through every Half-Life Game and loved them. Fun Combat, Cool Enemies, a kickass Physics/Game Engine, Puzzle Solving and great Modifications.
  5. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    Exactly. All those elements coherently combine to make one exponential game. I'm actually, just finishing up the last Episode. Even though I know what happens at the end, it'll be sad.
  6. Fbu

    Fbu Ancient
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    I still haven't gotten around to beating ep1 much less ep2

    First one was fun as ****
  7. Azrius

    Azrius Ancient
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    Regrettably, I haven't played the first Half Life. I dearly want to, however. I really love how many different mods and the like are available for the series.

    Also, for the record, Gmod is amazing.
  8. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    Oh, really? I would have assumed you have, seeing you're activity on Steam, or at least from what you've posted. Still, when you have the time I suggest you do. One main inspiration for completing it was the enrollment of the story. While some missions may be strenuous, and boring to endure, I embark on them just to see the outcome of Freeman's/Humanities decision.

    Also, are you playing it on the PC, or 360? For me, I chose 360.

    As have I. I believe the first Half Life to be a short price, and hopefully I'll be fortunate enough to purchase it later on. Though, they also have a copy for the PlayStation 2, unfortunately which I don't own. But if you do, I suggest you buying it for that, seeing it could be more interactice, and possible more comfortable.

    And yes, Gmod is excellent. I'm glad Valve has even decided to put a modification for their own publication up for reatail. Their public opinion is very high.
  9. Fbu

    Fbu Ancient
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    I only have HL2 on PC

    I played some of ep1 over summer at my cousins house but never finished :p
    I do have his account tho, I just don't feel like downloading it >.<
  10. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    Alright, that's understandable. Just, if you haven't already, try not spoil the upcoming moments in the game for yourself, for I have, and it was quite disappointing when the the climax of a scene was briefing, and I was prepared for it.
  11. Fbu

    Fbu Ancient
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    Already know >.<
  12. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    Ah well.

    Does anyone know the release date, or estimate, for the next in the series, or episode? I heard sometime around 2010-2012. I'm just over-anticipating this, maybe even considering asking my cousin to work at Valve just to give the the down low, but he is interested in a profession there regardless.
  13. Huntar

    Huntar Ancient
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    here is the trailer.
    I heard it will be released this year
  14. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    Well deeming from the title, and it obviously has to be legit from the extent of complexity and aesthetically pleasure, that is Half Life Source, a.k.a remake of Half-Life. Thank you though, for trying to help the cause, and that sure as hell does like fluently excellent, and I'll actually purchase that one rather then the original one, seeing it should be the same game, just with more coherent game play, and a possible added twist seeing people shot back (Possible Combine? Who knows).

    As for the next in the episodic correlation, or the next in the series, I'm confident they haven't even released a trailer yet, rather a briefing for the community. Knowing Valve, they're hard at work creating something that will even further blow our minds. I suppose until then, we must wait :(. Hopefully by the end of this year, we should have a clearer head on what to expect.
  15. supertoaster

    supertoaster Ancient
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    Has anyone saw the GMAN squad? lolz where had. Can anyone tell me how to set something like that up?
  16. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    Actually, the Gman Squad was what got me interested in Half Life, and Valve. It's extremely funny, combining all sorts of memes, and internet hilarity into one.

    To set something like that up, I would first consider Hyper cam. It's used mainly for videotaping anything on PC's, and is compatible with anything. Though, I'm sure they don't use Hyper cam seeing the quality of their videos. If you want to learn how to videotape something like that, I would go on Steam or Valve.com and register on their forums. Then create a thread asking the best way to capture video while playing on one of their games. Hopefully, people there will be kind enough to answer your question. If you're unaware of this already, you're also going to have to purchase Gmod. It's relatively cheap for $10.00, but it also comes in packages with Team Fortress, and Half Life 2.
  17. aMoeba

    aMoeba Ancient
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    Half-Life Source already came out, but that was a joke. That's Black Mesa Source, set to release later this year, and its actually free, so don't have to worry about purchasing. I figure just DL it off steam when it gets on there.
  18. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    Alright, thanks. As for the game, it looks like there Combine? I don't understand how that could be possible in such early events, but I wonder who shot back at Gordan.

    I also have a question for Half Life 2 Episode 2. After HL2 Episode 1, Barney enters the train with you and Alyx. But, I never see Barney in White Forest, or even hear of him for that matter. Though, I'm at the part where you need to defend the Missile Silo from Striders, and Hunters, with that adhesive explosive. Does he show up after the fact?
  19. Glitch100

    Glitch100 Ancient
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    I just want the new HL :: Episode 3, of HALF LIFE 3 ...

    They have been working on it for SO long! Its such an amazing set of games aswell...
    A great franchise; one of the few games out there with a genuinely captivating, and decent storyline!
  20. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    I've heard from a friend they spend relatively 4-6 years on their works, so the expected release is somewhere around 2010-2012. I hate to wait that long, but I'm rest assured it will be as magnificent as the predecessors. Their work won't be in vain.

    Though, I also hope the release the 360 version as well, not solely the one for the PC. For, my computer is generally slow, and can't sustain long term games. Hopefully, they'll process them for the 360....

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