im pretty psyched for it, even though i have no idea what the story is about. and also ive heard mixed reviews, that it was great, and also that it was terrible. i really hope its exceptional, but owl man? really? owl man? i cant think of a less respectable animal based superhero name except for tadpole lad and sugar glider man.
lol. I hate people who think they're top **** because they've read the novel. Not directly at you Randle, you're a kewl d00d, but I've encountered a few people like that and it annoys me how I can't appreciate it as a stand-alone film because I haven't read the comic.
Hey, I already made a thread about this. But yeah, annoyingly I can't watch it because in Britain it's an 18.
Are the nude scenes too awkward to see with women? I want to see it, but can only find one friend that is able to to tonight, but several girls. Should I go or not with my female friends? Or is it too awkward? And yes I'm being completely serious LOL
They didn't really "change" the ending, they just changed an event that produced the same outcome. I actually prefer the movie's adaptation of the ending better. I think some of the acting could have been better. I felt as though people were literally just reading lines from the comic book, it didn't feel like natural dialogue. I think my biggest problem with the movie was the music they used. It never seemed to fit with what was going on and at times felt really akward. Overall it was a good film. Nothing amazing, just good. The graphic novel is obviously better, but the movie does a good job of bringing the story to the big screen. You see Dr. Manhattan's ***** more often than anything else, lol. So if you're not made awkward by that then I'd say go for it.
I haven't read the graphic novel, but I really liked the ending. It let you decide what was good and evil based on how you saw it. And, since I doubt I'll ever read the graphic novel, someone mind summarizing how the ending was different in a spoiler?
I saw it last night. Having read it, I still thought the movie was incredible. I was literally reciting each line as it went lol... I agree with DTL on the music. That was my biggest pet peeve, was that it wasn't very um... apocalyptic? Idk, it didn't always fit, and the overall musical feel was too cheery for a movie that is supposed to be more gloomy. As for the ending, I thought the movie version was more realistic I guess then the graphic novels... but I'd have loved to have seen the um... you-who-have-read-know-what at the end. But I understand why they couldn't, and it still worked out... Anyway, I'd give it 3 stars outta 4. I'm seeing it again tomorrow or something... XD
Watchmen - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia read for yourself, and for god's sake read the damn graphic novel. It'll be worth it, trust me.
that movie was amazing, lol there were 5 and 6 year old kids in the theater... and there was both male and female nudity. What is wrong with todays parents? on topic: the movie was amazing, full of plot, but it made my legs hurt. It was about 2 hrs and 45 mins long. if you have a short attention span, try to refrain from seeing this movie.
night owl. alright guys, i dont know if im gonna get kicked off here, but i thouroughly disliked it. there were so many aspects, and i wish i could ignore them, because i liked the ending. the action scenes were pretty sweet, and i though the very first scene was pretty great too. but specifically the scene with silk specter and night owl in the cruiser was unrelated and unneaded, hurting the movie for me.
I'm excited to hopefully see it soon then. I was hoping to go skiing but it might be too slushy or just generally too warm outside to go skiing, so I might make time to see the movie. Thanks for the review linu btw i didn't know u were actually real friends with J A Y lol
facepalm... So, I went today with a bunch of my friends to see Watchmen. I'd preordered my imax tickets about 2 weeks back when they went on sale. So I go in with pretty good expectations, but mostly bad especially from some critics. Needless to say, I really enjoyed it. I was the only one of my friends to actually have read the book, so my opinion may be swayed by the fact I was hoping for some things. (The Jon Obsterman/ Dr. Manhattan chapter was epic, sad that they shortened it.) So trying to get an opinion from someone who hasn't read the book I asked my friends afterward. After the laughter at the very awkward sex scene, which took up a maximum two panels in the book, and a whopping 5 minutes in the movie, I finally got a straight answer. Most were surprised by Dr. Manhattan's junk being out, but they said they quickly got over it, and were able to enjoy the movie. They also told me they thought it was pretty good, and many of my friends said that Rorschach was portrayed very well, which was one thing I was excited for... (but disappointed on his killing of the child-killer... the book one was quite better, and not much longer). Some were mixed on it, but it was good. So in my opinion, a good portrayal of the book, especially when it's been called "Impossible to film" and I think Zach Snyder did an excellent job in filming it, and that should be noted. I will probably see it again next week. Oh, and my only problem with it really was the soundtrack, it seemed almost comical when they added it. One of my friends asked if it was a dark humor movie, which indeed it contained a lot, especially with Rorschach, I don't think it was intended to be that, and I think the soundtrack really affected it. It was a poor choice.
Seriously, we're still getting an awkward feeling at seeing nudity and/or sex scenes?! 'cause, you know, the road to hell is paved with penises... and good intentions. As soon as you get over the whole intrinsic moral compass granted you by your parents, it's much less awkward, I swear. It's just nudity... I really liked the soundtrack, it really gave the story setting. I mean, all those songs sounded straight out of the 1980s. Also, aside from the awkward sex scene I was thoroughly impressed with the movie... what I hated, though, was how my friends made a big deal every time dr. manhattan was on the screen... I plan to see it again with different friends who are much more *****-friendly and hope to get a better experience. Overall, it was a fantastic movie that flowed very well.
the soundtrack was one of my favorite parts... for srs. It added the only light relief to the overall dark story that is watchmen. I saw it with my sister today, she enjoyed it while i nerdgasmed the entire time. As a huge fan of the graphic novel, the film was the best it could be and far exceeded my iffy expectations. I'll start off by saying, the opening scene and credits were the ****. The opening credits montage beautifully put together hours worth of the comic and added some epic pop culture parts. Seriously, i would pay $13 just to watch those scenes at the imax. Continuing from there, the rest of the film kept me nerdjaculating. Not only was it a visual feast, but it was also really deep. Not as deep as the comic, but i felt a lot of emotion during multiple scenes. The sex scenes and crazy brutal bloody scenes were ****ing win; I love rated R movies. Way more sex and way more violence than felt in the novel, maybe it's just the fact that they were in motion but regardless, they were win. Oh and blue *****, i'm so glad they kept the blue *****. Censorship ftf and i'm glad they recognized that. The little things they added in were all awesome touches, and all the pop culture references really brought the alternate 1985 to life. Added a nice sense of believability. Rorschach was brilliant, he couldn't have got much better in the film. He was just as awesome on screen as in the comic. I was scared that his voice would sound retarded (like batman in tdk) but it was perfect. The rest of the characters were well casted and just what i was looking for, aside from veidt... He was nearly a completely different character from the graphic novel, still good, but yeah. Nite Owl II was PERFECT, the actor they picked ****ing nailed it and he was awesome. Silk Specter I was super sexy, and actually was better than the silk specter I in the comic. My only other issue, besides veidt's character was Nixon. He looked ****ing weird and sounded retarded. I couldn't stop staring at his nose. The ending, although slightly changed was better than the graphic novel in my opinion. I'm so glad they ditched the "****** squid" (~sarge) and changed it up a bit. The very last scenes were all awesome and iuefhuguehfgh. bottom line: see this movie nao plz
****** Squid lol... I actually would have liked to see that, but I agree in saying the movie ending was maybe better than the books, although the books was still great. Oh and what Randle said about the child killer... idk, I think I might have liked to have seen the books scene there, but I thought what they did was still very cool, as well as how in the jailbreak scene where the guy has his hands tied through the door by Kovacs, I think it was better, or at least made slightly more sense, to cut his arms off, than slit his throat. But meh... oh and I forget who said it, but as for the sex scenes... they were in there because they were in the book. And they were in the book to make it realistic, to go past normal, unrealistic superheroes where the most romance is a kiss. The point of having sex in Watchmen is to show that it is realistic, and not just some superhero movie. Oh and Chuck... that's what I wanted to mention. Nixon had like, one line in the novel. Here he had many. The least they could have done was cast someone with a um... human nose? lol... I hardly heard anything I said, I just stared at the nose. It was longer than his face. That sucka was ****ing huge. Oh and something I was sad about, though it didn't affect the story too much and I understand why it wasn't put in, but the whole minor storyline between the newsvendor and comic book kid, as well as the more in-depth look with Rorschach's psychiatrist... idk I had liked those in the book. Oh and one other thing... the one thing I didn't like about the ending, was that I had wanted to see Jon say, "Nothing ever ends" not Laurie... it didn't affect anything, but I thought the scene with Jon and Adrian, their final scene in the book, was a great scene...
the newspaper guy and kid aren't in it? i just finished reading the book about an hour ago and from what it seems I'm going to be let down from the movie
You won't be let down. It is too ****ing epic of a movie. They are in it... for all of maybe one to two scenes de shortness... but no, not as big roles as in the book... :/ But go see the movie. It is still epic ****ing win even without them....
Well kinda, you see them, but no dialogue is exchanged. They will be releasing a DVD for the Black Freighter though, it might be worth a buy.