
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Draw the Line, Mar 7, 2009.

  1. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    Armageddon is a new game where players struggle to control hill
    areas located on the map. Deadly debris falls from the sky, killing the
    unsuspecting below.


    In the gameype "Chaos" all players must gain time in the hill. Your
    team's individual scores are not added up. Instead, every teammate
    must gain a certain time in the hill in order to win. It's a team effort,
    and you're only as strong as your weakest player.

    Players are given 2 weapons: the Gravity Hammer and the Sword.
    Close combat fighting often leads to splatters, which is what this
    game is all about.
    The hill moves in a sequential order every 30
    seconds, so it's important to plan ahead and use strategy if you're
    looking to win.

    Players will spawn at each temple at the beginning of every match.
    Players will continue to respawn on their respective sides.


    Each temple has two catacombs off to each side.
    They spawn players and contain trip mines which can be
    used to slow your enemies advance.


    The killballs destroy all vehicles before they plummet to the ground.
    This allows vehicles to spawn more often, creating more chaos.


    Watch out for enemies hiding in wreckage....

    Debris will occasionally help you...

    ...or crush your dreams of winning.

    So what are you waiting for?

    Download "Chaos" Gametype
    Download "Armageddon"

    [note]: It is important to download both the gametype and the map
  2. Time Glitch

    Time Glitch Ancient
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    Glad you finally released this (I saw it on one of the FH Mythic threads). Totally original idea, and it looks done very, very well.

    I'll be DLing this one.


    You linked your gametype twice.
  3. Undead Fanatic

    Undead Fanatic Ancient
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    I saw this in the News Mythic Map Pack Thread and I immediately wanted to download it. I'm gonna download it, start a party and get crushed by flaming wrecks of vehicles. I'll be back to comment on how awesome it is.

    When I click the map link it brings me to the Gametype.
    #3 Undead Fanatic, Mar 7, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2009
  4. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    I remember playing modded games on Halo 2 where meteors would rain from the sky. This game brings back a lot of good memories.

    Was there any reason why you didn't use fusion coils as well? They're smaller, sure, but they do explode. Plus, you don't have to put them at only the four killballs. You can litter them all over the map.
  5. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    I didn't want the game to get overly laggy. Fusion coils would absolutely kill the framerate and make the game overall not enjoyable. The debris manages to cover a majority of the map, minus the safe spawn areas.

    [edit]: Fixed link
  6. Awkward Silence

    Awkward Silence Ancient
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    Very interesting. IMO, Casual games that involve Splattering are inevitably fun. (Case in point: Did rusty eagle's Barrel Blaster ever get old? No, it didn't.) I know a few friends who have the Mythic Maps, so I'll try to play a few rounds and get back to you on this maybe... tomorrow?
  7. whiizzle

    whiizzle Ancient
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    ha, looks great. the gametype is probably already laggy so fusion coils would not be good, but maybe other movable objects falling that dont explodeand like scatter flame grenades on the map to make it look cool with fire and stuff.. i love the map, looks overly fun(a good thing)
  8. MultiLockOn

    MultiLockOn Ancient
    Forge Critic Banned Senior Member

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    yay, this is soooo unique. I love the idea! Ecpseically with the killballs blowing up the vehicles before they hit the ground, my only concern, is that wont the map overload if there's too many vehicles, regardless of theyre broken or not,
  9. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    They all don't blow up at once, some are delayed. The map will get a bit laggy if you have more than 10 people playing at once, but nothing too bad.
  10. Arbacca

    Arbacca Ancient
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    Like the asteroids, most original idea I've seen in... 3 days.
    Good job, I was gonna suggest fusion coils, but I realized that would be laggy.
    And that hill really makes camping impossible.
    Oh, and how many vehicles did you use?
  11. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    All of them, lol, however many that happens to be.
  12. zeppelinboy777

    zeppelinboy777 Ancient
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    This is easily the best mini-game/casual map to come out on Sandbox so far. It was very original and I played a few 3v3 games on it. I never got splattered or even hit by the vehicles in one game that I played though and I think only one person ever got hit. It is pretty epic that there are flying "meteors" falling down at you. Other than that though, the map is really nothing spectacular. It's pretty much just king of the kill with some pillars strewn about in the middle. I really think you could have done so much more with the idea of the meteors falling down at you. You could have easily made it compatible for other gametypes, and added something besides some bases at each end and some pillars. I really think that if you make this into an actual all around casual map, it could have a lot of potential. I'll give it a 3.5/5, because you had a great idea and it worked well, but the extreme simplicity kind of made it very limited and it got old quick.

    (I did use this idea when my friend was making a map. I put all the vehicles on a platform and then a killball under it and dropped all the vehicles right on them. Brilliant idea.)
  13. penguin asassin

    penguin asassin Ancient
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    I like the sound they make when they all explode at once. Also how they do it in like a patern. For some reason I like the one with the two scorpions facing each oher. Also you can't pick up stuff. So y are there
    trip mines?
  14. ShadowVanish

    ShadowVanish Ancient
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    I love this game but I am not keeping it because since I love to play Custom Games and sincxe im usually host I like to make sure I have stuff to allow everyone to play. Most people dont have the Mythics yet so I will redownload once its out on the marketplace. Also shouldnt this be under minigames?
  15. Awkward Silence

    Awkward Silence Ancient
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    This was a lot of fun. I played a 4v4 game on this, and everyone in my party enjoyed it. I like how the hill moves, because unlike other minigames, it really mixes things up. I also just enjoyed the basic idea behind the game. Splatters are always hilarious, and IMO, they should be included as much as possible in any casual gametype. So yeah, I loved it. The only thing I would change is the Gloomy filter. Yes, filters are cool, and they can be a real benefit for screenshot fanatics, but I never like to see them in an actual map. All they do is hinder vision and gameplay. Overall, I'd give this an 8.5/10. Great job, DTL!

    Edit: Oh, and one more thing. Before the Mythic Maps came out, did you ever hear people with early access to the maps talking about how beautiful Assembly was, and how players might get killed while staring at the Scarabs on the ceiling? In my party, that actually happened on Armageddon. People were so entranced by how cool the exploding vehicles looked as they fell out of the sky en masse that they got killed while staring. I just thought that was an interesting side note. Yeah.
  16. jumpathon

    jumpathon Ancient
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    very nice original idea for an infection map :) keep it up you got to add me soon so we can make a map together. im sure we can make something awesome
  17. Silva Sniper

    Silva Sniper Ancient
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    So this is like a map where you dodge objects like maps such as :
    Jenga,Cratefrenzy,..Do you make maps like this all the time?
    Anyways I love the map and effects you put on it.

    Keep making more maps like this one and keep getting them FEATURES.

  18. whiizzle

    whiizzle Ancient
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    UR eyes urt...

    BY tHE waY yOu coulD make iT so thaT ou Canz play grIftBaLL on itz...
  19. IDave the Rave

    IDave the Rave Ancient
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    WOW, this map looks extremely fun, simple but fun. Well done DTL on yet another awesome map. Is there more than one hill?
  20. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
    Senior Member

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    There are 4 hills, and 3 hill locations. It starts in the center, and then shifts to one teams side. Then it moves back to the center, and then to the other teams side. Then the whole sequence starts over again.

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