Things that Annoy You in Halo 3 Matchmaking

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by EpicFishFingers, Mar 1, 2009.

  1. OrangE BloB

    OrangE BloB Ancient
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    br's are relatively good for mid range, long range and okay at close range. AR is just for close range and close-mid range. But whenever i get the chance (especially on valhalla) i go and switch my AR for a plasma pistol... i love ta plasma pistol!
  2. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    Noob combo ftl.
  3. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    -When you get smashed. That's the most annoying thing. lol
    -When people talk **** then don't want to 1v1, I'll even tell then to 2v1 me.
    -When people don't veto AR starts (especially on big maps like standoff and vahalla).
    -When people do veto BR starts.
    -When I go +25(+) and I still lose cause my teammates suck (happens more then often)
    -The fact that everytime I get a sword It happenes at least once, I slash at them 2 or 3 times, it makes the sound, takes the power but doesn't deliver any damage.

    will edit and add more.
  4. The Hudacris

    The Hudacris Ancient
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    The way that some people try to take shits out of their mouths while playing. Take it to the toilet, Jeez. Another thing that annoys me, are people that dont shut off their mic when they are talking to a friend that is at their place. Isnt it annoying when these kids are talking and you think they are talking to you. While im trying to talk to one of my friends in game, he just starts talking to his friend. Mic off please Dipshit.
  5. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
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    Rockets, Host and not being able to get perfections in objective.
  6. nitrotomato

    nitrotomato Ancient
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    Here's one that happened to me serveral times today: when I try to flag run and for some utterly bizzare reason my Spartan refuses to pick up the flag after dropping it. I'm standing by this dropped flag madly holding and tapping B (Bumper Jumper ftw), and my Spartan refuses to pick it up. About 10 seconds later he picks it up, then 4 enemies who have caught up to me, open fire, and I tap Y madly to drop the flag and defend myself, and now my Spartan refuses to drop it. That, or as I'm trying to pick up the flag which my Spartan won't, a teammate picks it up and runs it for the capture (happened to me today >=( ). I have no idea why it happens, but sometimes the flag just doesn't want to be picked up, and I can flag run perfectly fine most of the time.
  7. DRO Maelstrom

    DRO Maelstrom Ancient
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    -Getting killed by rockets from behind, not frustrating, just annoying
    -Elites in SWAT, I don't care how easy you are to headshot from the front or side, if I can't flank and I have to force the fight, I get ticked
    -People who scream into the mic or play music, just buy a MixAmp already
    -Brigadiers, they're cocky, and they're almost never on my team (generalization)
    -Shotguns, swords, or other CQB weapons
    -Getting killed by an SMG when you have a sniper
    -Some teammate who beats me to the sniper, even though I go +12 when I pick it up
    -"AFK" players
    -People who actually enjoy playing land grab (must be the most peaceful gametype I've ever played, I have no problems with reg. territories)
    -getting stuck when you are about to kill someone
    -backtracking off of someone's head off of the map
    -missing a relatively simple jump

    And yeah, that pretty much covers it. Not a very fun game after looking over this list again, lol.
  8. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    and the MLG people who think they are the **** and amazing at the game and they are the best at halo. WRONG, they are best at MLG settings but until they beat me in instant kill needlers on open foundry, they are not the best at HALO.
  9. Zanitor

    Zanitor Ancient
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    Winning matches and never going up >.>
  10. OrangE BloB

    OrangE BloB Ancient
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    -People who talk **** about you just because you have a weird name, then you get all the kills, and you're the mvp... then they shut their mouths and ask for you to party up!

    That happened to me today on team swat!
  11. Zanitor

    Zanitor Ancient
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    Yeah, it was me in team slayer and Whats a scope just got a 30 game before then he got a 31, and he still went up, I stayed same >_>
  12. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
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    Eh I've had tiomes where my friend was a thirty and I was on a second account, we played all day, by the end of the day he was a 35 and I was a 38 and we were playing together the whole way.
  13. Zanitor

    Zanitor Ancient
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    Wow that would have to be really bad, but at least he skilled up.
  14. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    1) Play as an Elite (why do people always get annoyed at me for suggesting this?)
    2) That's only annoying if they're on your team. But yeah that annoys me if they're on my team. if not: mutey mute
    3) Agreed
    4) If you're running and gunning towards someone and they don't shoot back, that's a bad sign. If you're not already too close, quickly flick the analog stick back, jump and steer your guy to strafe. They'll probably make a futile attempt to shoot you with their shotgun/mauler while you're in the air. Might feel like they're throwing popcorn at you. Just kill them from a distance. Doesn't work with the sword or grav hammer, but they're easier to spot.
    5) Guilty as charged :) Seriously though, if that was you that I killed, you're ****.

    These things rarely happen though. The game is epicossumsaws with a few very small annoyances.
  15. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    I hate people who think that just because they are good the rest of us should just stand back and let them have all the best weapons.

    Get off your high horses all you jackasses that have posted things similar to this. you have no more right to any weapon on the map than any of the rest of us do.

    If you're so **** hot with that sniper or Warthog or whatever, then maybe you should concentrate more on getting to it faster instead of bitching about it when you don't get to play with your favorite toy.
  16. The Spartan III

    The Spartan III Ancient

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    when people just randomly talk **** and are total assholes or sing, and then start yelling to have a 1v1, but i just wanna play the game not waste my time fighting some asshole, and then he curses me out al game and calls me a ***** and such
  17. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    QFT, the only people worse than these arseholes are the ones that attempt to betray you when you get there first, or the people who talk down to you because they're better than you at the game. What else are you better then me at? Can you, say run 6 miles in less than 40 minutes? Can you fly a plane? Can you perform resuscitate someone and save their life?
    You must be better than me at life, you can 4-shot me and then call me "****". Stop wasting your life. There must be something considerably wrong with you if you think that being good at a game carries any weight whatsoever.
  18. Sweet Tooth VII

    Sweet Tooth VII Ancient
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    I'm almost certain all these have been said before...

    I hate the people who scream at the top of their lungs "DOUBLE KILL!!!" as if it's a trophy.
    I hate the people in Grifball who spawnkill.
    I hate when you start shooting a person and his whole team spawns around him.
    I hate when someone betrays you for the flag and you can't betray them back for fear of being booted.
    I hate the map "Smashed"
    I hate people who brag at the lobby after the game.
    I hate when teammates don't listen.
    I hate when I'm in Team Doubles and my teammate quits.
  19. oberlin

    oberlin Ancient
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    Ok, so here's a more specific list, drawn totally from a multiflag CTF on Valhalla.

    -People who drive off in the Hog WITHOUT A GUNNER.
    -People who betray you for calling the driver of said Warthog (his guest) a dumbass.
    -People who then betray you when you pick up the laser.
    -At this point, the dipshit in the Warthog runs you over, betrayal #3.
    -When 3 of your teammates rush the base, and all 3 die to 1 defender, and you rush in to clean up the garbage, 3-shot the kid (who throws a power drain and 1-shots me) AND HE DOESNT DIE. 3 people CANT LAND ONE F***ING BR SHOT????
    -And of course, when you get retribution when your 3 teammates are all in the Warthog, and the driver drives it into a rock, so you Missle Pod the trio, and THEY get to boot you.

    I have NEVER been so close to breaking my Halo disc in my LIFE.
  20. MisterRemy

    MisterRemy Ancient
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    All teh stuffz U sed +

    When a group of enemies spam grenades, and get a quick shot to the head because they can't get honest kills.

    When teammates talk trash to you and are unsuportive.


    People who get in warthogs for 10 minutes, get over 9,000 kills, when I get in a warthog for about 2 seconds and get lasered/naded or rocketed.

    Shotgun whores.

    When I shoot an elite over 9,000 times in the head, and he shoots me once, and I die and he lives.

    Elites PERIOD

    Noobs who suddenly think they're a pro because they killed you probably in some lame way, ex: Grenades or shotgun or something of the sort.

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