Sandbox: Monzter Trucks

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by Errorjack, Mar 6, 2009.

  1. Errorjack

    Errorjack Ancient
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    ! Classic Version !

    Hello Forge Hub Users,

    This is my first map I am releasing on Forge Hub. Well lets get to the map. This is for one of my favorite map series "Monster Trucks" This is just nice and plan just like the Monster Truck Series and a little something something.

    Well this is how it goes. This is how it look likes

    [Once you start this is how it looks like. (NOTE: If it is to small, just make it bigger if you like.. i find it good this size.)]

    You play and play till someone falls off. But here is the thing that its changed.

    If 2+ People r still going crazy. In 90 secs, Kill balls will spawn on all corner of the playing field as shown on this pic below.

    So if someone is in that space.. Say goodbye to your self.

    V 2 Will Release tomorrow! [New things : Interlock, Maybe more space]

    < Downloads >

    Map Itself : Halo 3 File Details

    Gametype [Not needed if you already have] : Halo 3 File Details

    Have fun!

    @ !REMEMBER! @

    #1 Errorjack, Mar 6, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2009
  2. Gunnergrunt

    Gunnergrunt Ancient
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    not another monster truck map! and this one isn't even that creative!

    okay thats not very nice, but there have been a ton of monster truck platform lately... and most of them are a little more fancy than this. looks like you put some time and effort into this though so i commend you for that

    EDIT: okay i understand where you're coming from. This is about as good as it gets for the classics, so well done there. I suggest you interlock the blocks though (for better looks and whatnot) ^.^
  3. Errorjack

    Errorjack Ancient
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    Yes i know there was a lot of them but i did not find any classic one.. Some people like Classic gaming. Me, My Brother and my friends love this classic version, we tried the other ones and yea there fun but its fun to play classics too.
  4. Bootsie 22

    Bootsie 22 Ancient
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    Alright, first off welcome to forge hub! :) For your first map, this is a good start.

    First, let's talk about posts. Your post follows the rules and regulations, but it lacks some details. Personally, I do not know how "monster trucks" works, so you need to add a description of the game and how it interacts with your map. You will not be flamed for "to much information" :p. Most maps like this consist of just a platform. You do have this, but you have kill balls that spawn later, a unique idea. I would suggest though that you add some "obstructions" to your map. It makes it look just that much better.

    Your map is a good start to your forging. Keep it up, just add some more details for the uneducated crowd like me ;)
  5. Zanitor

    Zanitor Ancient
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    Looks pretty good, but could use much more work, nice thought, its pretty nice.
  6. Errorjack

    Errorjack Ancient
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    Well some people should know how Monster Trucks because people have been saying its been around a lot lately.. But the kill balls are a "Sudden Death" kind of thing.
  7. Skanky Toast

    Skanky Toast Ancient
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    Why would you post this. It is just a bunch of boxes lined up in the sky bubble. The least you could have done is like, interlocked it or added some aesthetics to the outside parts of the map to male it not as crappy. If you are goig to post on forgehub, please actually put some thought into it. 0/5 map (has been done) 0/5 forging, all you did was put some boxes together, add vehicles, and put a few spawns. I could do this in ten minutes. Please stop spamming the forums with his waste. The only thing I congradulate you on is not f*king up your pics. Go back to if you can't put effort into a map.
  8. Kitsune Yosh

    Kitsune Yosh Ancient
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    This map looks ALOT like Narrows, only more open. I think the map looks great though. I bet this would be a cool CTF map. I don't really see anything wrong with the map, but you might want a little more cover. 4/5
  9. thumtac

    thumtac Ancient
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    What. Are. You. Smoking. I am serious, you completely missed the point of this map and what it is.
  10. Kitsune Yosh

    Kitsune Yosh Ancient
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    Wow, that's a little overdoing it Skanky Toast. At least give him constructive criticism. All you did was talk bad about his map. I wouldn't be surprised if you got an infraction.

    Onto the map. I have to say, your map is really boring. I think you should definitely add some aesthetics around it. I like how you added the death balls over time, it makes it seem as if the stage is shrinking. You ESPECIALLY need SOME obstructions. Ramps, holes, or anything to make the map more interesting. 2/5 for the map.

    About the post. First off, you spelled MONSTER TRUCKS wrong. You didn't have much in the way of pictures, but they do explain your map I guess. I would add some action pictures. For the most part you posted right. 3.5/5

    Overall I give you a 3/5 because of the playability issue. I would consider making a V2.
  11. Kitsune Yosh

    Kitsune Yosh Ancient
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    SORRY! That was supposed to go somewhere else.
  12. thumtac

    thumtac Ancient
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    I am just going to assume your stoned post was for the wrong topic...
  13. Errorjack

    Errorjack Ancient
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    Well if you don't like it... DON'T POST ON IT! I just wanted to post a classic version of the Monster Truck Series.. On the Stand off one did they have all those other stuff? No.. I just put 1 thing to change stuff up because sometimes people take to long.. If you don't like it.. Gtfo..


    If you post something that you cant spell right.. Don't post u stupid kid.. congradulate?? its congratulate you stupid kid and u can even right click and look for the right spelling if you don't know... On the map topic.. This is a one is a V 1 Version you loser.. I just wanted to post a classic version.. Yes I know how to interlock i just was in a rush for school so i could't interlock.. Most likey i will post V2 Interlocked by Tomorrow.. I can't today because I have to let my brother play.. I could do work on it today but yea.. It will be Done Tomorrow..

    Alright.. Classic Versions of Monster Trucks did not have some holes or stuff.. it was plan like that.. And the death ball spawn i get.. When i release V2 i will change some stuff up..

    I had to Spell it like "Monzter Trucks" because i already have all the Monster Truck maps and it already taken so i put a z.. For the action pictures.. I couldn't because i was going to sleep.. When V 2 Releases, I will post action pictures..

    Well its good.. But it is playable.. On the Killball thing.. I know it takes up space because its like a Sudden Death kind of thing. Sometimes people take to long so i put those there.. And yes i am making a V2 and Interlocking it too..
    #13 Errorjack, Mar 7, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2009
  14. A hobo

    A hobo Ancient
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    I gotta agree with him. I'm sorry, but this looks like no work at all. Don't say it's a classic. That's no excuse. I would add in anything to make it more intresting.
  15. Errorjack

    Errorjack Ancient
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    LOL.. You really stupid kid.. and another kid who can't spell.. Well I told all of u once.. If you don't like it.. Then gtfo.. There's no use for u here..

    And its just like saying this [ HI guys! Lets make Zelda OOT a whole different game! Lets put some pokemon in there.. oh and Link is now Master Chief! ]. So before u say **** like that.. think..
  16. CyraxZ

    CyraxZ Ancient
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    Despite how many people have stated that this is a plain and unoriginal map, I seriously haven't seen any layout for bumper cars that is quite like this. Therefore, I thank you for your simplicity.

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