Sanctum(Sandbox) Sanctum Map Background Sanctum is a variant of Sandbox built from the ground-up for King of the Hill. This is my first KoTH map, and I'd say it is pretty good(although my opinion is rather biast). This map only works on FFA Slayer, Team Slayer, and KoTH. A V2 will be posted in the near future made for all Gametypes. Recommended Gametypes: Team Slayer, Slayer, Team KoTH V2 Weapons on Map: x10 Battle Rifle x2 Covenant Carbine x2 Rocket Launcher x2 Brute Shot x2 Sniper Rifle x2 Needler x10 Plasma Grenade x2 Bubble Sheild x2 Power Drain x2 Warthog x4 Mongeese x2 Maulers x2 Custom Powerup Here we go, Pics! Map Overview Red Base Blue Base(Identical to Red Base) I have officially nicknamed this "The Armpit". Posted up(Sniper Spawn for each base) Better Not Miss! Grabbing Custom Hill Control- Fun with Warthogs! Failsauce 4 life! Catch! Download Links: Download Map Here Download Gametype Here Please feel free to give constructive criticism, and ENJOY!!! EDIT: I'd also like to thank ChivesMaster and Val for helping me to make this map better, and all of you for your advice! P.S. Anyone who wants to playtest this map and other maps, send me a PM on XBL!
Actually, none of your links are working, but I would be happy to send you the correct format if you send the direct links to me edit: copy what's in the box and paste where u want the picture PHP: [IMG][/IMG]
The LINKS are working now... Now all I need to fix is the Pic. BTW, this is my first Forgehub post so sorry 4 being a n00b...
well just because its your first post doesnt mean you shouldnt know how to post correctly. you should still have read the READ BEFORE POSTING page. Anyways, your pictures dont work, so try to fix them. im sorry, but ill have to give you a 1/5 for this. youve redone your post once already. better luck next time
There we go. No more posting of " Fix this post" I do believe the next person to do so may get a little punishment if possible. Anyway... Since pictures dont load for me anyway, even when fixed, What do you mean by ground up? Is it like a tower or just a multi leveled map?
Wow! Thanks, M.Jelleh! The pic is now up, and more pics will be added soon! Sorry about the Pic not working. I was looking at the Map Posting Guidelines and doing everything they said, but it wouldn't freaking embed...
This map is pretty good from what I can tell from the pic but I'm about to give it a forgethrough. Till i take the forgetthrough I give it a 3.5/5 based off the pics NOT gameplay. I will rate gameplay later once i get a chance to play it.
Very mice map! From the pictures, It's not the cleanest thing I've seen but its really good. I LOVE the weapon placement (accept the two rocket launchers, personally i think there should be only one) But all the rest is great! I'm gonna be playing this with my friends after I get my Xbox fixed
Thanks, man. I added 2 rocket launchers for two reasons: 1) There wasn't really a good spot for only one 2) Due to the number of vehicals( 2 'hogs and 4 geese ), it only seemed fair to give both teams a Rocket Launcher(with only 1 extra clip)
Looks really nice! I really like the center piece. It looks like you took your time and made it looks good, I like the base layout, its different, and cool.
Yeah. I wanted to make a map that didn"t remind me of any maps I have already played. I also like the base layout, and it did take me some time to make. For some reason, this map reminds me a little of Blood Gultch/Coagulation(with a added structure in the middle, of course!)... TO EVERYONE: Thanks for all of you for leaving positive feedback to all of those that did!
Too open not very original like the middle though. I don't like that warthog either sorry but I guess it's not my style. 3ish/5
I guess everyone has their own opinions... I've had people tell me it sucks and some people tell me it should be in Matchmaking for Team Objective... I think that my favorite part of this map is "The Armpit".
Aright. I edited the original post to include the new weapons in the V2, and the map link is now linkked to the updated version(the V2).
This looks great! I love the layout. This map is a definite download from me. This seems like it would play out terrifically. Great job, Pel. 7/10.