Halo Wars with out the Halo

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by LOCK.xcf, Mar 6, 2009.

  1. LOCK.xcf

    LOCK.xcf Ancient
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    Now this is a question i thought of after reading multiple reviews on Halo Wars. Alot of the reviews claimed although the story mode can get boring, the controls aren't amazing, and it isn't very deep, the fact that it is Halo makes it a lot more fun. So, I was wondering, would you like the game play of Halo Wars, if it didn't have the Halo theme? It is really just a question about the core game play of the game. Maybe some people let a few things slide just because it was a Halo game.

    So I will restate the question.

    Would you like the game play of Halo Wars, if it didn't have the halo theme?

    BASED GOD Ancient

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    Firstly, I don't like Halo Wars, it's shallow and made for your average halo gamer.
    But I would say too many reviewers are giving it higher scores "because it stays true to halo", therefore they're comparing it to other games. They should compare it to actual RTS games, not Halo games.
  3. LOCK.xcf

    LOCK.xcf Ancient
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    Yeah, thats what i was getting at. Compared to some of the PC RTS, Halo Wars is very shallow. I however enjoyed the game play for an Xbox 360 RTS. But I do think if it didn't involve halo, a universe i find very interesting and entertaining, i would not have invested the 60 dollars.
  4. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    It has a lot more depth than you would probabily imagine. I'm enjoying online for the strategies.

    And emcapsulating the whole Halo feeling was no easy task for them, so it's still worth its salt on that ground.

    BASED GOD Ancient

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    UNSC has 2 infantry units. I don't really call that depth.
  6. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    Your basing it off the variation of units? Sillyyyyyy.

    It's designed to be a streamlined game, just like Halo.
  7. Darkdragon

    Darkdragon Ancient
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    well, its halo and i already think it sucks, in my mind, the only reason it sold as the mythic maps and it being halo.
  8. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    Honestly, no, I probably wouldn't.

    But it's fun, and that's all that really matters to me.
  9. The Spartan III

    The Spartan III Ancient

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    i think it would have dropped like a lead ball if it didnt
    A: come with the mythic maps or
    B: have the halo theme

    way too many people bought it simply because it has the label halo on it. RTS games are usually better than that it. hell, empire earth,a game released like 5 years ago, is better than this load of junk.
  10. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    I agree with Matty here, the game has more depth than most would imagine. As for saying the controls suck, you are out of your mind. It has the best console RTS controls to date, whoever says they are bad is a moron. Would it be the same if it wasn't Halo themed? Well of course not, and that's kinda stupid. I mean, would Star Craft have been just as good if it wasn't Star Craft themed? Marines, Scorpion's, those are Halo. Take Halo away from it and you take those things away from it.

    I enjoy it, and your opinions on why it sold are just that, your opinions. I didn't get it only for the mythic, that was a cherry on top. I saw a good game and a nice little pond in which I could my feet wet in the genre of RTS.
  11. LOCK.xcf

    LOCK.xcf Ancient
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    When did i say the controls suck? I was talking about how some review said the controls aren't the best. Also, it was really just a question about the controls and gameplay. I was basically would you like the gameplay, controls, graphics, if it wasn't a halo game.

    I would actually like to see them implement their design into other RTS console games.
  12. Azrius

    Azrius Ancient
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    I probably would have bought it even if it wasn't for the halo theme- it was the gameplay that grabbed me. And for anyone saying it's shallow, I'm going to have to agree with a few others here-there's more strategy to the game then you might think.

    Unit variation WAS a minor quip with the game-emphasis on the 'minor'. I've described it as a console RTS for shooter fans-it's dumbed down a little, sure, but that doesn't mean it isn't fun. If you want ridiculously deep strategy or massive unit customization, play Warzone 2100 or one of the other 'old school' RTS games.

    And the fact is, it's a CONSOLE RTS. It's not fair to compare it to strategy games on the PC- if you don't like Halo Wars, then go play Starcraft, or Warcraft III, or Age of Empires, or Age of Mythology(Those last two are made by ensemble studios, IMO), or Empire Earth, or......The list goes on. The PC is a better platform for Strategy gaming, I'm afraid-The mouse and keyboard combination helps just a bit.

    As well, it is a rather moot point to make-the question of how well Halo wars would sell if it wasn't Halo is much like asking how Warcraft would be if it wasn't Warcraft, or what would happen to Half Life if it wasn't Half Life.

    I honestly didn't even know the game came with the mythic map pack until after I bought it. It was a nice little touch. As for anyone who only bought it for the mythic map pack.....I'm sorry, but I find that pretty comical-you spent sixty to eighty dollars for a set of maps that's worth ten or twenty at the most-it wouldn't have killed you to wait a while.

    Finally, if you're going to bash the game, give some valid reasons- "this game is crap" just doesn't fly. Why do you hate it? There has to be some reason for your hatred.

    Did it sell better because of the Halo label? Probably. When someone makes a successful franchise, a game that's part of the franchise is always more likely to sell. Look at the Tom Clancy games....there's, what, twenty of them now? Look on the bright side- at least Halo Wars wasn't as overhyped as Halo 3.
  13. Sweet Tooth VII

    Sweet Tooth VII Ancient
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    I have to completely agree with Azrius. I mean, I haven't even played the actual Halo Wars game, I've only played the demo, but I enjoyed it well enough that I would purchase it, had I the money, whether or not it came with the Mythic Maps. I can't really say much more, because Azrius took all the good points and said them already. <_<;
  14. Willmatic

    Willmatic Ancient
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    Sometimes I forget that it's halo (This is from just playing the demo). There are tons of different vehicles and infantry doesn't look too much the same as the FPS Halo, oh and a lot less pelicans and other dropships.
  15. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    But you probably wouldn't have even downloaded the demo if it wasn't Halo themed, so your argument is invalid.
  16. Fbu

    Fbu Ancient
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    Warcraft II
  17. ABigDumbOgre

    ABigDumbOgre Ancient
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    This is a completely valid question. If the units and buildings were not Halo themed, instead some other "default" units (ex modern military), would you buy it solely on gameplay?

    For me the answer is yes, but maybe not the LCE or even a new copy. The game is fun, but the controls and unit options are average; to me Halo is what makes this game different from other RTS games.
  18. Fbu

    Fbu Ancient
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    Sums it up, Halo is average, this game is average. It's just a baby pool for rts's with a Halo sticker on it.

    It wouldn't have gotten any ads, media attention, blah blah blah just because it wouldn't have been the "oooh someone else is taking halo, lets see how it goes." It would be some ordinary game being developed with a small following. When "this game" came out there would probably be a post here, 3 people would reply, thread would die.
  19. Sweet Tooth VII

    Sweet Tooth VII Ancient
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    I did not just download it because it was Halo themed, I downloaded it because it was a game I've been looking forward to. It's, if I'm correct, the first RTS to be on a console. I owned Warcraft III after a mix up, (I asked for World of Warcraft, that's what I get for living with my grandparents.) But upon playing it, I liked it. I played a few other free RTS games online that aren't really worth remembering the names of. Anyway, what I'm trying to say is that's why I downloaded it, but I don't deny the fact that I do enjoy the Halo series.
  20. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    This is far from the first RTS on a console. Sure, they all sucked, but this isn't the first one. What I'm saying, and to basically reiterate what Fbu already said, is that since it was Halo themed it got more publicity. No other RTS's got as much publicity because they didn't have a popular theme such as Halo.

    So basically, if it wasn't Halo themed, it wouldn't have got much publicity and you would remain in the state of mind that there were no RTS's on consoles.

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