not true. You can only say what you want as long as it lies within the confines of the site rules. Other than that, everyone has complete freedom, no longer are the days where staff/guilders were kept to robotic, monitored speech. Staffmembers are human, they can express their opinion as long as it doesn't conflict with fairness and the rules. For example, I say whatever the **** I want whenever the **** I feel like it, its always been the case and it shall always be the case.
Would I take it? Sure. I'm on enough and have enough experience around here to help out. I'm not going to stretch the truth at all here.
I don't see where this corrupt staff **** comes from. Staff are all great people and I haven't met one that I don't like. As for me I would not take a staff position related to moderator, a Journalist position would be great though. I could be the new URK! Other than that though I'm not too interested in any other staff positions.
It's not that hard mate. Just read any of Titmar and my own posts. Even Bnasty if you can be ****ed looking that far back in time.
Of course it does. Dallas has all the sports teams. Fort Worth only has fame because it is next to Dallas.
I would accept the offer but it is not going to happen since I got Loyal stripped twice from me; and yes, I do realize without Loyal there is no chance. I would take this opportunity because I catch crap (spam, necropost, etc) posted in a heartbeat but all I can do is report it.
Nope, never. Staff is like the 50 point prize you win at an arcade. Sure its fun at first, but then it gets dull. Then again, at least this web forum lets staff abuse powers :3
I would take the offer in a heartbeat. But, I think I would have to get a new computer first cause the one I am using now is a piece of ****, and if im working that hard and making all those posts, I don't want it lagging all over the place and being super slow.
And then the enemy of the site would be me, neh? Or was it Ivory? Damn, your mood changes too fast for me to keep track of.