Sandbox: Tips, Tricks and Things to Watch out for. +Structures

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Mastar, Mar 5, 2009.

  1. Mastar

    Mastar Ancient
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    This thread will serve as a directory of helpful hints we have discovered and things that we should be careful of when Forging on Sandbox.

    So if you feel necessary. Post something you have found out on Sandbox that you think will be helpful to anyone making maps on Sandbox.

    Update: I have added a "STRUCTURES" section. This will be used to share cool structures that people can use in their maps.
    If you have a structure to suggest, please post at least one embedded picture and a brief description of the structure's purpose..

    OLN Canvas NOTE:

    YOU DON'T HAVE TO USE THE DEFAULT OBJECTS!!!!! Pulsekiller found out that if you keep all of the default spawn points (including respawn areas), goals, one of each weapon (and I don't even think you have to keep those) and delete everything else, you'll hit the budget limit before you hit the OLN. I promise, it works. The default objects are buggy and slightly bigger than the ones that spawn from Forge, so don't use them!!!

    Here is the approximate size difference between the Crypt and Foundry:



    • Sandbox Ultimate Canvas - Clean OLN Sandbox canvas with the Lasers blocked off. Allowing you to forge out in the dunes. Made by Jpec07
    • Pallets do not pass through the Skybox grid, even though they are a movable object. (this includes when they are broken into pieces, So people can still jump on them)
    • Bubble Shields negate the effect of Kill Balls when placed inside of one.
    • Grav lifts don't pass through the Skybubble, but shield doors do.
    • Red light + Blue Light = White/Purple light.
    • The grass on the underside of golf cups stops movement of tanks and slows other vehicles.
    • You can jump then crouch near the apex of the jump to get on top of a fin. Useful for jumps. You can also do this with wedges.
    • Golfballs weigh more than soccer balls.
    • "Block, Angled" fits perfectly inbetween two "Corner, Smalls"
    • The flags from tin cups can be walked/driven through/put through other objects.
    • Teleporters wont rest on the SkyBox.
    • using 2 Tin Cups multiplies the magnetic effect and will lock a Scorpion or Wraith in place
    • 2 floating Tin Cups will magnetically hold larger vehicles underneath them, but shooting from them is difficult
    • a Golf Ball will climb up a 90˚wall on 2 merged Tin Cups
    • Mongooses are the only vehicles that can fit under a quarter wall
    • The best way to make a map where you shoot down on the defenders from the skybubble is by using Stone Platforms. They don't obstuct your view as much when you look directly down, like a double block (for example) does.
    • Another useful object of data: the elastic barrier on Sandbox's ground-level section stops a good two or three wall-heights below the fall barrier from the sky bubble. Using a teleporter or a friend on a turret to bypass the barrier will open up some new opportunities for forge artists to use the fall barrier as a gameplay device. You can shoot across it, but you can't pass through it yourself.


    • Trip Mines, Power Drainers, Deployable Covers, Flares and Radar Jammers can rest on the Grid in the Sky Bubble, yet no other Equipment can.
    • Double blocks are not a perfect square.
    • Walls and some other objects tend to tilt up on one side if you place them flat on the Grid. It only goes into effect once you have saved, quit, and then started up Forge again.
    • The walls in the Crypt are not flat. They bulge inwards.
    • Interlocking objects from the default layout is frustrating. They tend to stick around even after you set the Respawn Time to "Place at Start: No".
    • Broken vehicle parts will not fall through the sky bubbles grid.
    • Block, Double is wider (tattoo side to tattoo side) than it is tall, similar to how disproportionate the Double Box in Foundry was.
    • A Block Large has one curved it can be a huge annoyance when trying to interlock objects like walls because the wall against the block tilts inwards!!!!

    (to suggest a structure, please post an embedded picture and brief description of it's purpose)

    Four arches make a killer circle like this:

    How to make a Kick-Ass Roof
    #1 Mastar, Mar 5, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2009
  2. Mastar

    Mastar Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Awesome guys. Keep it coming. I updated the thread to include structures.

    - Reserved for Pictures -
  3. Mastar

    Mastar Ancient
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    - reserved for pictures -
  4. Mastar

    Mastar Ancient
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  5. MNM1245

    MNM1245 Ancient
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    Small tip but "Block, Angled" fits perfectly inbetween two "Corner, Smalls"

    Edit: I now released that my post has barely escaped being deleted like the ones above!
  6. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    Anybody tried interlocking two colored pillars into each other to see if that has a similar white/purple effect as the lights?
  7. arrrghSAM

    arrrghSAM Ancient
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    It doesn't, it just has the two colours split into two sections.
  8. Something.

    Something. Ancient
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    You should mention there is a way to shut down the towers, and get more space available to build in the sky bubble.
  9. Mastar

    Mastar Ancient
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    Elaborate pl0x :)
  10. Yeti

    Yeti Ancient
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    Halo 3 File Details

    That's the map. It literally has the lasers blocked so you can Forge out in the dunes. I'm actually in the process of planning a map that utilizes that area. :p
  11. MNM1245

    MNM1245 Ancient
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    Wow really? Thats cool. I shall DL this map.

    -Broken palatte pieces will not fall through the Skybox Grid.
    -You can be killed in the Skybox by the Guaridan Towers somehow(?)
  12. D3M0N K1lla95

    D3M0N K1lla95 Ancient
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    - Broken vehicle parts will not fall through the sky bubbles grid.
    - Tin cups can be used to make small jumps for mongooses.
    - The flag on a tin cap can be walked/driven through.
  13. M.Jelleh

    M.Jelleh Ancient
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    I heard it is possible to geomerge on the skybubble by doing it the old way: interlocking something on top of object and using that like a door. Also I believe you can overload the map so the bubble disappears and save objects in place so that they merge. And there is the way where you adjust the angle then just use the left stick to move the spawn point, save, and it merges at the angle you picked.
  14. theheat

    theheat Ancient
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    The red lights will not draw their lighting effects if they aren't looked at after a certain amount of time (estimating 3-5 minutes) and in order to make the light come back you need to get very, very close to it. (May be specific between the two, not sure as of yet)

    IxGUNxSLINGERxI Ancient
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    this also work's for deployable covers to.
  16. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    Why would you need to geomerge on the sky box. That's like geomerging on a map you're floating on the outside of Blackout.

    My Question for this thread: Has anyone found a way to eliminate the hop that you get between a tube piece and a Y-tube intersection? Even interlocking a tube ramp into the Y-tube so that it ramps up to the tube piece only moves the hop from when you go from Y-tube to normal tube, to when you're going from tube piece to Y-tube.
  17. User Default

    User Default Ancient
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    Yeah, I think those tube pieces are great, but they could've been designed a little better. One thing I've noticed is that the two openings in the 'fork' park of the y-piece aren't the same dimension as the actual tube pieces. Also, with the same two openings, the ribs of the y-piece stick out farther than the opening. This wouldn't be a big deal if the openings were all the same dimensions, then I could just merge the tunnel piece into the y-piece.

    Another issue I've noticed?

    The actual grid of the skybox isn't equidistant from the laser towers, i.e. the center of the grid is shifted off-center. If you were to draw a line from the center of one tower to the center of the opposite tower, then the center of that skybox grid would not be found on that line. I may be wrong, and if I am I'd like someone to prove it to me. It might not seem like a big deal, but if I'm taking the time on a map to make everything aesthetically appealling, then this tends to annoy me.

    Ok, last one for now. I wish there was a 'snap-to' feature with the grids. I wish you could drop an object down, lets say a large box, and the grid box center that it was closest to, you could go through the menu and select 'snap-to' (or something along those lines) to lock that block into that grid box, temporarily until you saved.
  18. coolaid55

    coolaid55 Ancient
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    When killballs are merged into objects, they tend to not kill you . . . but only near where it is merged

  19. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    When forging in the skybox, I've noticed that items sometimes "jump" through the sky floor, and it can be quite annoying. Typically if you don't put alot of pressure, this won't happen, but I have noticed that Ramp Small (or is it Short?) and Ramp Thick fall prey to this most often.

    Also, in the skybox keep this in mind, the death barrier is just below the grid. In floating maps such as Guardian and Lockout you fall for a good 3 seconds before you hit that barrier. So, by building right off the sky floor, you give less than a second fall time untilt he player hits the death barrier below. Why is this bad, or better yet, why does this take away from a floating map? First off, once you start to fall you are falling, so you are dead in theory, just not actually dead yet. By falling for 3 seconds, that is basically adding 3 seconds to your respawn timer before you can get back into the action. This short amount of time can make a big difference in a competative match. Also, as you fall you can toss grenades, or try and pull off a final kill before meeting your death. If you don't give adequate fall time, this is unachievable. Lastly, say you see an opponent go over the edge. If you shoot them you get the kill, so the longer they fall the more time you get to get that point. So just reasons to build your maps up higher, even if it takes more time. My current map has a 3 second fall time from the bottom floor to the death barrier (about 4 Large Blocks high).
  20. Goober

    Goober Ancient
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    How physically tall is the Bubble?

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