Sandbox Pyrmaid

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Mikesword221, Mar 5, 2009.

  1. Mikesword221

    Mikesword221 Ancient
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    IMPORTANT NOTICE: This maps name will be changed to "Extraction" For V3.

    Hello people of Forgehub! Today I bring you a map that took me at least 6 hours to finish. Not in one go of course but still. Here is the download. Oh and the spawn points don't exactly work right. The only game type supported right now is slayer. But a new version will be out soon with these fixed. Anyway I guess you people want pictures so here they are!

    Here is the overview of V2.

    Here is Blues Rocket tower.

    Here is Reds rocket tower.

    Here is the turret in the middle of the map.

    Here is the new inside of the bases.

    Here is the back entrance room.(You can only enter through the outside.)

    Here is where the vehicles spawn for each team.(A mongoose spawns behind the ghost.)

    And here is a cool action shot I got while playing.

    The weapons on this map are:
    2 Battle rifles
    2 Assault rifles
    2 Rocket Launchers
    4 Magnums
    2 Carbines
    1 Shotgun
    1 Sniper Rifle
    1 7-Wood
    2 Bubble shields.

    And that's it!
    In case you missed the link here it is again.

    #1 Mikesword221, Mar 5, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2009
  2. Silva Sniper

    Silva Sniper Ancient
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    Okay this is pretty bad,Here's why,
    First off you need a weapon list,deascription,backstory,and a breif whatever what you want.
    Ok on topic I would say that this is actually nicely done minus all the crap you missed.
  3. AoD Deadite

    AoD Deadite Ancient
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    Okay this post is pretty bad, need I explain why? Aside from your spelling mistakes venom I would say a description and a DL link are needed. Also this seems more like a casual map.

    Anyway I guess I'll DL this map, It seems very plain though.
  4. squirrelxb

    squirrelxb Ancient
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    Actually Venom's right... it's not up to Forgehub standards. Not exactly sure what you were trying to prove there.
  5. waterflame

    waterflame Ancient
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    okay this is a map i probley saw coming but i thoguth it would be sweet if you use the cypct to map like a mummys tomb so you could make like a infection gae with a zombibe being the phaproh guy with like a needler and a sword and regearating heeth and quick move ment because he a god guy
    over all okay job keep it up
    j\keep forging
  6. Death Height

    Death Height Ancient
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    is the story really necessary?
    anyways, i agree with the others. you should have a weapon list if its for slayer. also a player amount would be useful, rather a range of how many players it can play with that isnt too chaotic too.
    i think you could make the pyramids taller by a longshot. they are a bit short to be pyramids. i would suggest a v2 with those. also i dont think the smaller buildings are real necessary either.
    i cant even dl anyways, but ill rate as best i can to what you deserve.
    im giving it a 3/5. thats fair enough i think
    good luck with your future maps!
  7. Wolverine

    Wolverine Ancient
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    Well, I D/L and its pretty fun but the spawn point thing really pisses people off. Overall its pretty fun. Good gameplay well built. I like the vault actual map combo. So overall it plays fun but fix he spawn 3.5/5
  8. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    No, you don't need a weapon list or a backstory. A description is necessary(which he should really fix soon) and a brief whatever might be nice, but nothing to freak out about really.

    Map's okay aestheticaly, don't really understand the last pic... And all i really have to say is add some vehicles because this map is pretty open.
  9. mastersync23

    mastersync23 Ancient
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    This. Is. SPAAAAAM.

    Anyway, the map looks pretty good, but it's hard to get a feel for it. I can't tell if some part's are in the Skybubble or just the main Sandbox floor. Still, 6/10. It looks fairly good, but pretty open. Actually, after a quick Forge through, the map recieves a 7.5/10. Good job! It's definitely a map I won't be forgetting in a while. Oh, and JASONYO, the post I quoted is advertising some crap. He's not even reviewing the map. And "by status quo", so is yours.
    #9 mastersync23, Mar 5, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2009

    GATORSHOES2 Ancient
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    this whole idea came from me,

    two pyramid bases BLUE and RED
  11. Mikesword221

    Mikesword221 Ancient
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    There are vehicles. Next to the bases in a garage like structure. Thanks for all the comments everyone!
  12. Black Magic105

    Black Magic105 Ancient
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    Hey give him a break he is proably new i bet you did the same thing when you joined! K
  13. The Spartan III

    The Spartan III Ancient

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    i think its pretty good. the things i would improve are these:

    1.more complicated bases: your bases seem to be just 1 room. i would suggest expanding them and putting a second floor in the top of the pyramid bases. this could be a place to put a flag and the rockets. you may also consider expanding them so you can put 3-4 rooms in the bottom floor of each. also try adding in a backdoor and some mongeese for each base so you cant just camp the front entrance.

    2. a bit more space: I know you probably want this to be a small map, but with 2 rockets and a 7-wood, you should very heavily consider spacing out the bases and the middle pyramid. maybe put them about twice as far away, and put another pyramid opposite the other. maybe even make these into bases for multi-team?

    3. more balance: since you have 2 rocket launchers and a 7-wood, you should try adding vehicles to the mix, which works well with the spacing out. this way you are not simply getting 1 hit kills on people coming out of the 1 entrance to each base. also consider putitng in more BR's and AR's. personally, i dont even like to use AR's, but some people do. think of how many people the map is for, and place half that number of BR's and half that number of AR's. this makes it balanced so one team that loves BR's cant just rape another team who loves AR's.

    4. vehicles: i already said this, but try adding vehicles. even if it is only 2 mongeese per team and maybe a hog parked in the extra pyramid, it is still better for competitive play. especially if you plan on having CTF and more space, this is what you want to do. it really gives you a reason to save those last 2 rockets.

    i hope i have helped. if you want i can offer more advice if you PM me. i would help on LIVE, but i dont have the mythics :(
  14. Mikesword221

    Mikesword221 Ancient
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    Okay things for V2 are going to be:
    More complicated bases.
    One neutral Gauss hog in the small pyramid.
    A snipers spot.(Ones on top of the bases will be gone.)
    Bases farther apart.
    Basically what the guy above me said.
  15. The Spartan III

    The Spartan III Ancient

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    yay! i get to be a contributing member!
    once again sorry i cant help you in forge, i dont have the maps.

    anyway, please, for the sake of god, do not put in a gauss hog. its 1 hit kills are too easy. simply do a machine gun hog, and maybe put a shotty next to it in the pyramid. if you want you can send me a FR
  16. Mikesword221

    Mikesword221 Ancient
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    Ok Gunner warthog. I should have V2 up by Sunday.
  17. The Spartan III

    The Spartan III Ancient

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    cool. worst case scenario i'll invite you and well edit it together for a v3 when i get the maps
  18. Dragull

    Dragull Ancient
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    Cool map. Would be nice if you made a sphinx...
  19. The Spartan III

    The Spartan III Ancient

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    dont push it, hes a new member. give him some time. ill probably make one when i get the maps....
  20. Mikesword221

    Mikesword221 Ancient
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    Alright everyone V2 is up and a day early as well!

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