MLG Oblivion v6

Discussion in 'Halo 3 MLG Maps' started by On The Flip Side, Mar 5, 2009.

  1. On The Flip Side

    Senior Member

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    its a good map i think it should be in the pro circuit made by FT Yshlaw
    its a really good map it plays sorta like onlaught its best for flag u can play ither things but its to easy there is a couple of secretes about the map u have to find cause i dont want to ruin the fun there is spawn trap and u can get out of the spawn trap flap running is more difficult on my map then onlsaught but it also has more cover than onslaught so yeah enjoy ohh yeah and body can critisise a map but it takes a special person to something good about a map so yeah keep that in mind when u comment on my map
    MLG Flag Ons v6
    callouts for map red basement
    3.there flag blue basement
    6.our flag
    13.our a step up
    14.there a step up
    15.our b step up
    16.there b step up
    17.our courtyard
    18.there courtyard
    19.our b street
    20.there b street
    21.our a street
    22.there a street
    23.inter section
    24.SM Mid
    25.there b corner
    26.our b corner
    27.there a corner
    28.our a corner b corner a corner
    downloadhere Yshlaw

    look at pics here
    SM Corners [​IMG]
    SM Mid
    B1 B2 B3
    There A step up
    inter section [​IMG]
    blue base
    red base
  2. B3NJ4M1N08

    B3NJ4M1N08 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Your post is not up to Forge Hub standards. Please include at least one embedded picture as well as a description of your map. You have 24 hours to get your post up to standards or it will be removed by a Moderator.

    Well I would if I knew anything about the map. The name of the map sounds awesome! <- Is that good enough for you?

    EDIT: Ok now I can review this properly. I like the layout of your map, it reminds me of MLG Onslaught and MLG Amplified. I'm not quite sure about that tunnel in the middle though. It looks like it blocks the view of each base from the other team, which isn't bad but it can be frustrating for some. Also the functionality of it, it looks too enclosed and if there's no way into it other than from the sides, what's the point? I like the layout of the bases though. Again it reminds me of MLG Amplified's bases, only here there are no stairways leading up into them. Overall it is a good map, not quite sure if it's ready for the pro circuit but I'll leave MLG to judge that. Great job! 4/5
    #2 B3NJ4M1N08, Mar 5, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2009
  3. Spartan 942

    Spartan 942 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    hmm. i guess ill DL it.
    this isn't up to Forge hub standards, but ill take your word for it, and hope to see pics soon.
    guys, unlike what you've done to my topics, i hope none completely shuns and Be's a total jerk to this guy just because he hasn't gotten pics up yet.

    for instance, B3NJ4M1N08, why wont you actually say something about the map (not negative) instead of simply stating the obvious? he said himself the he'd have the pics up soon, so theres really no point in saying that.


    (to the above edited post)
    lol, yes, that would be.
  4. On The Flip Side

    Senior Member

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    really didnt understand everything in the message but ok yeah im uploading pics to photobucket now so they will be on in like 5 to 10 minutes
  5. Spartan 942

    Spartan 942 Ancient
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    Ah well, people tend to really be idiots just because a map isn't up to standards, but has a reason for it.

    anyways, i hope to see em soon, cuz my XBL link isn't working -_-

  6. CC Pybus

    CC Pybus Ancient
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    Can I ask why this is already has a 5star rating already I hope you didnt rate your own thread before it is even properly posted. I remember you doing this before on you old map that was a rip off of Lockdown. I hope this is all your own work I will edit this post when you post pics and a good description.
  7. On The Flip Side

    Senior Member

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    dude i no how u feal the funny thing is that guy is telling me about how its a rip off of lock down its called downside v6 but any way yeah today i have some people from mlg gametypes coming to look at it cause alot of the pros say its good and want it in the circuit so yeah big day for me lol but yeah this is really happing
  8. uF HaVoK

    uF HaVoK Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This seems Okay, I mean, I'm not really into the whole tube in the middle of the map, for some reason it just doesn't seem right to me, sorry, but the bases on the outside seem good.

  9. CC Pybus

    CC Pybus Ancient
    Senior Member

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    You can obviously geo-merge and interlock and make good maps, but, again I can see that you have simply opened up MLG Amplified and editied parts, you have not given credit, therefore this is map stealing. The fence walls blocking of the map are exactly like amplified and the walls that lead to the top A side are clearly taken from Amplified. Make your own maps jeez.
    #9 CC Pybus, Mar 5, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2009
  10. MultiLockOn

    MultiLockOn Ancient
    Forge Critic Banned Senior Member

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    well its well made, ill give you that. However, other than the central structure, I dont see anything too original about your map. Everything is polished aesthetically I mean (as far as can tell from screenshots) but I think how your going tog et most of your downloads it through that central tunnel.
  11. SitarHero980

    SitarHero980 Ancient
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    This is just MLG Amplified with a modded center piece
  12. On The Flip Side

    Senior Member

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    thanks dude u gave a good review about the map hey i was also thinking that maybe i should take a couple parts out of the middle maybe u can help me add FT Yshlaw please maybe we can work on maps toghter i do have mythic map pack ok
  13. On The Flip Side

    Senior Member

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    this looks

    dude if u ever took the ****ing time to look at amplified it dosent look anything like it and for the other guy that does nothing but critisise my map will u please jus shuttttttttttt theeeeeee ****kkkkkkk upppppppp nobody cares for ur opinions if bungie looked at this they wouldnt complain about stupid **** of me taking the wall and the walkway is so easy to make i made that by the way so yeah how about u make a map and let me critisise every little thing u did rong if u going to critisise my map u could at least try to somthing nice about it maybe u have anger issues or somthing but dont take it out on me got it
  14. On The Flip Side

    Senior Member

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    so it looks like people r not replying to the messages any more its good in a way why dont u guys try to say something about the map even if its only the name jus try
  15. BunN eeE

    BunN eeE Ancient
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    Honestly, you have no clue how fed up I am with the same layout, and basic idea for every single Foundry MLG Map out there. They all have the ramps on the side, a top mid, and two bases. There just isn't anything new made out there. Unless you can achieve a difference in the layout, looks, and game-play that [MLG] Onslaught, Amplified, and Lockdown have between each other, don't even bother making a 'remake' of these maps adding your own little tweak to one of them.
    Yet again this map can't be all bad. I like the top mid idea you have, but it would seem way too overpowered during the game. I also would like to add that you used the Amplified Pink ramps.
    To leave on a somewhat good note, I give this map a 3/5.
  16. On The Flip Side

    Senior Member

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    im going to show u a new foundry map layout map and u will **** ur self cause its just that awsome so when u see another map made by me it should have the new layout and gameplay
  17. HezbollaHector

    HezbollaHector Ancient
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    Sounds like bullshit to me, i can see youve stolen parts from amp and your other map has parts stolen from lockdown.

    Im pretty familiar with mlgpro forum users and im know the majority of the big forgers on there pretty well so im curious as to who has told you that they want this in the circuit. I really doubt it was anyone well known on there or who has any idea what theyre talking about.

    The map doesnt even come close to circuit material, not only is it just your plain and simple 2 base but youve also stolen parts of amp and its fairly messy.
  18. oX Arson Xo

    oX Arson Xo Ancient
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    dont you get into **** for stealing peoples maps without giving credit? most of this map is blatantly taken from MLG Amp, just wish this iliterate ass hole would stop lying.
    and LMAO about this map getting tested for the circuit, its not even that good since most of its stolen.
    and please dude, use periods its annoying as fk trying to read your posts when you dont use them.
  19. On The Flip Side

    Senior Member

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    u no the funny thing is this kid is dumer than a boxx look first of all my map looks nothing like amplified ill admidit i like amplifieds purple walkway so i mad my own but everything else i made from scratch maybe u should take a nother look at the map u dumb ass and i no u cant get in trouble for using an idea u no what else is funny he tells me ok i copied amlified well at least i didnt copy midship u ****ing dushbag maybe u should get ur own ideas instead of copying other peoples so yeah i told u that it was not hard to judge but yeah for anybody that looks at this map its nothing lik ****ing amlifie jez if u think it is go look at amlified again then make shur u look at it very closely than u maybe can comment on my map
  20. HezbollaHector

    HezbollaHector Ancient
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    Would someone please ban this kid? All he does is post maps that arent mlg and steal parts of real mlg maps and then when he gets called out on it he freaks out on everyone.

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